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Advanced Boiler Control for Biomass/Solid Fuel Boilers

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1 Advanced Boiler Control for Biomass/Solid Fuel Boilers
For improved boiler stability and safety, fuel cost efficiency, and environmental compliance, using Advanced Control and Optimization Strategies and implemented in existing DCSs. Woodfeeders Short-term Combustion Long-term Combustion 0 h 24 h Simultaneously Reduces Fuel Costs and Emissions (Particulates, CO2). Advanced Control of Combustion Air and Gas, Steam Drum Level, and Header Pressure. Optimization for Multi-Fuel Firing, Air-Fuel Ratios, and Air Distribution. Combustion Rate Model. Boiler Master with Load Allocation and Comprehensive Constraint Control. Burner Management and Optimization. Chemical Recovery Boiler Throughput, Consumed Air, and Air Distribution Optimization. Active Control of the Solid Fuel Distribution on the Grate. Grate Cleaning and Restart Optimization. Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 1 1

2 Advanced Boiler Control
Harmac No.9 Power Boiler Hog steam was increased by 60 kpph (180 -> 240 kpph, with a 450 kpph MCR, with hog fuel moisture of 57 %, resulting in a reduction of 15 barrels of oil per hour – from 35 barrels per hour) Port Townsend Paper No.10 Power Boiler During a manual trial, the ABC technology increased the hog steam by 70 kpph (140 -> 210 kpph, with a 250 kpph MCR, with hog fuel moisture of 56 %, resulting in the removal of all 17.5 barrels of oil per hour). During another trial, the particulate matter emissions were reduced by 40% (from the permitted value) during the same hog fuel firing rate. Port Angeles No.8 Power Boiler During a manual trial, the ABC technology increased the hog steam by 30 kpph (70 -> 100 kpph, with a 120 kpph MCR, with hog fuel moisture of 60 %, resulting in the removal of all 8 barrels of oil per hour was removed). Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 2 2

3 Multi-Fuel Boiler Model and Simulator
for off-line control strategy testing, tuning, checkout, optimization, and for operator training Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 3 3

4 Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 4
Multi-Fuel Boiler Model and Simulator – First Principles and Empirical Data Model Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 4 4

5 Biomass / Solid Waste - Fuel Boiler Control Loops
Combustion Rate Model Boiler Master / Load Allocation FDS Pressure Setpoint Furnace Pressure Setpoint Boiler Steam Temperature Setpoint Steam Drum Level Superheater Steam Temperature Primary Fuel Master Auxiliary Fuel Master FD Supply Pressure Furnace Pressure Auxiliary Air-Fuel Ratio Primary Fuel Feeders Feedwater Flow Valve Attemperator Flow Valve FD Fan Damper Positioner ID Fan Damper Positioner Primary Air-Fuel Ratio Burner Management and Optimization Feeder Profiling FD Fan Speed Controller ID Fan Speed Controller Primary / Secondary Distribution Auxiliary Air 1 Lead/Lag Auxiliary Air 2 Lead/Lag Feeder Distributors Auxiliary Air 1 Mass Flow Auxiliary Fuel Mass Flow Auxiliary Air 2 Mass Flow OF1/2 Damper Positioners Feeder Distributor Speed Controllers UG1/2 Damper Positioners Feeder Speed Controllers AA1 Damper Positioner Auxiliary Fuel Valve AA2 Damper Positioner Auxiliary Fuel Burners Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 5 5

6 ABC Control System Response to a Load Change
Load Change: 3 minutes ramp down from 100% to 50%, remain at 50% for 5 minutes, ramp up to 100% in 3 minutes. Steam Drum Level Control: Setpoint is load dependent (high/low level – high/low load). Header Pressure Control: Setpoint is load dependent (low/high pressure – high/low load). Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 6 6

7 Combustion Rate Model – Load Variation - Power Boiler Scenario - No Fuel Variation
CRM Inputs (18) and CRM Outputs (bottom right : Auxiliary Fuel Combustion, Primary Fuel Combustion). All ABC Loops are active. Steam Drum Level Control and Header Pressure Control are load dependent . CRM - Primary Fuel Combustion (bottom right) confirms that there is no Fuel Variation. Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 7 7

8 Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc. Slide 8
Combustion Rate Model – Power Boiler Scenario - Load Variation and Fuel Variation CRM Inputs (18) and CRM Outputs (bottom right : Auxiliary Fuel Combustion, Primary Fuel Combustion). All ABC Loops are active. Steam Drum Level Control and Header Pressure Control are load dependent . CRM - Primary Fuel Combustion (bottom right) confirms that there is Fuel Variation. Advanced Boiler Control CIMExcel Software Inc Slide 8 8

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