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Point-to-Point Protocol Semester 4, Chapter 4. PPP and Data Links PPP operates at the Data Link layer. Components of PPP include:  A method for encapsulating.

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Presentation on theme: "Point-to-Point Protocol Semester 4, Chapter 4. PPP and Data Links PPP operates at the Data Link layer. Components of PPP include:  A method for encapsulating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point-to-Point Protocol Semester 4, Chapter 4

2 PPP and Data Links PPP operates at the Data Link layer. Components of PPP include:  A method for encapsulating packets (datagrams) over serial links  The Link Control Protocol (LCP) to establish., maintain, test and terminate the data-link connection  The Network Control Protocol (NCP) to allow simultaneous encapsulation of multiple network layer protocols across the same data-link which is refered to as protocol Multiplexing At the physical layer, PPP can be used across synchronous (e.g., ISDN, leased lines) and asynchronous (e.g., modem dialup) data links.

3 PPP Layer Functions

4 Figure shows that PPP is similar to an HDLC frame. The Protocol field contains the Layer 3 protocol ID. Figure 1 Figure 2

5 PPP Layer Functions Physical Synchronous or asynchronous physical media (Router to Router, or Host to Network) Data Link High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) Network Control Protocol (NCP) (specific to ea. Network layer protocol ex. IPCP, IPXCP) Link Control Protocol (LCP) (Authentication, Compression, MLP, and Call Back)

6 PPP Session Establishment

7 Phases of PPP Establishment PPP goes through four distinct phases to provide communications over point-to- point links 1.Link establishment & configuration negotiation 2.Link quality determination 3.Network-layer protocol configuration negotiation 4.Link termination

8 1. Link Establishment & Configuration Negotiation Link establishment occurs at the data link layer with each PPP device sending LCP packets. The Link Control Protocol packets contain a configuration field for options such as...  MTU  compression  link authentication  MLP  Call back LCP must establish the link before any network layer protocols can be exchanged This phase is completed when a configuration acknowledgement has been sent and received.

9 2. Link-Quality Determination PPP provides optional testing to determine whether the link is good enough to bring up network layer protocols. In addition, if authentication is required it occurs during this phase:  PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)  CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) Authentication occurs before the network layer configuration phase begins.

10 3. Network-Layer Negotiation Once LCP finishes the link-quality phase, network layer protocols can be configured by the appropriate NCP NCPs are sent for each protocol (e.g., IP, IPX, AppleTalk) If LCP terminates the link, it informs NCP so it can take the appropriate action To view the status of LCP and NCP, use the show interfaces command

11 4. Link Termination LCP can terminate the link at any time. Reasons include:  Requested by user (closing internet connection)  Loss of carrier at the physical layer

12 Enabling PPP You enable PPP encapsulation on an interface by using the following command:  Router(config-if)#encapsulation ppp Thus, if you want dial-in hosts on terminal line 2 to use PPP, you would enter the following commands:  RTA(config)#interface async 2 RTA(config-if)#encapsulation ppp Note that the encapsulation command is issued in interface configuration mode, not line configuration mode.

13 Dialup PPP vs. Dialup EXEC Sessions EXEC Sessions: No IP addressing or PPP encapsulation is needed for this type of connection. Data is sent as asynchronous characters. Dialup PPP: a remote host can dial in to an access server and send a Layer 3 protocol packet encapsulated by PPP. This type of connection allows the remote user to access network resources such as file servers and mail servers You can also configure the router's asynchronous interface to automatically select between PPP data sessions and EXEC sessions.

14 Async Interface Commands Enabling this feature requires two steps. First, you must configure the asynchronous interface(s) with the async mode interactive command in interface configuration mode. This command configures the router so that it allows the remote host to choose either a PPP session or an EXEC session. The following example shows how to configure interface async 1:  RTA(config)#interface async 1 RTA(config-if)#encapsulation ppp RTA(config-if)#async mode interactive Second, you must configure the corresponding terminal line(s) with the autoselect ppp command in line configuration mode. To complete the example configuration, you would enter the following commands:  RTA(config)#line 1 RTA(config-line)#autoselect ppp during-login The autoselect command permits the access server to allow an appropriate process to start automatically when a starting character is received. If the start character is a return character, then the access server starts an EXEC session. On the other hand, if the access server recognizes the start character as PPP, SLIP, or ARAP, it will begin a session for whichever protocol it detects. So, if an end user is using a program that sends a PPP frame which has a flag character 7E in hexadecimal (or 01111110 in binary) format, the access server will automatically start a PPP session.

