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April 1 PTA Meeting. Agenda Quick Review of the “Why” Strategic Plan Review DCPS Budget Review/Language Decision PTA Budget Review/Discussion 2.

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Presentation on theme: "April 1 PTA Meeting. Agenda Quick Review of the “Why” Strategic Plan Review DCPS Budget Review/Language Decision PTA Budget Review/Discussion 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 1 PTA Meeting

2 Agenda Quick Review of the “Why” Strategic Plan Review DCPS Budget Review/Language Decision PTA Budget Review/Discussion 2

3 Why? 3

4 Brent 2015-2020 Strategic Plan Brent will become a highly effective, inclusive, field experience school where all students grow and advance through productive struggles and a whole-child approach that promotes academic, social, and emotional development in order to produce confident, self-reliant, and self- motivated students ready for any opportunity. 4

5 Gaps to Greatness: Brent’s Challenges – School-wide progress has been inconsistent: Brent has made improvements in some areas, (e.g. writing), but has fewer advanced students and more below-grade level students than comparable schools; across all grades and demographic groups. – Behavior is the #1 challenge identified by teachers; followed by insufficient time – Compared to comp schools, Brent has dramatically fewer staffing resources to address above challenges – No formal enrichment program to serve students ready for additional challenges – Uneven training in Brent’s educational approaches among teachers/aides – Teachers ultimately responsible for delivering majority of academic and behavioral interventions with limited time and support 5

6 6 Small class sizes Two educators in every classroom (1 teacher and a full-time, highly qualified aide in every class) A strong behavior team: a behavior tech for daily interventions and full-time professionals for long-term behavior change A school wide enrichment program that deepens learning and challenge for all students, with dedicated staff and curriculum Professional development: Teachers/aides trained in RC, Investigations, R/W Workshop, behavior management and differentiated instruction w/in 3 years A strong specials program in art, music, science, PE, library and language A strong field studies program that is curricularly aligned, with dedicated staff and established relationships with key institutions How are we going to get there?

7 Short-Term Recommendations: Begin to Build Brent’s Support Team Reprioritize PTA funds to hire a behavior tech ASAP to address SY 2014-15 challenges—already in progress Redirect school budget and PTA funds to hire as many high quality teacher partners as possible for SY 2015-2016 – Most flexible staffing resource to address wide range of needs – Behavior, academic intervention and enrichment support; – Frees up teacher time for academic support/enrichment planning with more staff available for lunch/recess duty – Frees up “specials” teacher time to enhance specials offerings instead of delivering academic support 7

8 Add’l Short-Term Recommendations Academic support and enrichment Develop prioritization strategy for intervention and use of specialists’ time Audit and prioritize professional development resources to critical gaps Put system in place to identify above grade level students Identify a staff learning enrichment coordinator to create a SY15-16 pilot program for integrating academic enrichment Communication and best practices Identify a Communications Coordinator (staff member) to develop additional and improved communication channels with parents Create a system for staff to identify and share best practices (around communication, field experiences, math fluency, reading skills, etc.) Field experiences Identify a Field Trip Coordinator (staff member) to develop vertically articulated field experience program Create Communication Protocols for field experiences Establish formal partnerships Create a database of parent contacts 8

9 What can we do in SY15-16? 9 My request of PTA to support the strategic plan: Funding for 1 behavior tech 4 additional teacher partners Support for field, enrichment, and communication coordinators Requires $164,860 in new money for SY15-16 These additions would allow us to implement about 40% of the staffing plan in the first year

10 DCPS Budget Highlights 10

11 DCPS Budget Highlights 11 Additional SpEd teacher (now four!)

12 DCPS Budget Highlights 12 Additional SpEd teacher (now four!) Full-time social worker (currently 0.5)

13 DCPS Budget Highlights 13 Additional SpEd teacher (now four!) Full-time social worker (currently 0.5) Additional 4 th grade teacher & classroom (now three!)

14 DCPS Budget Highlights 14 Additional SpEd teacher (now four!) Full-time social worker (currently 0.5) Additional 4 th grade teacher & classroom (now three!) One teacher partner (Strategic Plan Initiative)

15 DCPS Budget Highlights Additional highlights: DCPS has committed $350k for a project to include: – Transformation of current staff lounge to a classroom space – Transformation of four end hall closets to become usable student/office spaces – Upgrade student bathrooms 15

16 Language Decision Language will remain full-time, ECE-5 th Language will remain an exposure program, introducing students to language acquisition Relied strongly on: – Recommendations and criteria of WG3 Ability to learn language DCPS articulation National data supports Spanish (see next slide) – Parent input through two parent surveys over two years, LSAT mtngs – DCPS language recommendations and focus on vertical articulation All of these sources prioritized Spanish 16

17 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 17

18 Brent PTA SY15-16 Draft Budget Proposal Wednesday April 1, 2015

19 PTA Budget: Major SY15-16 changes Draft PTA budget proposes: About 10% increase in fundraising for FY15/16 About $19,000 from Steve and Kate Camp Reduce PTA subsidies of classroom supplies & field trips; increase fees – Student supply fee $75  $100 – Field trip fee $25  $60 – Springboard before-care? How to have it in a way that is more accountable and financially stable? Various reductions across the budget, notably: – School operating costs—more funded in DCPS budget – Grounds maintenance – Small $$ events, etc.—now rolled into one Front Office line item

20 What will we get for it? Draft proposal fully funds strategic plan SY15-16 request Draft PTA budget proposes: Funding 1 behavior tech (up to $45,000) Funding 4 aides ($28,000 each) Funding for enrichment, field experience, and communications staff coordinators, planning and implementation (about $10,000) Continued professional development for teachers Together with DCPS Budget, in SY15-16 Brent will have: 1 full-time social worker and 1 behavior tech: two-thirds of the staff recommended in the strategic plan 5 high-quality aides: nearly 40% of the 13 aides (1 per class) recommended in the strategic plan Pilots launched for enrichment, field experience programs

21 Brent Needs Your Help Big sacrifices on the part of Brent Administration: no AP, instead reading specialist and science for our students Focus, prioritization and increased effort on the part of teachers and staff Focus, prioritization and increased effort on the part of parents – Achieving this plan requires trade-offs—more activities and services will be fee-based, with PTA funds subsidizing families as needed – Support Brent fundraising efforts: Annual Fund, Xmas Sale, Gala – Join PTA fundraising, communications, and facilities committees – Volunteer as a room parent or field trip lead – Be ready to contribute your talents, connections, time 21

22 Brent needs your help Big sacrifices and effort on the part of Brent Administration – No Assistant Principal, instead reading specialist and science for our students – Continued leadership and management of major initiatives – Continued progress reporting to all stakeholders Focus, prioritization & increased effort on the part of teachers/staff – Assistance with transition to classrooms with 2 educators – Completion of training to ensure high-standards across grade levels – Taking on leadership roles in enrichment/intervention, communication, field experience program Focus, prioritization and increased effort on the part of parents – Achieving this plan requires trade-offs—more activities and services will be fee-based, with PTA funds subsidizing families as needed – Support Brent fundraising efforts: Annual Fund, Xmas Sale, Gala – Join PTA fundraising, communications, and facilities committees – Volunteer as a room parent or field trip lead – Be ready to contribute your talents, connections, time 22

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