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Security Analysis and Improvements for IEEE 802.11i
Changhua He, John C Mitchell Stanford University
Acronym List CCMP: Counter-mode/CBC-MAC Protocol
RSNA: Robust Security Network Association RSN IE: RSN Information Element PTK: Pairwise Transient Key GTK: Group Transient Key TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol PSK: Pre-Shared Key MIC: Message Integrity Code
Outline Wireless Threat Models IEEE 802.11i Attacks and Solutions
Possible threats and their practicality in wireless networks IEEE i Data Confidentiality & Integrity: CCMP Mutual Authentication: RSNA Establishment Procedure Availability: not an original design objective, problematic Attacks and Solutions On Authentication: Security level rollback, reflection attack On Availability: Michael countermeasure attack, RSN IE poisoning, 4-Way Handshake blocking Failure Recovery and improved i Conclusions
Wireless Threats Passive Eavesdropping/Traffic Analysis
Easy, most wireless NICs have promiscuous mode Message Injection/Active Eavesdropping Easy, some techniques to gen. any packet with common NIC Message Deletion and Interception Possible, interfere packet reception with directional antennas Masquerading and Malicious AP Easy, MAC address forgeable and s/w available (HostAP) Session Hijacking Man-in-the-Middle Denial-of-Service: cost related evaluation In cryptography, a man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack in which an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromised. The attacker must be able to observe and intercept messages going between the two victims. The MITM attack is particularly applicable to the original Diffie- Hellman key exchange protocol, when used without authentication. Session hijacking is the act of taking control of a user session after successfully obtaining or generating an authentication session ID. Session hijacking involves an attacker using captured, brute forced or reverse-engineered session IDs to seize control of a legitimate user's Web application session while that session is still in progress. HTTP is stateless, so application designers had to develop a way to track the state between multiple connections from the same user, instead of requesting the user to authenticate upon each click in a Web application. A session is a series of interactions between two communication end points that occurs during the span of a single connection. When a user logs into an application a session is created on the server in order to maintain the state for other requests originating from the same user. Applications use sessions to store parameters which are relevant to the user. The session is kept "alive" on the server as long as the user is logged on to the system. The session is destroyed when the user logs-out from the system or after a predefined period of inactivity. When the session is destroyed, the user's data should also be deleted from the allocated memory space.
IEEE 802.11a/b/g WEP Weakness in WEP
Key (IV (24) + shared key (40 or 104)) Encryption algorithm: RC4 Data integrity: ICV (Integrity Check Value), which is linear and un-keyed function of the message. Open system (no authentication) Shared key authentication (challenge response handshake) Weakness in WEP Key scheduling problem due to the short IV. Weak one direction authentication. No protection mechanism (such as timestamp, nonce) against replay attack. A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. This is carried out either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data and retransmits it, possibly as part of a masquerade attack.
WPA: a interim solution
WPA (Wi-Fi protected Access) Data integrity: TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) using key mixing function and IV space extension. A weak keyed MIC (Message Integrity Code) is introduced to improve the ICV. Monotonically increasing sequence number to prevent replay attacks. Two more authentication schemes PSK (Pre-Shared Key) to authenticate peers. Besides, based on PSK, 128 bit encryption key and 64 bit MIC key can be generated. IEEE 802.1X+EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) is stronger. A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. This is carried out either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data and retransmits it, possibly as part of a masquerade attack.
Is WPA good enough? It seems that WPA patches every vulnerabilities in WEP. Weakness is predestined since WPA wants to re-use the legacy hardware: TKIP’s key mixing function is not strong as expected. Whole security is broken for the duration of a Temporal Key if two per-packet keys with the same IV32. It is possible to find the MIC key given one per-packet key. 802.1x still vulnerable to session hijacking and man-in-the-middle attack. Long term solution: IEEE i A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. This is carried out either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data and retransmits it, possibly as part of a masquerade attack.
IEEE i Ratified on June 24, 2004. Proposed to provide enhanced MAC layer security. Data confidentiality and integrity Encryption in Link Layer WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol CCMP: Counter-mode/CBC-MAC Protocol Mutual authentication RSNA: Robust Security Network Association EAP-TLS/802.1X/RADIUS Key management: 4-Way handshake, Group key handshake, etc. Availability not an original design objective Some real vulnerabilities exist Why not PHY layer or IP and above layer? It is hard to do it in PHY layer because it requires significant modifications of current PHY. Proposed solutions include proper antenna selecting and positioning, RF firewall architecture. IP and above layer makes network more complicated. More importantly, it beaks the fact that is for MAC and below layers. Practical question, station needs to gain partly access before any application layer authentication can be initiated.
RSNA Establishment Procedures
Through these handshakes, the supplicant and the authenticator mutually authenticate each other and establish a secure session for data transmissions.
