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The Cold War and the American Dream 1945 – 1960 How did the Cold War and domestic changes in the postwar years affect the nation?

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2 The Cold War and the American Dream 1945 – 1960 How did the Cold War and domestic changes in the postwar years affect the nation?

3 Peacetime Adjustments and the Cold War Key ? – How did the U.S. economy and political climate change after World War II? Key ? – How did the U.S. economy and political climate change after World War II? Defense industries changed to making goods and reducing their workforce. Defense industries changed to making goods and reducing their workforce. 10 million veterans flooded the job market. 10 million veterans flooded the job market. Mostly women laid off – returned to teaching and nursing. Mostly women laid off – returned to teaching and nursing.

4 The Postwar Economy Increased demand for goods, housing led to skyrocketing prices. Increased demand for goods, housing led to skyrocketing prices. G.I. Bill – guaranteed housing loans for vets. G.I. Bill – guaranteed housing loans for vets. William Levitt – mass produced homes to sell cheaply. Levittown on Long Island, NY opened in 1947. William Levitt – mass produced homes to sell cheaply. Levittown on Long Island, NY opened in 1947. Labor unions began striking; After war little changed for African Americans. Labor unions began striking; After war little changed for African Americans.

5 Reelection and the Fair Deal Truman not expected to win reelection. Truman not expected to win reelection. Traveled by train across country blasting the “do-nothing” Republican Congress. Traveled by train across country blasting the “do-nothing” Republican Congress. Beat Thomas Dewey. Beat Thomas Dewey. Proposed the Fair Deal and extension to FDR’s the New Deal. Proposed the Fair Deal and extension to FDR’s the New Deal.

6 America Fights a Cold War Key ? How did the Cold War affect the United States and Europe? Key ? How did the Cold War affect the United States and Europe? Tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union. Tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union. Stalin installed pro-Soviet government throughout Eastern Europe despite his promise of free elections. Stalin installed pro-Soviet government throughout Eastern Europe despite his promise of free elections. Each suspected each other of trying to dominate world affairs. Each suspected each other of trying to dominate world affairs. Never met on battlefield but threat of conflict became the Cold War that lasted for decades. Never met on battlefield but threat of conflict became the Cold War that lasted for decades.

7 The Berlin Airlift 1945 – the Allies agreed to temporary division of Germany into 4 zones. 1945 – the Allies agreed to temporary division of Germany into 4 zones. Western powers merged their zones and planned to unite them, but Stalin feared a united Germany. Western powers merged their zones and planned to unite them, but Stalin feared a united Germany. 1948 – Stalin forces blocked access; Truman approved a huge airlift of food, fuel, and equipment. 1948 – Stalin forces blocked access; Truman approved a huge airlift of food, fuel, and equipment.

8 The Politics of Containment Truman strategy was containment, or stopping the spread of communism through military and nonmilitary ways. Truman strategy was containment, or stopping the spread of communism through military and nonmilitary ways. The Truman Doctrine promised aid to people fighting to maintain democracy. The Truman Doctrine promised aid to people fighting to maintain democracy. Marshall Plan – reviving war-torn economies of Europe offering 13billion in aid. Marshall Plan – reviving war-torn economies of Europe offering 13billion in aid. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization made up of Western European nations and others. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization made up of Western European nations and others. Soviet Union countered with the Warsaw Pact. Soviet Union countered with the Warsaw Pact.

9 The Cold War at Home Key ? – How did fear of communism affect people in the U.S.? Key ? – How did fear of communism affect people in the U.S.? Americans feared that communism would spread inside the U. S. Americans feared that communism would spread inside the U. S. Trials: Alger Hiss accused of passing military info to Soviet Union; Rosenbergs were executed for passing atomic secrets to the Russians. Trials: Alger Hiss accused of passing military info to Soviet Union; Rosenbergs were executed for passing atomic secrets to the Russians. Truman ordered loyalty checks. Truman ordered loyalty checks. HUAC targeted the movie industry. HUAC targeted the movie industry.

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