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Coahultecans Karankawas Atakapans Alabama Coushattas Caddoes Wichitas

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Presentation on theme: "Coahultecans Karankawas Atakapans Alabama Coushattas Caddoes Wichitas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coahultecans Karankawas Atakapans Alabama Coushattas Caddoes Wichitas Cherokees Lipan Apaches Kickapoos Jumanos Tiguas Mescalero Apaches Comanches Kiowas

2 Major Rivers in Texas! Which one do you live by?

3 Gulf Culture (Hunters)
Coahultecans Karankawas

4 Gulf Culture (Hunters)
COAHUILTECANS Hunted deer, rabbit, buffalo Gathered beans, nuts, berries, cacti, worms, lizards, etc. Nomadic and lived in wicki-ups

5 Gulf Culture (Hunters)
KARANKAWAS (1st Indians in Texas) Fished using dugout canoes Hunted small game using bows and arrows Women did most the hard work *Lived in wicki-ups & were friendly to Cabeza de Vaca

6 Southeast Culture (Farmers)
Atakapans Alabama Coushattas Caddoes Cherokees

7 Southeast Culture (Farmers)
CADDOES Farmed corn, beans, squash Lived in mound shaped dwellings and built mounds to bury their dead in Hunted deer, turkey, rabbit, and buffalo

8 Southeast Culture (Farmers)
CHEROKEES Used metal tools to farm Lived in log cabins Trail of Tears

9 Plains Culture (Hunters)
Lipan Apaches Mescalero Apaches Comanches Kiowas

10 Plains Culture (Hunters)
MESCALERO APACHES Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and tools Wore high boots made of leather

11 Plains Culture (Hunters)
LIPAN APACHES Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and tools Farmed beans, corn, squash, pumpkins

12 Plains Culture (Hunters)
COMANCHES Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and tools Fierce warriors on horses Women wear decorated dresses Comanche Village

13 Plains Culture (Hunters)
KIOWAS Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, weapons, and tools Painted pictures of events on their tepees Made beaded crafts

14 Pueblo Culture (Farmers)
Kickapoos Jumanos Tiguas

15 Pueblo Culture (Farmers)
JUMANOS Farmed (Did some hunting) Lived in villages made of adobe houses Planted crops along rivers

16 Pueblo Culture (Farmers)
TIGUAS Farmed (Did some hunting) Lived in villages of adobe houses Made pottery for cooking and storing food

17 Plains Culture Southeastern Culture Pueblo Culture Gulf Culture

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