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Composition and Its Scope. Me and Service Learning  Reflect on a service experience in your life and jot down a few thoughts  What was it, how did it.

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Presentation on theme: "Composition and Its Scope. Me and Service Learning  Reflect on a service experience in your life and jot down a few thoughts  What was it, how did it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composition and Its Scope

2 Me and Service Learning  Reflect on a service experience in your life and jot down a few thoughts  What was it, how did it shape your thinking or feeling about you and your society

3 How Could Students Write About This?  What kinds of writing assignments could service learning students complete that would help them think critically about these experiences (while moving, of course, toward completion of course outcomes)?

4 Our Brainstormed List  Proposals  Blog posts  Research assignments (attach service to a specific issue: why….?  Ethnographic research – service learning can provide some insider status  Reading about approaches to an issue (homelessness) and then combine with service trip (Br. Beno’s)  Attitude assessments / self-reflection based on community observation  (disabled students serving others as an example)  adult literacy programs --- methodology to address issue  biography of person affected by service project  biography of famous person in past who did service  marketing materials for the non-profit  zine on a service learning agency and an experience in general  legislation—argument for change  letters to editor / opinions  letters to legislators  contrast US vs elsewhere  web site design or other media projects  writing and media support to different community groups  history of a service organization  writing for an organization  evidence – primary sources – service learning as a source for this  literacy narratives  questionnaires –critical questions about service related social issues  oral history  articles for non-profit newsletters  pen pals with a local school

5 Obstacles  What are the obstacles or challenges to integrating service learning into our classes?  What can instructors, the department, or the service learning office do to help us overcome these obstacles and offer more service

6 Our Brainstorm Obstacles  FEAR OF FAILURE  TIME MANAGEMENT  MANDATORY OR OPTIONAL  INTEGRATING EXPERIENCE INTO THE CLASS – MAKING IT FEEL CONNECTED  SOME OF OUR STUDENTS NEED SERVICE RATHER THAN PROVIDING  BUILDING GENUINE RELATIONSHIPS / HOURS AND LOCATION?  MORE HARM THAN GOOD  BUSY STUDENT LIVES  TRANSPORTATION  APATHY –EVERYONE!  UNEVEN PARTICIPATION  MANDATORY VOLUNTEERISM  COMMUNITY BASED LEARNING? FIELD PRACTICUM?  CLASS RETENTION /ENROLLMENT  (DATA SHOWS HIGHER RETENTION!)  INITIAL ENROLLMENT Strategies  Integrate Service Learning  Part of key assignments  Not extra or add on work  Align service learning with SLO’s—how can students develop these skills via service learning experiences?  Research nationally and at MiraCosta demonstrates that service learning increases retention.

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