15 Dedicated Mode VS. Interactive Mode

16 Assigning An IP address to The Async Interface and To The Remote User RTA(config)#interface async 1 RTA(config-if)#ip address


18 LCP options 1. Authentication

19 Authentication Authentication, with PAP or CHAP, is used as a security measure with PPP. Authentication allows the dial-up target to identify that any given dialup client is a valid client with a preassigned username and password. If chosen, occurs during the link- quality determination phase. Requires that the calling side of the link Provide authentication information. The two authentication options supported by PPP are:  PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)  CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)

20 PAP Is Not As Good As CHAP Password Authecntication Protocol (PAP):  Passwords are sent across the link in clear text  The remote node is in control of the frequency and timing of the login attempts. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP):  Encryption and Hashing  The access server is in charge of the frequency and timing of the login attempts  Authentication is done upon initial link establishment and may be repeated any time after the link has been established.

21 Configuring PAP Mutual Authentication On each router, define the user name and password to except from the remote router. Enable PPP and PAP on the interface. Lab-A(config)#username Lab-B password class Lab-A(config-if)#encap ppp Lab-A(config-if)#ppp authentication pap Lab-A(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username Lab-A password cisco --------- Lab-B(config)#username Lab-A password cisco Lab-B(config-if)#encap ppp Lab-B(config-if)#ppp authentication pap Lab-B(config-if)#ppp pap sent-username Lab-B password class

22 Configuring CHAP Lab-A(config)#username Lab-B password cisco Lab-A(config-if)#encap ppp Lab-A(config-if)#ppp authentication chap --------- Lab-B(config)#username Lab-A password cisco Lab-B(config-if)#encap ppp Lab-B(config-if)#ppp authentication chap

23 Verifying Authentication To verify that you have PAP or CHAP configured correctly, use the debug features of Cisco’s IOS.  Close all telnet sessions first to return to the original consoled router.  In Privileged Exec. Mode, enter the command… Lab-A#debug ppp authentication  Go to the ppp interface. Shut it down and then bring it back up. You should see PAP or CHAP info come across the link as it comes back up and the routers authenticate each other.

24 LCP options 2. Compression

25 Data Compression PPP can also maximize performance by using data compression, which may provide higher data throughput across low-speed links

26 Data Compression Compression is an option that is negotiated by LCP. So, if the party you are calling is not configured for compression, no compression will take place. Typically, you should only configure compression on low-speed links because the router compresses data using software, which requires router CPU time and memory. Some algorithms are more memory-intensive; others are more CPU-intensive. In either case, the router's ability to route packets is impaired by the drain on its resources. If you frequently transfer already compressed data, such as graphics and video, you need to consider whether you want to set up compression. Trying to compress already compressed data can take longer than transferring the data without compression. Ideally, you can attain a 2:1 or 3:1 compression ratio for information that was not previously compressed. Expect an average of 1.6:1 compression for mixed compressed and uncompressed source data. The ratio for compressed data is 1:1.

27 Compression Types

28 Configuring Compression

29 Verifying Compression

30 Review PPP Main Components

31 PPP Encapsulation  Synchronous and asynchronous  PPP provides error detection

32 Link Control Protocol Establishes, configures, test, and terminate the data link connection. Authenticates the identity of a the peer on the link. Performs data compression Negotiates Options

33 Network Control Protocol Opens, configures, and terminates network layer protocol. Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) is a sub protocol of NCP. IPCP configures IP at the network layer and can negotiate IP address such as using DHCP. Multilink Protocol (MLP) links the LCP and NCP layers.