802.11i: Confidentiality & Integrity
WEP, TKIP for backward compatibility (802.11a/b/g) CCMP: long-term solution AES: 128-bit key, 128-bit block, Counter mode + CBC-MAC 48-bit Packet Number for replay prevention Use the same key for both Encryption and MIC Counter and init. vector not overlap better to use different key for different purpose Message Integrity Code or MIC is used to refer to a cryptographic checksum used in the handshaking process. This is equivalent to what is often referred to as a MAC or Message Authentication Code. The acronym MAC stands for Media Access Control in networking. With a fresh key, i CCMP is believed secure for confidentiality and integrity !
802.11i: Mutual Authentication
RSNA Establishment Procedures Network and Security Capability Discovery Open System Authentication and Association EAP/802.1X/RADIUS Authentication 4-Way Handshake Group Key Handshake Secure Data Communications RSNA security analysis gives: can provide satisfactory authentication and key management could be problematic in Transient Security Networks (TSN) reflection attack could be possible if not implemented correctly
RSNA Conversations 4-Way Handshake Supplicant Auth/Assoc
802.1X UnBlocked PTK/GTK Authenticator Auth/Assoc Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) No Key Group Key Handshake Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X UnBlocked New GTK Authenticator Auth/Assoc Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) No Key MSK Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X Blocked PMK Authenticator Auth/Assoc Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) No Key Data Communication Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X UnBlocked PTK/GTK Authenticator Auth/Assoc Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) No Key EAP/802.1X/RADIUS Authentication Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X Blocked MSK Authenticator Auth/Assoc No Key Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) Supplicant UnAuth/UnAssoc 802.1X Blocked No Key Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X Blocked No Key Authenticator Auth/Assoc Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) Association Authenticator UnAuth/UnAssoc 802.1X Blocked No Key Authentica-tion Server (RADIUS) No Key
Outline Wireless Threat Models IEEE 802.11i Attacks and Solutions
On Authentication: 1. Security level rollback 2. reflection attack On Availability: 3. Michael countermeasure attack 4. RSN IE poisoning 5. 4-Way Handshake blocking Failure Recovery and improved i Conclusions
Security Level Rollback Attack
Supplicant RSNA enabled Pre-RSNA enabled Authenticator RSNA enabled Pre-RSNA enabled Bogus Beacon (Pre-RSNA only) Beacon + AA RSN IE Probe Request Bogus Probe Response (Pre-RSNA only) Probe Response + AA RSN IE Authentication Request Authentication Response Bogus Association Request (Pre-RSNA only) Association Request + SPA RSN IE Association Response Pre-RSNA Connections
Security Rollback: solutions
Security Level Rollback Attack Similar to general version-rollback attack Destroy the security since WEP is completely insecure Not a real vulnerability of i standard, but an implementation problem of TSN Very possible mistake for transparency requirement Solutions Allow only RSNA connections: secure, but too strict for common network systems, where TSN is more convenient Adopt both, supplicant manually choose to deny or accept a connection, authenticator restrict pre-RSNA (WEP) connections to only insensitive data
Reflection Attack Adversary Impersonates Communicating Peers
Legitimate Devices Authenticator and Supplicant {A1, Nonce1, sn, msg1} {A2, Nonce1, sn, msg1} {A1, Nonce2, RSN IE, sn, msg2, MIC} {A2, Nonce2, RSN IE, sn, msg2, MIC} {A1, Nonce1, RSN IE, GTK, sn+1, msg3, MIC} {A2, Nonce1, RSN IE, GTK, sn+1, msg3, MIC} {A1, sn+1, msg4, MIC} {SPA, sn+1, msg4, MIC} Bogus Authentication Peers Authenticated
Reflection Attack: Solutions
Possible in ad hoc networks Each participant plays the role of both authenticator and supplicant Violate the mutual authentication concept Less damage if strong confidentiality adopted Adversary fool the peers to send packets Cannot decrypt the packet and generate response Solutions: Restrict each participant to play only one role: ok for WLAN, but inappropriate for ad hoc networks Each participant play both roles, but under different PMK
802.11i: Availability Not an original design objective
Physical Layer DoS attack Inevitable but expensive and detectable Network and upper Layer DoS attack Depend on protocols, not our focus Link Layer DoS attack Flooding attack: could be detected and located Some Known DoS attacks on networks DoS attack on Michael countermeasure in TKIP RSN IE Poisoning/Spoofing 4-Way Handshake Blocking
Known DoS attacks and Solutions
DoS attacks on plain networks Forge unprotected management frames, like Deauthentication/Disassociation frame Exploit virtual carrier sense mechanism by forging unprotected control frames, like RTS/CTS etc. 802.11i still has these problems, solutions could be Authenticate management frames Validate virtual carrier sense in control frames DoS attacks on EAP messages Forge EAPOL-Start, EAPOL-Success, EAPOL-Logoff, EAPOL-Failure 802.11i can eliminate these by simply ignoring them ! Send more than 255 association request to exhaust the EAP identifier space (8 bits) Adopt separate EAP identifier counter for each association
