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PrefixMeaningSample Word A prefix is a group of letter added to the beginning of a root word.

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Presentation on theme: "PrefixMeaningSample Word A prefix is a group of letter added to the beginning of a root word."— Presentation transcript:


2 PrefixMeaningSample Word

3 A prefix is a group of letter added to the beginning of a root word.

4  The root is the main part of the word.  It is sometimes called the base word.

5  There goes a duckling! It’s diving underwater. That’s unbelievable! What a fearless little duck!

6  Unplug  Rebuild  Teacher  Drinkable

7  Adding a prefix changes the meaning of the base word. Safe Happy Roll Tie Unsafe Unhappy Unroll untie

8  Adding “un,” creates the opposite word. UnhealthyUnevenUnwise UnrealUnplug

9 PrefixMeaningSample Word UnNotUntie, unlikely, uneven

10 Adding “dis” also means “not Disagree DisorganizedDisposable Discontinued Disrespectful

11 PrefixMeaningSample Word UnNotUntie, unlikely, uneven DisNotDisagree, disorganized

12  The prefix “re” means “to do something again” RedrawRetellRethink Resend

13 PrefixMeaningSample Word UnNotUntie, unlikely, uneven DisNotDisagree, disorganized ReAgainRedo resend Inter Over

14 PrefixMeaningSample Word UnNotUntie, unlikely, uneven DisNotDisagree, disorganized ReAgainRetell resend InterBetween or among Interconnected OverToo muchOverconfident overestimate

15  Stop pouring the milk. My glass is overflowing!  Stop feeding me cookies. I don’t want to overeat!  I’m not pulling any more weeds. I’m overworked! What does “over” mean? “Over” = Too much

16 PrefixMeaningSample Word UnderNot enoughundercooked

17  This hamburger is still pink. It’s undercooked.  Don’t underfeed the octopus. It might start eating the fish!  I undercounted the number of desks. There are 26 instead of 24. What does “under” mean? “Under” = Not enough

18  Over and under can also mean “over” and “under” Watch out! There’s a flock of pigeons overhead. The squirrel buried his acorns underground.

19 PrefixMeaningSample Word ProIn favor of, forPro-war

20 If you are in favor of homework, then you are _____- homework. If you are in favor of the Cleveland Indians, then you are _____ - Tribe!

21 The character we are “in favor of” in a story is known as the ________________________ protagonist

22 PrefixMeaningSample Word ProIn favor of, forPro-war AntiAgainstAnti-war

23 If you are against homework, then you are _______ - homework.

24 The character who is against the protagonist is the ____________________________. antagonist

25 PrefixMeaningSample Word OverToo muchOvercooked UnderNot enoughundercooked ProIn favor of, forPro-war, protagonist AntiAgainstAnti-war, antagonist

26 Pro- Anti- Under - Inter- between Dis- not Un-not Re- again Over – too much

27 1. Complete character map 2. Finish reading Chapter 11. Begin on page 66!

28 A prefix comes before the root word! We are taking a pretest in Social Studies. There were ten previews before the movie started. You must prepay for gas at this station. What does “pre” mean? “pre”= before

29 PrefixMeaningSample Word PreBeforePrefix, pretest

30 What is the opposite of “pre?” Be sure and stay after the game. There’s a postgame party! I’m sorry the holidays are over. I have the postholiday blues. “Post” = After

31  Re =  un=  Pre=  Post=  Under=  Over=  Dis= Again Not/Opposit e Before After Not enough Too much Not

32 PrefixMeaning Uni-One Bi-Two Tri-Three Quad-Four Mono-One, single Poly-Many Semi-Half or partly Multi-many

33 Quadruplets are __________ brothers or sisters born at the same time. A millipede is an insect that is sometimes called a ______________-legger. A semicircle is a _________ circle. A multicolored coat has _________ colors.

34 1. Name a shape that has three sides or angles. 2. What kind of chocolate is only partly sweet? 3. What kind of cereal has many kinds of grain in it? 4. What word describes how there is only one “you?”

35 A suffix is a group of letter added to the end of a word.

36 VerbNoun Teachteacher RunRunner Eateater “-er” means someone who does! A verb is an action word!

37 VerbNoun MoveMovement GovernGovernment Amazeamazement

38 VerbAdjective LikeLikeable DoDoable DrinkDrinkable An adjective is a word that describes a noun!

39 VerbAdjective PlayPlayful UseUseful Helphelpful

40 VerbAdjective Sugarsugarless HomeHomeless Sleepsleepless “-less” means “without”

41 I’m hopeful about the game but hopeless about my grades. Kevin is careful with money but careless with his clothes.

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