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Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Wade and Ms. O’Shea 2007-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Wade and Ms. O’Shea 2007-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Ms. Wade and Ms. O’Shea 2007-2008

2 Agenda About Ms. Wade A Day in Kindergarten Goals and Curriculum Discipline Communication Parent Volunteers Questions Anticipated expenses

3 Nita Wade  Virginia Native  Attended Arlington Public Schools  3 children that graduated from ASFS  Masters in Education from Marymount University

4 A Day in Kindergarten WEB Language arts Rotations Science City Lunch/Recess Writer’s Workshop Social Studies Snack Math Specials Dismissal Field Trips Assemblies Science is incorporated throughout the day Specials  Monday and Friday P.E.  Tuesdays Art  Thursday Music  Wednesday Library  Investigation Station on a rotating basis

5 Goals for Students Independence Love learning/life-long learners Readers Problem solvers (use strategies) Creative and critical thinkers

6 Curriculum Virginia Standards of Learning Language arts: Words Their Way, Harcourt, Handwriting Without Tears, M.A.R.S. bags, shared/guided reading, interactive writing Science: ASFS science curriculum, Children’s Engineering, Harcourt Brace Series Mathematics: Investigations Social Studies: Harcourt Brace Series Report cards twice a year (January/June)

7 Discipline –Be Safe –Be Fair –Be Kind

8 Communication 4Friday Newsletter 4Notes 4Email 4Voicemail (703) 228-3600 ext: 99385

9 Parent Volunteers W.E.B. Room Parents Friday Fresh Special Projects Chaperones for Field trips Art in the classroom

10 Anticipated Expenses $20 party donation for October 31st Halloween party, December 21 Winter Holiday party, and February 14th Valentine’s Day party $7 October 2 field trip to Frying Pan Farm Park (adult chaperones $7) A new book for a winter holiday gift exchange Free January field trip to the APS planetarium Free February field trip to the APS planetarium $4 April 3 field trip to That's Not Magic, It's Science @ the Baird Auditorium, National History Museum. (adult chaperones $5) Free June field trip to the National Zoo Any balance from the initial $20 donation will be allocated to a year end celebration contributions of snacks to share as needed and fresh fruit/vegetables for our Friday snack

11 Questions/Comments?Questions/Comments?

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