Michael Countermeasure
TKIP Michael algorithm and countermeasures Message Integrity Code (MIC), provide 20-bit security one successful forgery / 2 min., need countermeasures Cease communication for 60 sec. if two Michael MIC failures detected in one minute, re-key & deauthentication Limit to one successful forgery / 6 month Check order: FCS < ICV < TSC < MIC Update TSC unless MIC is validated MAC IV/KeyID TKIP MPDU Format Ext. IV Data/MSDU MIC ICV FCS Encrypted Contains TSC
Michael DoS and Solutions
DoS attack through MIC failures Intercept a packet with valid TSC (possible) Modify packet and corresponding values of FCS, ICV (easy) Send modified packet twice in one minute (easy) MIC always invalid, TSC always valid Solutions When MIC failure, cease communication only, no re-keying and deauthentication Update TSC before MIC is validated What happens if modify TSC to extremely large number? Change TSC also change encryption key, wrong decryption Some confidence on TKIP key schedule algorithm Mitigation but not elimination
RSN IE Poisoning Supplicant Unauthenticated Unassociated
802.1X Blocked Authenticator Unauthenticated Unassociated 802.1X Blocked (1) Beacon + AA RSN IE Bogus Beacon + Modified RSN IE (2) Probe Request (3) Probe Response + AA RSN IE Bogus Probe Response + Modified RSN IE Legitimate Message Exchanges (18) {AA, ANonce, AA RSN IE, GTK, sn+1, msg3, MIC} RSN IE confirmation failed, Disassociation Disassociate the Supplicant
RSN IE Poisoning: Solutions
Easy to launch the attack Legitimate participants unaware of it Continue message exchanges, waste resources Adversary have more time to repeat the attack Solutions Authenticate management frames Difficult to authenticate Beacon and Probe Response frame Confirm RSN IE as soon as possible (EAP-TLS) Necessary modifications on the standard Relax the condition of RSN IE confirmation Ignore insignificant bits, only confirm authentication suite If authentication suite modified, probably error at the beginning of associations
4-Way Handshake Blocking
Supplicant Auth/Assoc 802.1X Blocked PMK Authenticator Auth/Assoc 802.1X Blocked PMK AA, ANonce, sn, msg1 PTK Derived SPA, SNonce, SPA RSN IE, sn, msg2, MIC AA, ANonce[1], sn, msg1 PTK Derived Random GTK AA, ANonce[n], sn, msg1 AA, ANonce, AA RSN IE, GTK, sn+1, msg3, MIC SPA, sn+1, msg4, MIC PTK and GTK 802.1X Unblocked PTK and GTK 802.1X Unblocked
4-Way Blocking: Solutions
Random-Drop Queue: not so effective Authenticate Message 1 Make use of the share PMK, but need to modify packet format Re-use supplicant nonce Supplicant re-use SNonce, eliminate memory DoS Performance degradation, more computations in the supplicant Combined solution: Supplicant re-use SNonce Store one entry of received ANonce and derived PTK If ANonce in Message 3 matches the entry, use PTK directly; otherwise derive PTK from Message 3 and use it Eliminate the attack, ensure performance in “friendly” scenarios, only minor modifications on the algorithm
Failure Recovery Important for large protocols like 802.11i
Not affect protocol correctness, but efficiency Not eliminate DoS vulnerabilities, but make DoS more difficult 802.11i adopts a simple scheme Whenever failure, restart from the beginning, inefficient ! Tradeoffs Defensive DoS attack vs Captured DoS attack Assumptions on adversary’s capability and network scenario A better failure recovery for i If failure before 802.1X finishes, restart everything Otherwise restart components from nearest point channel scanning time >> protocol execution time
Improved 802.11i Architecture
Stage 1: Network and Security Capability Discovery Stage 2: 802.1X Authentication (mutual authentication, shared secret, cipher suite) Stage 3: Secure Association (management frames protected) Stage 4: 4-Way Handshake (PMK confirmation, PTK derivation, and GTK distribution) Stage 5: Group Key Handshake Stage 6: Secure Data Communications Michael MIC Failure or Other Security Failures Group Key Handshake Timout 4-Way Handshake Timout Association Failure 802.1X Failure
Conclusions 802.11i provides Some implementation mistakes
Satisfactory data confidentiality & integrity with CCMP Satisfactory mutual authentication & key management Some implementation mistakes Security Level Rollback Attack in TSN Reflection Attack on the 4-Way Handshake Availability is a problem Simple policies can make i robust to some known DoS Possible attack on Michael Countermeasures in TKIP RSN IE Poisoning/Spoofing 4-Way Handshake Blocking Inefficient failure recovery scheme Improved i
Highlight Our Findings
ATTACKS SOLUTIONS security rollback supplicant manually choose security; authenticator restrict pre-RSNA to only insensitive data. reflection attack each participant plays the role of either authenti-cator or supplicant; if both, use different PMKs. attack on Michael countermeasures cease connections for a specific time instead of re-key and deauthentication; update TSC before MIC and after FCS, ICV are validated. RSN IE poisoning Authenticate Beacon and Probe Response frame; Confirm RSN IE in an earlier stage; Relax the condition of RSN IE confirmation. 4-way handshake blocking adopt random-drop queue, not so effective; authenticate Message 1, packet format modified; re-use supplicant nonce, eliminate memory DoS.
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