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Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 Girls Gymnastics Rules Interpretations Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 Girls Gymnastics Rules Interpretations Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations 2013-14 Girls Gymnastics Rules Interpretations Review

2 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations

3 Uniforms Rules 2-2-1b, 3-3-3  The improper uniform deduction is taken without warning on each event until a correction is made in the uniform  The coach shall be notified, Rule 2-2-1b (10), of the deduction for improper uniform  Jewelry, including earrings covered with tape, shall not be worn  The deduction for improper uniform is a chief judge deduction of 0.20

4 Back-to-Back Credit Rules 4-1-2E (2 & 3a)  LL BBS or HL BBS may be awarded even if there is a fall after the second element in the series is completed  Elements in a LL BBS or HL BBS must receive Value Part credit

5 Inquiries Rule 5-1-4  Shall only concern: Difficulty/vault value Event requirements Bonus Neutral deductions Mathematical errors  Judges can agree to disagree about credit and deduction in each category

6 Mathematical Inquiries Rule 5-1-6b  With the exception of mathematical error inquiries, each inquiry after the first one that does not result in a score correction is a 0.50 deduction  Coaches must specify where the mathematical error has occurred on the scoresheet

7 Bonus – Category 1 Rule 4-1-2E (1)  Up to a maximum of 0.40 for AHS 0.20 is given for each different advanced high superior with no fall or spot The AHS’s must be different to receive credit

8 Bonus – Category 2 Rule 4-1-2E (2)  A maximum of 0.20 may be earned for one HL BBS HS+HS HS+AHS AHS+AHS

9 Bonus – Category 3 Rule 4-1-2E (3)  Maximum of 0.20  Three ways to earn 0.20 Two LL BBS at 0.10 each = 0.20 One additional HL BBS = 0.20 One different advanced high superior with no fall or spot = 0.20

10 Examples of LL & HL BBS Rule 4-1-2E  Uneven Bars: Giant, giant, double back dismount on bars = HL BBS (HS+HS) or (HS+AHS)  Uneven Bars: Long hang kip, clear hip circle, long hang kip, long hang kip = LL BBS (S+S) and no credit for the third long hang kip due to the repetition rule

11 Examples of LL & HL BBS Rule 4-1-2E  Balance Beam: Two directly connected flic- flacs = LL BBS (HS+S)  Balance Beam: 45° pike jump, wolf jump ¾ = HL BBS (HS+AHS)  Floor Exercise: 1 ½ turn with free leg at horizontal, wolf jump 1/1 = HL BBS (HS+HS)  Floor Exercise: Series of saltos backward (HS) = LL BBS (S+S)

12 Hand Placement Mat 6-1-2e  The hand placement mat may only be used for round-off entry vaults

13 Handspring Vault Rule 6-5-1c  For handspring vaults only: Coach facilitating vault in first flight phase is a 1.00 deduction Coach facilitating vault in second flight phase is a 1.00 deduction  Coach standing between board and vault table is a 0.50 deduction

14 Vault - Neutral Deduction Rule 6-5-1  There is a 0.50 deduction for a coach/spotter standing between the board and the table  This is defined as the area inside the domain of the apparatus – shown below

15 Vault Without Signal Rule 6-2-5b  Vault performed without signal will not count as one of the 3 authorized attempts  Vault without signal from chief judge is a chief judge deduction of 0.50 from the final average score of the next vault

16 LA Twist/Turn on Uneven Bars Rule 7-2-2b  LA Twist/Turn must be at least 180°  Excludes the mount/dismount: Glide ½ turn glide kip mount Jump ½ turn long hang kip on HB mount Flyaway with ½ twist dismount Sole circle or underswing with ½ twist dismount  Examples of LA Twist/Turns: Cast handstand ½ turn Giant 1/1 turn Bail ½ over LB

17 Direction Change Rule 7-3-3b  A direction change is required in composition under Spacing and Direction, and is worth 0.05  A direction change occurs when the body twists/turns within an element of value and continues to move while facing the opposite direction  A direction change cannot come from a mount or dismount  Direction changes include ½ or 1 ½ twists

