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Do-Now Watch and takes notes on the Korean War video (~8min) Wednesday, May 13 th Agenda Do now & HW pass-back Korean War lesson “Looking at both sides”

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2 Do-Now Watch and takes notes on the Korean War video (~8min) Wednesday, May 13 th Agenda Do now & HW pass-back Korean War lesson “Looking at both sides” activity Homework Begin to prepare (study) for Monday’s test.


4 The Korean War ><> ><> ><> <> <> ><> ><> ><> ><> <> <

5 Communist Expansion in Asia Going way back… China was occupied by other countries – After WWI all German occupied territory given to Japan – Chinese call for a stronger government Debate – communism v. nationalism Chinese Civil War – Communists v. Nationalists – Mao proclaims the People’s Republic of China in 1949

6 Korean Independence? Japan annexed Korea before WWI – Japanese rule was harsh 1945, Koreans celebrated (…why?) – wished for reunification Japan surrenders before Allies could develop a plan for Korean Independence – Temporary solution: Soviets would occupy North of the 38 th parallel; US would occupy south of the 38 th parallel Pro-American government forms in South Communist regime established in the North Soviets and US withdraw in 1948-49

7 What now?...

8 Korean Conflict 1950 North Korean troops crossed the 38 th parallel – Determined to reunite Korea by force US surprised & convinced that Stalin and the Soviets are behind the attack – President Truman compares North Korean attack to German invasion of Poland, France, etc.

9 UN Involvement Truman brings Korean Conflict to the UN – – vote to help South Korea against their aggressors Truman immediately sends troops and air support. – 16 nations contributed troops or arms to the cause


11 Korean War General MacArthur led UN forces – Struck at NK supply lines by attacking supply lines from the north and sending forces to defend Pusan in the south – N. Koreans fled back beyond 38 th parallel with UN troops in pursuit – China warns UN getting too close – MacArthur announces “Home by Christmas” offensive – Chinese troops cross Yalu River and drive UN forces back – Stalemate develops – Truman & MacArthur disagree over strategies – Eisenhower threatens to use Nuclear weapons & truce is signed in 1953

12 Effects of the Korean War Limited victory & results Whites & African-Americans in same unit Increased military spending – Permanent mobilization – Military-industrial complex Sign peace treaty with Japan – 1951 Political standoff with China until 1970s

13 Two sides to every story: An American’s eye-view and Soviet’s eye-view of the Korean War…


15 Document Analysis What type of document is this? When was it written? What was its purpose? Look closely at the language of Truman's statement… what did he mean by this: "Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations." What does "subversion" means and what does it mean to people during the Cold War? List other examples of fear of subversion in the 1950s.

16 “Truman's statement and actions, unprecedented in the international relations of the post-war period, are just one more indication that the American ruling circles no longer limit themselves to preparation for aggression, but have gone over to direct acts of aggression… As is known, neither the United Nations nor any other international organ empowered the government of the USA to take those actions related to Korea and China that Truman announced yesterday. Undertaking their open aggressive act, the American government apparently intended to present the United Nations with a fait accompli." YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Write a paragraph comparing the language and argument of Pravda's editorial with that of Truman's statement. The Soviet newspaper Pravda responded to Truman's statement by blaming the Korean conflict on a "provocative attack by the troops of the puppet government of South Korea." Consider the following excerpt:

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