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GIS Integrated Analytics for Preventive Maintenance and Storm Response Presenter: John Lauletta, CEO/CTO Sr. Member, IEEE.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS Integrated Analytics for Preventive Maintenance and Storm Response Presenter: John Lauletta, CEO/CTO Sr. Member, IEEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS Integrated Analytics for Preventive Maintenance and Storm Response Presenter: John Lauletta, CEO/CTO Sr. Member, IEEE

2 Preventive Maintenance Decision Process Budget Circuit Performance

3 Non Storm-Related Outages on the Electric Distribution System Trees / Vegetation 32% Animal Contact 18% Miscellaneous 19% Equipment Failure 31% Source: U.S. DOE

4 Preventive Maintenance Decision Process Grid Design Asset Health Connectivity Budget Circuit Performance Optimized Maintenance PREDICTIVE (PdM) Vegetation Mgmt.

5 Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Predictive Maintenance is based upon knowing the condition of equipment in a system. Predictive Maintenance means using technologies that tell us what will fail in the future, not what is failing right now. Predictions come from monitoring the condition of equipment as it is operating. Visual Detection Infrared Detection Ultrasonic Emission Detection RF Emission Detection There are many benefits to conditions- based maintenance including lowering cost, improving system performance and enhancing worker safety. But, how can the condition of all the equipment on the grid be measured? Measuring the Condition of the Grid  Here are some ways to measure equipment condition. 

6  Based in Columbus, OH  US Strategic Partners:  Int’l Alliance Partners – Australia, Mexico, Canada  2 US Patents, 7 Int’l Patents  2 million+ Poles Surveyed  3 rd Party Validation – U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) – Nat’l Elec. Testing Lab (NETL) – The Ohio State University Exacter, Inc. Provides: Grid Condition Assessment for Improved System Resiliency and Reliability

7 Initial Research 2004 to 2006 Advanced Research Coninues Research Facilities The Ohio State University High Voltage Laboratory

8 Test Fixtures Two views of the test setup Surge Arrester Being Studied

9 Lab Workstation EXACTER® Sensor Research AnalyticsFaraday Cage

10 Exacter Acquisition and Analysis Process Data Acquisition & Discrimination Data Analysis Actionable Information RF emissions from arcing (deteriorated) electrical components Exacter sensor in vehicle/aircraft collects the signals and then discriminates and GPS locates arcing, tracking and leaking electrical components Data analyzed for severity, persistence and prevalence, enabling: Exact locating of failing component Replacement prioritization Precise GPS coordinates and relevant condition- data transmitted to servers for final statistical geospatial analysis Reports and GIS compatible information provided to customer

11 The Need: DOE Smart Grid Project Example

12 Condition Assessment: Select Circuits and Design Survey Following the selection of circuits to be included in the assessment, Exacter Data Specialists design specific survey routes using public access roadways. The EXACTER Sensor is sensitive in a 200 meter radius from the vehicle.

13 Survey Quality Control Condition Assessment: Monitor Survey Progress While the survey is underway, the path of the survey vehicle, the WHITE trace, is monitored to insure that the circuits being assessed are completely studied. Accuracy of results is improved by multiple passes of the same route over a four week period. While the survey is underway, the path of the survey vehicle, the WHITE trace, is monitored to insure that the circuits being assessed are completely studied. Accuracy of results is improved by multiple passes of the same route over a four week period.

14 Condition Assessment: Real-time Failure Signature Analysis Whenever the EXACTER Sensor locates a line emission that correlates to a Failure Signature a real-time study is completed. The 986 RED markers show all of the studies from the four-week survey process.

15 Condition Assessment: EXACTER Condition Assessment Results The 986 RED Failure Signature Events are studied by EXACTER Servers to create this result: 25 BLUE Maintenance Groups where a structure includes at least one weakened component.