34 PPP IOS Commands

35 User Control Configuring the router to provide a prompt for entering encapsulation information and an IP address, Or, you can take the prompt away and assign everything by the router

36 Async Mode Dedicated The exec Prompt does not appear The interface will use either SLIP or PPP encapsulation as configured by the network engineer. Example:  Interface Async 4  Async mode dedicated  Encapsulation SLIP

37 Async Mode Interactive Allows SLIP and PPP EXEC commands for the user. Example:  Interface Async 6  Async mode interactive

38 Providing IP address Peer default IP address  The server router gives an IP address to the client.  Example: Interface async 1 Peer default IP-address

39 Pooling Local A set of IP addresses is defined in a local database Simplest mechanism for assigning IP addresses. Suitable when there is only one access server providing access to the network. Example:  (config)# IP address-Pool Local  (config)# IP local pool Sales  (config)#Int async 1  (config-if) Peer default IP-address pool Sales

40 ISDN example-Address pool (config)# username bill password bailey (config)# IP local-pool isdnpool (config)# IP address-pool local (config)# Int bri0  (config-if) encapsulation PPP  (config-if) IP address  (config-if) per default IP address pool isdnpool  (config-if) PPP authentication chap

41 Pool-DHCP A pool of IP addresses is defined inside a centralized IP address server, called DHCP server. This central database can serve addresses to several different access servers at the same time You can enable DHCP address pooling on an access server by performing the following commands:  Specify that the access server uses the DHCP client-proxy on all asynchronous interfaces by using the command: (config)#IP address-pool dhcp-proxy-client.  Specify at least one and up to ten IP addresses of DHCP servers. (config)#IP DHCP-server 192,168.5.5  Configure the appropriate interfaces using the command: (config-if)# peer default ip-address dhcp

42 Example DHCP Pooling (config)# IP address-pool dhcp-proxy- client (config)# Interface group-async 1 (config-if) encapsulation PPP (config-if) Peer default IP-address dhcp

43 Group Asynchronous Interfaces Gather asynchronous interfaces into a group interface and configure only the group interface to eliminate manual configuration duplication. Example:  (config)# Interface group-async 0  (config)# Group-range 2 7  (config)# Interface group-async 0  (config-if)# encapsulation PPP  (config-if)# member 1 async default IP address

44 Link Control Protocol Options Authentication Callback Compression Multilink

45 PPP Callback Why?:  Minimizing cost  Centralized billing Process that occur during a PPP callback connection: 1. Initiation of a call by a client. The client requests callback as one of the options during the LCP negotiation phase. 2. Callback request is acknowledged by the server, and the server checks its configurations to see if the call is allowed.

46 PPP Callback Process that occur during a PPP callback connection: 3. User authentication occurs, and the client username is used in the dialer map command to identify the dial string to be used in the return call. 4. If the authentication is successful but there is no callback option, the call continues but the client pays for the call; otherwise, the call is disconnected by the server.

47 PPP Callback Process that occur during a PPP callback connection: 5. Client is called by the server using the dial string. 6. Authentication occurs again. 7. The connection continues.

48 Example-async PPP Callback Router1 (Callback server)  (config)# username callman callback- dialstring 5551234 password cisco  (config)# Int async 7  (config-if) PPP call back accept PC  Must support RFC 1570 for PPP callback.

49 Multilink PPP (MLP) It allows you to combine channels into a multilink bundle so that data could be sent at a higher rates. Example:  Interface bri0  IP address  Encapsulation PPP  PPP authentication chap  PPP multilink  Dialer map IP name mlpPeer 5554444  Dialer load threshold 128 either

50 PPP compression Data compression:  Stacker: More CPU intensive, and less memory intensive  Predictor: Less CPU intensive and more memory intensive  (config-if) PPP compress predictor TCP header compression  (config-if) IP TCP header-compression passive

51 Verifying and troubleshooting Debug PPP CHAP:  If the remote host passed the authentication the message “ remote passed CHAP authentication”. Or “failed CHAP authentication with remote” Debug PPP negotiation:  Check for address negotiation (IPCP)

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