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Webinar: Award Winning Measurement: Why are some companies more successful than others at the AMEC awards?

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar: Award Winning Measurement: Why are some companies more successful than others at the AMEC awards?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar: Award Winning Measurement: Why are some companies more successful than others at the AMEC awards?

2 Welcome & Introduction 2

3 Chris Webb Associate Director and Head of Measurement, Pegasus

4 Inspiring Healthy Decisions is what we do Pegasus is an integrated comms consultancy

5 Our best ever year for awards

6 1. Tell a story with your entry Give context Don’t presume Take judges on a journey Explain the why before the what and how Highlight innovation and creativity

7 2. Put measurement at the heart Reflect sentiment of the awards Practice what you preach Start with the business objective Set out the SMART objectives Show the impact it made, don’t stop at outputs

8 3. Put yourself in the judges’ shoes What makes your entry a worthy winner? Why does it stand out from other entries? Help judges see the marks Make it engaging, clear and easy to follow Allow sufficient time to review and refine

9 4. Be human Be real, objective and honest What worked well but also what didn’t? What surprised you? What changes did you make along the way? Inject personality, show passion, be proud of what you have achieved

10 5. Share feedback from the top Reflect the true measure of success - positive outcomes for your client/business Use sound bites from senior management to help demonstrate business impact Show how this work has put measurement best practice up the agenda

11 6. The power of presentation Don’t under estimate it’s important Allow time to make it visually engaging Use sub-headers, bullet points and thumbnail images to help tell the story Attention to detail

12 Why bother? Reinforce motivation and galvanise support for measurement ethos Reflect on key achievements Benchmark Learn lessons for future Opportunity for positive promotion

13 Paul Hender Director, Gorkana Group

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16 Flooding dashboard 16 Key topics Top authors Query trends

17 17 Grand Prix Platinum Award for the best overall entry, 2014 “User-friendly, informative and valuable early-warning system with a strong blend of insights and quantitative data.” “Smart, innovative and transformational impact on client comms and stakeholder engagement (and policy!)” “This programme is noteworthy as it is using data to identify trends and inform actions - a critical part of public relations and communication management that needs to be developed across the profession.”


19 Our earned media objectives: Making sure that the sponsors are mentioned in good copy within the newspapers. Targeting key audiences through researched publications. An early campaign to hit all of the nationals and generate excitement with the consumer. Special front cover effort as a new angle for generating content. KPI 1: Reach and Frequency to target audiences KPI 2: Correlation of PR against ticket sales and visitors KPI 3: % Tone of positive content by country KPI 4: Success in delivering to key media list KPI 5: % of sponsor mentions, against impact measures. KPI 6: Volume of content Country by country breakdown KPI 7: % of nationals to obtain front cover hits The role of PR: Preceding Marketing/Advertising in generating excitement for the new exhibition. Generating advance ticket sales as a key revenue stream for the business. Creating inspiring content to pull a variety of different audiences (including new global sources) into the museum. Promote the partnership with sponsors to generate a return on investment. Help to make Bowie the most talked about exhibition of the year Measure: Increase visitor numbers through PR Measure: Engagement with a variety of different audiences, some brand new Measure: Demonstrate a return on investment for the key sponsors. Strategies to deliver: For the Bowie Exhibition, generate strong ticket sales and visitor numbers. Create an attraction which is viewed positively by the public and critics alike. Locate sponsors to help fund the project. Make Bowie the most talked about exhibition of the year. Position the V&A as the leading museum of performing arts Business measures: Visitor numbers. Ticket Sales. Perception of exhibition. Our Vision: Educating and inspiring people about art & design Our Purpose: Preserving and showcasing the best in art & design. Creating revenue through inspiring exhibitions

20 Campaign highlights ‘David Bowie is’ generated coverage in 37 different countries. Over two thirds of coverage (69%) delivered at least one message, whilst over a fifth of pieces (21%) mentioned Gucci or Sennheiser. Volume: 78 OTS: 32,800,983 Americas Volume: 902 OTS: 974,003,193 Europe Volume: 69 OTS: 11,968,865 APMEA

21 Reach to target audiences Reach and frequency of all coverage Reach of coverage, broken down by social grade groups Reach to target audiences Reach and frequency of coverage crediting Gucci Reach of coverage, broken down by social grade groups Reach to target audiences Reach and frequency of coverage crediting Sennheiser Reach of coverage, broken down by social grade groups

22 Coverage reporting on David Bowie’s new single mentions the prospective ‘David Bowie is’ exhibition. Le Figaro labels 2013 as “the year of Bowie”. Numerous articles report on the upcoming exhibition, with Art Newspaper noting that the V&A has taken a ”performance angle, not a fashion angle”. Wall Street Journal refers to the exhibition as a “Bowie bonanza”. ‘David Bowie is happening now’ is mentioned in prominent online and regional titles. Double Negative describes the screening as “the next best thing” for those who couldn’t attend the exhibition. Media coverage driving ticket sales

23 “Solid KPI measurement framework, depth and breadth of results was impressive – exceptional work” “Good outputs, thoughtful comprehensive design and strong link to commercial results” “3 key points: international, materials, results” Gold Award for the Best Use of Measurement for a Single Event

24 It boils down to... State a problem, then demonstrate the solution Build evidence to show the impact on business results Be human and keep it real

25 AMEC Awards Strategy Checklist Make it a priority for your business. Winning entries take time. Establish an internal team to decide and play “judge” before submitting entries. Encourage fierce debate over each entry. If you only have one great report, enter it into multiple categories (budget permitting). Ensure you respond to all of the feedback from the judges for the following year. Study the winning case studies on the AMEC website. GOOD LUCK!


27 Join experts from around the world! 2015 AMEC International Summit on Measurement. The world’s biggest event on PR measurement. Top client and industry speakers. Outstanding knowledge share. Register now!now Join in on Twitter. #amecsummit#amecsummit

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