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Surry 2010 Fall Outage Gravel Neck Processing Wayne Croshaw Processing Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Surry 2010 Fall Outage Gravel Neck Processing Wayne Croshaw Processing Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surry 2010 Fall Outage Gravel Neck Processing Wayne Croshaw Processing Coordinator

2 Processing Goals n n Centralize our efforts by increasing speed, efficiency and productivity. n n Maintain our customer focus. n n Maintain a cooperative, collaborative relationship with vendors emphasizing mutual trust and respect while preparing the supplemental work force for the nuclear work environment.

3 Process Overview n n Processing begins with a site orientation at 6:00 a.m. The orientation is mandated by station management and must be attended by all vendor personnel. n n Vendors who miss orientation will be required to complete it the next business day. n n Vendors will stage for orientation in the multi-purpose building directly behind the new Processing Center. After orientation, small groups will proceed to the Processing Center for check in. n n Food service and vending will be available at Gravel Neck. All purchases require cash.

4 Processing Overview Processing Overview n n Processing Begins: at 7:00 a.m. following the. 6:00 a.m. Mandatory Orientation as determined by Site Management n n Parking: All personnel reporting to Gravel Neck may park at the Gravel Neck facility in designated areas. The outer lot will be utilized for contingency and spill over parking. n n Personnel Completing Requirements at Gravel Neck will report on site at Surry for additional requirements such as hand geometry, TLD issuance. n n Vendors are expected to cooperate fully by moving expeditiously through the process, completing all requirements in an efficient and professional manner. Full cooperation is expected and appreciated.

5 Processing Specifics n n Processing Operations Begin: 09/27/10 n n DZ Atlantic Arrive Time: 0500 hours n n All Other Vendor Personnel Arrive: by 6:00 a.m. n n Mandatory Orientation: Begins: 6:00 a.m. Processing Begins at 7:00a.m. Processing schedule: 10 hours. n n Site parking at the construction site only. n n Site Representatives will be informed when badges are printed. Supplemental personnel may not report to the Processing Center unless notified of badge readiness.

6 Processing Requirements Processing Requirements n n Valid non-expired government issued photo identification required for processing. n n Gravel Neck site badges will be issued and must be worn at all times while on site. n n Vendors are not permitted to leave site after check in. n n Vendors requiring respirator are expected to arrive with physicals updated. n n New Fatigue/Work Hour Rule: Supplemental personnel arriving for outage processing are expected to arrive Fit for Duty. Personnel who present with indications of fatigue or impairment for any cause will not process that business day.

7 Processing Requirements (con’t) n n Companies must advise the Processing Center (in advance) when altering projections, or substituting personnel. Dominion Site Representatives should be aware of and approve all changes. n n Vendors must pass medical screening and be medically Fit for Duty.

8 Professional Standards n n Personnel are not permitted to access Gravel Neck’s Gas Fired complex. n n Supplemental personnel are expected to conduct and present themselves professionally and (conduct, behavior, dress, appearance) in a manner consistent with the Nuclear Professional Code of Conduct.

9 FFD Requirements FFD Requirements n Five hour abstinence rule means that anyone consuming any performance impairing substance within five hours of reporting violates the FFD rule. n Personnel are expected to self assess for the following factors prior to processing or commencement of duties: 1. Mental Stress, Fatigue, Illness 2. Use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs 3. Personnel are expected to self report any conditions or impairment from fatigue, or any cause that could adversely impact the ability to perform duties safely and competently. Individual Responsibility. 4. New Work Hour rule in effect. Work hours are controlled for covered work activities. Fatigue assessments apply to everyone badged for unescorted access.

10 New FFD Rule-Training n FFD training module requires a stand alone minimum passing score of 80% n Remedial training required for those who fail to answer at 80% proficiency. n Individuals who fail to properly implement FFD program procedures will be subject to remedial training. (May impact UAA status) n Zero Tolerance expectation. n Supplemental personnel are expected to fully disclose impairing prescription drugs and legal actions.

11 FFD Rule Drug & Alcohol Testing n Many new alcoholic beverages are being marketed as Energy Drinks. n They are made to appear as regular Energy Drinks, but often contain 6% to 12% alcohol. n Many of these drinks contain more alcohol by volume than a typical beer. n Alcoholic Drinks must specify alcohol content and have a warning on the can or bottle. n These drinks are not allowed on site due to the alcohol content. Consumption should be under the same FFD Guidelines as any other alcoholic beverage.

12 FFD Rule Drug & Alcohol Testing FFD Rule Drug & Alcohol Testing n Alcohol now detected at.02 percent BAC. n If alcohol is detected at less than.02 BAC, the result of the test is negative, but site access may be impacted. n Confirmatory testing for alcohol will be tested at.02 or higher. n Confirmed Positive Test is declared when: 1..04 percent BAC or higher 2..03 percent BAC, donor at work for 1 hour at time of test (including breaks, rest, lunch, doctor/dental) 3..02 percent BAC or higher, donor at work for 2 hours 4. Being Fit for Duty is paramount to safe plant operation!

13 FFD Behavior Observation n Behavior Observation is the responsibility of every nuclear worker. n All personnel must report known violations of the FFD program to management and FFD program personnel. Example: A worker observes a coworker in an impaired condition consuming alcohol while performing work. n Behavior that compromises the integrity of the FFD program, and jeopardizes safety and security must be reported. n Failure to report known violations constitutes a violation of the FFD program and will result in revocation of unescorted access.

14 Questions or Concerns? n n Please contact the Processing Center for further information regarding Fall 2010 Outage Processing activity at Gravel Neck. Surry Processing Center:   Wayne Croshaw: 757-365-2777   Donna Mason: 757-365-2825   Eva Livesay: 757-365-2351

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