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Protozoan and Algae Lab By: Paige Weist and Jessie Setlock.

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Presentation on theme: "Protozoan and Algae Lab By: Paige Weist and Jessie Setlock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protozoan and Algae Lab By: Paige Weist and Jessie Setlock

2 Stentor (live) Stentor (prepared) Size: 196 um Phylum: Ciliates Locomotion: cilia Size: 206 um Phylum: ciliates Locomotion:cilia cilia macronucleus micronucleus cilia

3 Amoeba (live) Size: 311 um Phylum: Sarcodine Locomotion: pseudopods Amoeba (prepared) Size: 172 um Phylum: Sarcodine Locomotion: pseudopodsd pseudopod nucleus Contractile vacuole pseudopod

4 Amoeba Video Speed:.000005749 mi/hr

5 Paramecium (live) Paramecium (prepared) Size:43 um Phylum: Ciliate Locomotion: Cilia Size: 178 um Phylum: Ciliate Locomotion: Cilia macronucleus Micronucleus (behind the box) cilia macronucleus micronucleus Contractile vacuole cilia

6 Paramecium Video Speed: 0.001856657 mi/hr

7 Spirostonium (live) Size: 238 um Phylum: Ciliate Locomotion: cilia cilia Food vacuole Contractile vacuole

8 Euglena (live) Euglena (prepared) Size: 173 um Phylum: Euglenaphyta Locomotion: flagellum Size: 65 um Phylum: Euglenophyta Locomotion: flagellum nucleus flagellum

9 Euglena Video Speed: 0.001610591 mi/hr

10 Volvox (live) Volvox (prepared) Size: 186 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigment: Chlorophyll a and b Size: 62 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigment: chlorophyll a and b flagella Daughter colonies Vegetative cells flagella

11 Nostoc (live) Size: 290 um Phylum: cyanobacteria Locomotion: secretion of mucilage, gliding Pigment: chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and phycoerythin heterocyst

12 Chlamydomonas (live) Chlamydomonas (prepared) Size:195 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: 2 flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b Size: 220 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: 2 flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b flagella

13 Navicula (live) Size : 175 um Phylum: Diatom Locomotion: a type of gliding motility Pigments: photosynthetic brown pigment nucleus

14 Oedogonium (live) Oedogonium (prepared) Size: 215 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b Size : 71 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b oogonium Zygote in oogonium Young oogonium antheridium

15 Anabaena (live) Size: 183 um Phylum: Cyanobacteria Locomotion: secretion of mucilage, gliding Pigments: chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and phycoerythin akinete heterocyst

16 Spirogyra (live) Spirogyra (prepared) Size : 202 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b Size:190 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b chloroplasts Cell wall nucleus

17 Peridinium (live) Size: 174 um Phylum: Dinoflagellates Locomotion: flagellates Pigments: chlorophylls a, c 1 and c 2 and the carotenoids: fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, an unidentified fucoxanthin-like xanthophyll, β-carotene, γ-carotene and astaxanthin nucleus flagella

18 Sphacelaria (live) Size: 297 um Phylum: Brown Algae Locomotion: none Pigments: chlorophyll a, c, and fucoxanthin Cell wall chloroplasts

19 Callithamnion (live) Size: 203 um Phylum: Red Algae Locomotion: none Pigments: Chlorophyll a and phycobilins phycobilins Cell wall

20 Trypanosome (prepared) Size: 217 um Phylum: Euglenophyta Locomotion: flagella nucleus flagella

21 Giardia (prepared) Size: 191 um Phylum: metamonada Locomotion: flagella nuclei flagellum

22 Vorticella (prepared) Size: 173 um Phylum: Ciliate Locomotion: Cilia nucleus cilia

23 Radiolaria (prepared) Size: 203 um Phylum: Sarcodine Locomotion: pseudopods nucleus pseudopods

24 Desmids (prepared) Size: 170 um Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: flagella Pigments: chlorophyll a and b flagella nucleus

25 Plasmodium (prepared) Size: 241 um Phylum: Apicomplexa Locomotion: flagella flagella

26 Leishmania (prepared) Size: 25 um Phylum: Euglenophyta Locomotion: flagella nucleus flagella

27 Trichomonas (prepared) Size: 16 um Phylum: Metamonada Locomotion: flagella nucleus flagella

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