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1.Understand the requirements for the writing portion of the SBAC assessment that you will be taking your junior year. 2.The results of that test could.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Understand the requirements for the writing portion of the SBAC assessment that you will be taking your junior year. 2.The results of that test could."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Understand the requirements for the writing portion of the SBAC assessment that you will be taking your junior year. 2.The results of that test could determine funding for our schools, the focus of instruction, and your graduation. 3.The good news…we’ve been working on it. 4.The better news…we’re going to continue working on it. 5.The best news…you can master it. 6.This year we are focusing on one strand of the rubric, but before we get to it, what does the rubric look like?







9 The response provides minimal support/evidence for the writer’s claim that includes little or no use of sources, facts, and details: use of evidence from the source material is minimal, absent, in error, or irrelevant The response provides uneven, cursory support/evidence for the writer’s claim that includes partial or uneven use of sources, facts, and details, and achieves little depth: evidence from sources is weakly integrated, and citations, if present, are uneven weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques The response provides adequate support/evidence for the writer’s claim that includes the use of sources, facts, and details. The response achieves some depth and specificity but is predominantly general: some evidence from sources is integrated, though citations may be general or imprecise adequate use of some elaborative techniques The response provides thorough and convincing support/evidence for the writer’s claim that includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details. The response achieves substantial depth that is specific and relevant: use of evidence from sources is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, relevant, and concrete effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques 4 3 2 1

10 Q: Inclusion of detail. How much is enough? A: Two details per paragraph. Minimum. Q: How do you include them? A.: You have three options: 1.Direct quotation 2.Summary 3.Paraphrase













23 Who is the Best Teacher? “Ms. Labor was voted the #1 teacher for the past seven years” (Thompson 12). In parentheses you must have the first piece of information from your source card and a page number if applicable. Period goes after the (). Internal Parenthetical Who is the Best Teacher? According to Mr. Thompson, on page twelve of the newsletter, “Ms. Labor was voted the #1 teacher for the past seven years.” Within your sentence you must introduce the information with our source data.

24 Who is the Best Teacher? Ms. Labor has been a top teacher for many years (Thompson 12). Internal with Parentheses Parenthetical Paraphrased Who is the Best Teacher? According to Mr. Thompson, “Ms. Labor was voted the #1 teacher for the past seven years” (12). Within your sentence you must introduce the information with our source data.

25 You can paraphrase. You can express an opinion. You can clarify. You can offer context. You can refute. Can offer commentary: i.e., because this is true…. Or if this is true then… You can draw a connection/analogy for your reader You can use a simile or metaphor You can use an anecdote or story to illustrate


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