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Power Presentations CHAPTER 28. Image Economics in History In the 1950s, American technology produced a flood of consumer goods. These included cars.

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1 Power Presentations CHAPTER 28


3 Image Economics in History In the 1950s, American technology produced a flood of consumer goods. These included cars and houses in suburbs springing up across the country. You and your family have moved to a new house in a growing suburb—which some people think of as the American Dream. What is the American Dream to you?

4 How might the American Dream be connected to prosperity? How might the American Dream involve helping others? How might the American Dream be connected to democracy, equality, and justice?

5 1960 John F. Kennedy is elected president. To World 1956 Highway Act is passed. Eisenhower is reelected president 1954 Senator Joseph McCarthy claims Communist influence in U.S. Army. 1953 Rosenbergs are executed as spies. Image 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected president. United States explodes first hydrogen bomb. 1949 United States joins NATO. 1948 Harry S. Truman is elected president. 1947 Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan are established. 1945 United Nations is established.

6 Back to Home Back to U.S. 1957 Soviets launch Sputnik. 1956 Soviets suppress Hungarian Revolution. 1953 Korean War cease-fire is agreed to. 1952 Mau Mau revolt shakes Kenya. 1950 Korean War begins. 1949 Germany is partitioned. China becomes Communist. 1948 Berlin Airlift begins. 1946 Churchill gives “Iron Curtain” speech.

7 Main Idea Why It Matters Now Americans looked for prosperity after World War II. They also fought communism in the Cold War. The U.S. economy grew rapidly, and the nation’s role in the world expanded after World War II.

8 What were the goals of such Cold War programs as the Containment policy, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO ? PROGRAM Containment policy Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO GOAL stop spread of communism help people fight for democracy form military alliance to defend Western Europe help Western Europe rebuild Map

9 Why was inflation a concern in the early postwar period? What were the causes of the Cold War? Why did the United States experience fear of communism after the war?

10 Back to Home Forming Opinions Do you think an exaggerated fear of communism could occur again? Explain. Think About relations between the United States and Russia today American attitudes toward opposing views beliefs about communism

11 Main Idea Why It Matters Now The Cold War and the Korean War produced a far-reaching form of anticommunism. Reckless charges damaged personal lives and set up a climate of suspicion that affected Americans for years.

12 What were five events that played a part in the Korean War? When did they occur? Image June 1950 North Korean troops cross 38th parallel November 1950 Chinese troops enter war July 1953 cease-fire early in 1951 two sides deadlocked July 1951 truce talks begin

13 Why did war break out in Korea? How did it end? Why was McCarthy able to wield so much power in the 1950s? How did Eisenhower’s approach to the Cold War differ from Truman’s?

14 Back to Home Drawing Conclusions Think About U.S. concerns about North Korean leadership U.S. goals for ending conflict the conflict’s outcome How was U.S. involvement in Korea an example of the Truman Doctrine in action? Map

15 Main Idea Why It Matters Now While the United States was locked in a Cold War, social and economic changes took place in American life. The American economy and popular culture continue to spread their influence around the globe.

16 In what ways was life changing in the United States during the 1950s? suburban living population shifts entertainment economic changes minorities 1950s American Life

17 How did the movement to the suburbs affect the urban poor? What caused the 1950s baby boom? How did the baby boom contribute to suburban growth? How did television affect American life in the 1950s?

18 Back to Home Contrasting Do you think the American Dream for most Americans today would be the same as it was in the 1950s? Think About expectations about suburban/urban living changes in transportation and workplace


20 1 How did the federal government help veterans? 2 Why was inflation a bigger problem than recession in the postwar period? 3 Why was the fate of Eastern Europe an issue that divided the Soviet Union from its former allies? 4 How did the Marshall Plan and the formation of NATO reflect Truman’s containment policy? 5 Why did the United States become involved in the Korean War?

21 6 Why were Americans frustrated by the outcome of the Korean War? 7 How was McCarthy able to gain such a powerful hold on the government and the American public? 8 What groups were left out of postwar prosperity? 9 What factors boosted the growth of suburbs? 10 Why did Americans become bigger consumers in the 1950s?

22 Back to Home Labor unions and big business Communist threat at home FOREIGN ISSUES Korea Communism in Europe Fair Deal Loyalty Review Board called on UN to help defend South Korea NATO; Marshall Plan; Truman Doctrine DOMESTIC ISSUESTRUMANEISENHOWER middle-of-the road policies opposed McCarthy’s attack on the Army went to Korea; armistice signed brinksmanship Categorizing

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