16 Analytical Process to Locate Deteriorated Equipment

17 Calculates coordinates of a circle which is centered about a point on the globe Difficult cone-sphere intersection problem Adopted a method described in The Journal of Applied Meteorology by I. Ruff in 1971 Calculates coordinates of a circle which is centered about a point on the globe Difficult cone-sphere intersection problem Adopted a method described in The Journal of Applied Meteorology by I. Ruff in 1971 Internal Algorithms: Geographic Circle Calculation

18 Transmission Equipment Deterioration Aerial Surveys

19 Prioritized Maintenance Action: Select Equipment to Replace Specific component(s) that are arcing, leaking or tracking on those structures that have been prioritized for repair are identified. Photographs, Maps, Reports, and GIS Files are provided. Specific component(s) that are arcing, leaking or tracking on those structures that have been prioritized for repair are identified. Photographs, Maps, Reports, and GIS Files are provided. GIS.SHP File GIS.SHP File

20 Example: Project Design Projects are designed with utility data to create an optimized price/benefit result Utilities: – Set Goals – Perform Maintenance – Measure Results Predictive Based Maintenance

21 Example: Prioritized Worst Performing Circuit (WPC) Improvement Program 73% of Total CMI – 1,904 miles (32%) CMI Result of Current Programs

22 Sum of All Customer Interruption Durations Total Number of Customers Served SAIDI 71.18 61.33 63.92 23.38 Aggregate Customer Experience IEEE 1366

23 Total # of Customer Interruptions Total Number of Customers Served SAIFI 1.52 1.48 1.53 1.03 Aggregate Customer Experience

24 Sum of All Customer Interruptions Total Number of Customer Interruptions CAIDI Aggregate Customer Experience 46.73 41.32 41.90 22.78 Relatively No Change in the Customer Experience

25 Non Storm-Related Outages on the Electric Distribution System Trees / Vegetation 32% Animal Contact 18% Miscellaneous 19% Equipment Failure 31% Source: U.S. DOE

26 Flat Response = Challenges & Opportunities


28 Target Performance

29 Top Decile 20 Years of Design Excellence

30 SAIDI Focus O&M – Workforce Deployment

31 SAIFI Focus Capital Intensive Programs

32 Typical Strategies Tree Trimming AutomationAutomation AutomationAutomation 60% – 70% Out of ROW

33 Replace Deteriorated Equipment Tree Trimming AutomationAutomation AutomationAutomation Predictive Equipment Maintenance

34 What is The Strategy to Improve? How Good Is Good Enough? SAIDI (CMI) SAIFI (Number of outages) CAIDI (CMI) CEMI (Number of outages) Targeted Performance: 1st Quartile or Decile Stay Ahead of the Bear

35 What is Urgent and Important?

36 Informed Maintenance Decisions CMI (100,000)

37 Optimized Selection CMI (100,000)

38 Circuit Connectivity 1,000 Customers CMI 1 = CMI 2 120 Customers Circuit 1 Circuit 2

39 Circuit Physical Design 9 miles of OH1 mile of UG 9 miles of UG 1 mile of OH CMI 1 = CMI 2 Circuit 1 Circuit 2

40 Circuit Critical Connectivity 100 Customers CMI 1 = CMI 2 Circuit 1 Circuit 2

41 Grid Operation Importance Smart Grid Control element Residential Distribution CMI 1 = CMI 2 Circuit 1 Circuit 2

42 CMI Reduction Project

43 Preventive Maintenance Decision Process Budget Circuit Performance

44 Preventive Maintenance Customer Complaints

45 Improved Measurements  Effective Results Lift Opportunity To Lower O&M Expense

46 Preventive Maintenance Decision Process Grid Design Asset Health Critical Load Connectivity Budget Circuit Performance Optimized Maintenance PREDICTIVE (PdM)

47 Optimized Maintenance

48 Deteriorated Equipment Impact on Grid Resiliency 1. THE GRID IS OLD—AND IT'S ONLY MAKING MATTERS WORSE According to the DOE report: "70% of the grid’s transmission lines and power transformers are now over 25 years old and the average age of power plants is over 30 years." As a result, "the age of the grid’s components has contributed to an increased incidence of weather-related power outages.“... Utility Dive

49 Storm Influence on Transmission

50 Storm Impact on Reliability

51 Predictive Analytics  Effective Conditions-based Maintenance Long Term Improvement in Reliability – Measurable – Documented – Repeatable Additional Value – GIS Data – OMS Systems – Software Complete Solution – Vegetation – Asset Data Collection – Condition Assessment – Predictive Maintenance CONFIDENTIAL

52 Questions? @EXACTERINC

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