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Europe and North America.  Big Three  Truman-US  Clement Attlee-Britain  Stalin-Soviet Union  Meet at Postdam (outside Berlin)  Basic principles.

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1 Europe and North America

2  Big Three  Truman-US  Clement Attlee-Britain  Stalin-Soviet Union  Meet at Postdam (outside Berlin)  Basic principles  Germany must be demilitarized  Nazi Party must be disbanded & outlawed  Atrocities should be punished  Germany should remain a single state ruled by occupation governments

3  Territorial adjustments  Soviet Union wanted to keep Polish territories  Poland would take part of East Prussia  Soviets would take the rest of East Prussia  Soviets stripped Germany of ¼ of its land  Soviet Union, Czech. & Poland evict Germans  Refugees flood back to Germany  Demilitarization & Reparations  Allies disbanded German land, air, and sea forces  War industry dismantled  US & Britain wanted to revive Germany  France wanted Germany to remain weak  Soviets wanted $10 billion in reparations  Soviets were given industrial equipment instead

4  Documented the extent of the Holocaust  First trial in history to prosecute war crimes  12 sentenced to death  7 to life imprisonment  3 aquitted  Nazi Party declared a criminal organization  Nazis removed from authority

5  Reconstructing Europe  Nazis had destroyed many prewar gov’ts  Italy becomes a republic & gives up all rights to colonies (UN)  France adopts a new constitution that established the 4 th Republic  Eastern Europe goes communistic  Growing tension between Soviets and Western Allies

6  April 1945  51 nations met in San Francisco  October, new charter is ratified

7  Purpose-maintain peace & security  Mediate of disputes & prevent aggression  10 temporary members  5 permanent members-US, Britain, France, Soviet Union, China=veto power  Purpose-designed to appeal to those who felt all nations should have equal status  All nations had same rights & voting power=one vote per nation  Elects the secretary- general & the judges of the International Court of Justice

8  Allies can’t agree on how to unify Germany  Western allies reunite their zones  Soviets refuse  Soviets blockade East German border

9  Soviets – “No trucks, barges, or trains to pass checkpoints”  W. Germans will starve  U.S. & Britain start airlift  So successful Soviets lifted blockade

10  U.S. & Britain poor aid into West Germany  By 1958 W. Germany is #1 economy in Europe  W. Germany elects anti- Soviet Konrad Adenauer as chancellor  Committed to the rule of law  Encourages East Germans to escape to the West  So many escapees=Berlin Wall


12 Dead Windows “Death Zone”


14 Reagan visits Berlin in 1987.


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