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By: Ashley, Lindsay, Jose and Peyton. Convey Definition: to carry, brings, or takes from one place to another; transport Part of Speech: Verb Sentence:

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1 By: Ashley, Lindsay, Jose and Peyton

2 Convey Definition: to carry, brings, or takes from one place to another; transport Part of Speech: Verb Sentence: Pipes were laid to convey water to the house. Pronunciation: Con  vey

3 Hindrance Definition: a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone Part of Speech: Noun Sentence: Is my presence her a help or a hindrance. Pronunciation: Hin  drance

4 Awry Definition: away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss Part of Speech: Adverb & Adjective Sentence: Timing and rhythm through the second half of the play was a little awry. Pronunciation: A  wry

5 Ardent Definition: enthusiastic or passionate Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: He made ardent declarations of love to the women he someday hoped to marry. Pronunciation: Ar  dent

6 Preposterous Definition: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. Pronunciation: Pre  pos  ter  ous

7 Forfeit Definition: loses or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing Part of Speech: Verb, Noun, & Adjective Sentence: They don’t have enough players, so they ended up having to forfeit the game. Pronunciation: for  feit

8 Haven Definition: a place of safety or refuge Part of Speech: Noun Sentence: For the moment, the soft couch was a haven to his exhausting and aching body. Pronunciation: ha  ven

9 Benign Definition: gentle; kindly Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: Rather than a benign fairytale creature that delivers babies, the marabou stork is an ugly, viciously predatory African bird that prey on flamingos. Pronunciation: be  nign

10 Onslaught Definition: a fierce or destructive attack Part of Speech: Noun Sentence: The massive onslaught of enemy troops caught the country by surprise. Pronunciation: on  slaught

11 Ovation Definition: a sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause Part of Speech: Noun Sentence: He finished his set to a well-deserved standing ovation. Pronunciation: o  va  tion

12 Agile Definition: able to move quickly and easily Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: In fact they are very agile climbers, using their long tails to balance. Pronunciation: ag  ile

13 Plunder Definition: steals goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder Part of Speech: Verb & Noun Sentence: The village was plundered by the invading army. Pronunciation: plun  der

14 Atrocity Definition: an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury Part of Speech: Noun Sentence: Atrocities were committed by forces on both sides of the conflict. Pronunciation: a  troc  ity

15 Fortify Definition: strengthen (a place) with defensive works so as to protect it against attack Part of Speech: Verb Sentence: He took a deep breath the fortify himself before stepping onto the stage. Pronunciation: for  ti  fy

16 Luminous Definition: full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: The room was luminous with sunlight. Pronunciation: Lu  mi  nous

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