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Management of Loblolly Pine By Don Handley, Handley Forestry Associates Slideshow of loblolly management in North and South Carolina as practiced by Handley.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of Loblolly Pine By Don Handley, Handley Forestry Associates Slideshow of loblolly management in North and South Carolina as practiced by Handley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of Loblolly Pine By Don Handley, Handley Forestry Associates Slideshow of loblolly management in North and South Carolina as practiced by Handley Forestry Associates

2 Typical starting condition of loblolly pine. Note remnant pine in upper left corner.

3 UnmanagedManaged

4 Loblolly stand after initial entry. Removal of hardwood competition followed by a timber sale.

5 Removing hardwood competition in loblolly stand

6 Hardwood competition removal yields fuel chips at 50 cents/ton.

7 Untreated stand conditions

8 Post initial treatment

9 Regeneration

10 After initial hardwood competition removal and harvest, additional hardwood removal is needed.

11 Herbicide application to suppress hardwoods

12 Desired conditions

13 Mast producing oak retained

14 Mast use by wildlife

15 Aerial view of loblolly tract. Red stand with “x” shows skidding technique to minimize harvesting impacts. Taken after first thinning.

16 Mixed size wood from uneven aged management yields ~$45/ton for quality timber

17 Both tree wafers are from pine plantations. Wafer on left shows benefits of longer rotation uneven aged management, minimal cracking.

18 Desired conditions


20 Economic benefits of uneven aged management of loblolly pine over an even aged approach. Uneven aged example.

21 Even Aged Management Scenario With this system the stand would have been thinned in 1993 and clearcut and reforested approximately five years later at age 30. The following projected income and cost are based on the 1993 thinning and a timber cruise conducted on this stand in 1995. INCOME: 1988Est. yield of 1 st pulp thinning$10,000.00 1993Timber sale$35,367.00 1998Clearcut$98,900.00 TOTAL GROSS INCOME$144,267.00 LESS MANAGEMENT COST$21,000.00 $93,267.00 LESS REFORESTATION COST$8,000.00 TOTAL NET OVER ROTATION$85,267.00 NET INCOME/AC/YR$85,267.00=$63.16 30 X 45 NOTE: The next expected income is a pulp thinning in 2015 Economic benefits of uneven aged management of loblolly pine over an even aged approach.

22 Loblolly management at the Joe Lee Tract Model Forest


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