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Introduction to Cub Scouting 1 Boy Scouts of America.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Cub Scouting 1 Boy Scouts of America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Cub Scouting 1 Boy Scouts of America

2 2 Opening Ceremony Boy Scouts of America

3 I, (your name), promise to do my best To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack. 3 The Cub Scout Promise Boy Scouts of America

4 To learn the fundamentals of Cub Scouting To learn what Cub Scout leaders do To learn how to make Cub Scouting work To learn how to have fun with my den and pack To learn how to have successful den and pack meetings and activities 4 Why Are You Here? Boy Scouts of America

5 Starts with general information Continues with specific information Provides you with the tools to succeed 5 Today’s Training Boy Scouts of America

6 6 What is Cub Scouting? Boy Scouts of America

7 Is for boys aged 7 to 11 or in the first through fifth grade Is family oriented Builds independence Is designed to develop participatory citizenship, character, and personal fitness Has age-appropriate activities and lessons Is the young-boy program of the Boy Scouts of America 7 Cub Scouting … Boy Scouts of America

8 BSA Mission Statement The Scout Oath The Scout Law The Vision Statement The Aims 8 The Foundations of Scouting Boy Scouts of America

9 Character Development Spiritual Growth Good Citizenship Sportsmanship and Fitness Family Understanding Respectful Relationships Personal Achievement Friendly Service Fun and Adventure Preparation for Boy Scouts 9 Purposes of Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

10 Fun and Adventure It’s time for some FUN! 10 Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

11 Citizenship Compassion Cooperation Courage Faith Health and fitness Honesty Perseverance Positive attitude Resourcefulness Respect Responsibility 11 12 Core Values of Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

12 Know what values mean. Commit to doing what feels morally right. Practice living according to the Core Values. 12 Character Connections Boy Scouts of America

13 Living the ideals Belonging to a den Using advancement Involving family and home Participating in activities Serving home and neighborhood Wearing the uniform Making Character Connections 13 The Methods of Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

14 RankGradeAge Tiger CubsFirst7 Wolf CubsSecond8 Bear CubsThird9 WebelosFourth, Fifth10 14 Age-Appropriate Programs Boy Scouts of America

15 Youth Protection – Two-deep leadership – Online training available Health and Safety – What activities are age-appropriate? – What are the BSA policies? – Training available throughout the year 15 Safeguarding Our Youth Boy Scouts of America

16 MORE FUN CUB SCOUTS LOVE Let’s sing! 16 Boy Scouts of America

17 The first accomplishment in Cub Scouting Eight simple requirements It’s your turn! 17 Becoming a Bobcat Boy Scouts of America

18 Learn and say the Cub Scout Promise and complete the Honesty Character Connection. I, (your name), promise to do my best To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack. 18 1. The Cub Scout Promise Boy Scouts of America

19 19 Character Connections Boy Scouts of America Honesty

20 Say the Law of the Pack. Tell what it means. – The Cub Scout follows Akela, – The Cub Scout helps the pack go, – The pack helps the Cub Scout grow, – The Cub Scout gives goodwill. 20 2. The Law of the Pack Boy Scouts of America

21 We’ll Be Loyal Scouts 21 3. Tell What Webelos Means Boy Scouts of America

22 Show the Cub Scout sign and tell what it means. 22 4. The Cub Scout Sign Boy Scouts of America

23 Show the Cub Scout handshake and tell what it means. 23 5. The Cub Scout Handshake Boy Scouts of America

24 Say the Cub Scout motto. A motto is a guiding principle. – Do Your Best! 24 6. The Cub Scout Motto Boy Scouts of America

25 Give the Cub Scout salute and tell what it means. 25 7. The Cub Scout Salute Boy Scouts of America

26 With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the parents’ guide, How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse. 26 8. Protect Your Children from Child Abuse Boy Scouts of America

27 You have completed all the requirements a boy needs to earn the Bobcat badge. 27 Congratulations! Boy Scouts of America

28 Time for a Cheer – Recognition is always welcome at a pack meeting! 28 Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

29 29 Review and Questions Boy Scouts of America

30 How we have fun! 30 Cub Scouting Boy Scouts of America

31 Properly setting up and using: The Cub Scout month Pack organization Annual program planning conference Unit budget plan Parent involvement—how to get help Activities (pack, district, and council) 31 Fun comes from... Boy Scouts of America

32 Two or More Den Meetings – Boys and leaders – Activities and advancement (including outings) Pack Meeting – Fun – Recognition – Show, share, and succeed! 322 The Cub Scout Month Boy Scouts of America

33 33 Pack Organization Chartered Organization Representative Pack Committee Cubmaster Cub Scout Den Leaders Assistant Cub Scout Den Leaders Den Chief Tiger Cub Den Leaders Adult Partners Den Chief Pack Trainer Assistant Cubmaster Webelos Den Leaders Assistant Webelos Den Leaders Den Chief Local Council Chartered Organization Boy Scouts of America

34 Prepared den meeting and pack meeting plans How to have fun for a month Ideas for den and pack meetings Supported by Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide, Scouting magazine, and Boys’ Life Answers the question: What should we do? 34 Cub Scout Program Boy Scouts of America

35 35 Cub Scout Program FPO Boy Scouts of America

36 MonthCore ValuePack Activity SeptemberCooperationPack open house OctoberResponsibility Fire prevention activities NovemberCitizenshipPack service projects DecemberRespectBlue and gold workshop JanuaryPositive attitudeDerby workshop FebruaryResourcefulnessPack in uniform MarchCompassionFirst-aid night AprilFaithCampfire workshop MayHealth and fitnessSports workshop JunePerseveranceBike Safety, bike rodeo JulyCourageLeave No Trace AugustHonestyWater carnival 36 12 Core Values Boy Scouts of America

37 Annual program planning conference Decide what to do the following year Add your own activities – Pinewood derby ® – Space derby – Raingutter regatta – Field trips Ensure a year-round program – Summertime Pack Award – Day/resident/family/pack camping Journey to Excellence Award 37 The Cub Scout Year Boy Scouts of America

38 Funding the pack Pack money-earning ideas Dues Council-supported fund-raising programs Make Scouting affordable 38 Pack Budget Plan Boy Scouts of America

39 Encourage all parents to participate Ask for help – Start with just one job – Ask them to do something specific Ask them to register – Insurance coverage – Closer relationship to the unit – Scouting magazine Consider – Single-parent families, grandparents, etc. Parent and Family Talent Survey 39 Parent Involvement Boy Scouts of America

40 40 Parent Involvement Boy Scouts of America

41 Focus on Fun and Advancement Academics and Sports belt loops Summer camps – Day camp – Resident camping Pack camping overnighters at council-approved facilities Family camping Field trips Use a Tour Planning Checklist 41 Activities Boy Scouts of America

42 42 Review and Questions Boy Scouts of America

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