18 Balance Beam - Handstands Rules 8-2-3, 8-3-3  Composition - Spacing and Direction A handstand has no direction and may not be used to fulfill the direction requirement in composition  Event Requirements - Acro series and dance/acro or acro/dance series A handstand may be included in an acro series or in a dance/acro or acro/dance series

19 Wolf Jumps/Hops-Beam/Floor Rules 8-5, 9-5  Elements are considered different if the takeoff for a leap or jump is from one or both legs  Wolf hops and wolf jumps are the same value  Wolf jump and switch wolf are the same value

20 Balance Beam Turns Rule 8-4-7  Criteria for awarding credit to a full turn or more on one foot Turns are considered complete when the heel drops or the free leg steps down Free leg may be placed in front or behind the base leg at completion of turn Turns of 360° or more are awarded Value Part credit if completed within 89° of the required end position If up to 89° is missing, a deduction of 0.20 is taken for an incomplete turn

21 Round-offs/Back Handsprings Rules 8-6-8, 8-6-9  A single back handspring or round-off is a superior  A round-off or back handspring becomes a high superior when followed by a S/HS/AHS acro element  High superior back handsprings or round-offs are listed separately and are considered different when awarding Value Part credit  Examples: Round-off – back tuck dismount = HS+S Back handspring – back handspring = HS+S

22 Acro Series on Balance Beam Rule 8-2-3b  Acro series may include: Two backward elements Two forward elements Two sideward elements A combination of backward, forward and sideward elements A handstand may be included as one of the elements The mount or dismount may be included as one of the elements

23 Connecting Acro Series on Balance Beam Rule 8-2-3c  An acro series must be directly connected and shall not include: A stop between elements An extra step between elements A repositioning of the feet between elements A loss of balance between elements A straightening of the legs after landing in a plie from the first element and prior to a plie into the second element A large arm swing that causes a stop and delays the takeoff of the second element

24 Dance Turns on Floor Exercise Rules 1, 9-2-3b  Dance turns do not have a shape and may NOT be used to fulfill the required dance series of two shapes  Dance turns MAY be included in a dance/acro or acro/dance series

25 Series Exception on Floor Exercise Rule 9-2-2  In order to receive HS Value Part credit for a flyspring to a salto forward, the flyspring must occur first  The series = S+S or one HS (whichever is to the advantage of the gymnast) and would receive 0.10 credit in Bonus for a LL BBS

26 Floor Exercise Acro Series Rule 9-2-2  Forward Acro Series Two directly-connected forward acro elements, one of which or the series is a HS, may count as one of the 3 required acro passes  Backward or Combination Acro Series Two directly-connected backward (and/or forward/sideward) acro elements will NOT count as an acro series even if it includes a HS Example: round-off – back salto with full twist

27 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS Online Resources Judges’ Manual Scoresheets FAQs and Element Clarifications

28 Girls Gymnastics Judges’ Manual First edition of NFHS Girls Gymnastics Judges’ Manual available online: Excellent resource to supplement Rules Book for judges of all levels of experience

29 Scoresheets NFHS Event Scoresheets are available online: Designed as a full page to provide more room for ease of writing

30 Online FAQs and Element Clarifications  Throughout the year, frequently asked questions are posted online  Marked with date when last FAQ posted  Element Clarifications appear in same fashion

31  Order CD online at or by calling 1.800.776.3462  $49.95 + Shipping & Handling Ordering the Girls Gymnastics PowerPoint

32 NFHS Girls Gymnastics Rules Book  The 2012-14 Rules Book can be ordered: Online at By calling 1.800.776.3462

33 Interscholastic Officiating  Introduction to skills and concepts used as an official  Ideal for new officials or those in first few years of officiating  30-45 minutes to complete  Topics include: basics of becoming and staying an official, science of officiating, art of officiating, how to combine these skills for successful officiating  Course is FREE to any NFHS Officials Association member  Non-members course is $20  Contact NFHS Officials Department for details (317.972.6900)

34 Free! $20 All NFHS courses can be accessed at

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