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Motorcycling Ireland Seminar of the Irish Anti-Doping Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Motorcycling Ireland Seminar of the Irish Anti-Doping Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motorcycling Ireland Seminar of the Irish Anti-Doping Programme

2 What is an Anti Doping Violation Presence of a prohibited Substance or it’s Metabolites or Marker in a Rider’ sample Use or Attempted use by a Rider of a prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection

3 Tampering or Attempted tampering with any part of Doping Control Possession of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited method Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking in any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method Administration or Attempted Administration to a Rider in competition of a prohibited Substance

4 Complicity Assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up or other type of intentional complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation by another person Prohibited Association Association by a rider with any rider support person who is serving a period of ineligibility, or a person who has been convicted in a criminal or professional proceeding to have engaged in conduct which would have constituted an anti doping violation

5 Strict Liability Your Body Your Responsibility

6 Consequences of not adhering to Anti- Doping Procedures Suspension from sport – 4 years to life Financial implications Invalidity of Results Other Consequences – Time, Media.

7 Important If a rider/coach is sanctioned for a positive test they will not be allowed to train with a club, participate, coach or administer any other sport that is signed up to the WADA Code, while under sanction.

8 Sample Collection Procedures

9 Rider Selection Random draw Draw made before Event

10 Rider Notification After a Rider finishes training or race a tester will verbally inform the rider that they need to do a drugs test They will be asked to sign the Doping Control Form. Failure to comply with these request have the same implication as a positive test result.

11 An rider is entitled to: Request to see the Doping Control Officer and Chaperone’s ID card Nominate a representative of their choice to accompany them during the sample collection Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station (DCS) for a valid reason

12 Valid reasons for a delay in reporting for testing: Locating a representative Obtaining photo I.D. ( License ) Competing in further Competitions Obtaining necessary medical treatment

13 Rider Responsibilities  Produce identification, when requested, to the DCO/Chaperone  Stay within sight of the DCO/Chaperone assigned to them at all times until they have provided their sample and signed the Doping Control Form

14 Riders Responsibilities  Comply with the sample collection procedures - the first sample they provide, after notification is at the DCS  Retain control of their urine sample until it is securely Sealed

15 Report to Doping Control Station

16 Before providing a sample Riders should avoid excessive re-hydration Consuming food or fluids prior to providing a sample it is at Rider’s own risk – STRICT LIBALITY Bottled water may be provided for Riders, ensure the bottle is sealed before opening

17 Before selecting a sample collection vessel OR

18 Selecting a Sample Collection Vessel

19 Providing a Sample The athlete must remove all clothing from the knees to mid-chest and from the hands to the elbows A chaperone of the same gender directly witnesses the athlete provide a sample

20 Minors – U18

21 90mls

22 Partial Sample  The partial sample is put in the ‘A’ Bottle until further urine is provided to reach a total of 90mls  The partial sample is sealed with a ‘partial sample seal’ with an individual number

23 Selecting a Sample Collection Kit  A selection of kits  Check the tamper evident seal, all seals

24 Five-Point Check

25 Dividing/Sealing the Sample Sample is split between bottles Lids secured on bottles

26 From time of passing the urine until it is securely sealed, only the RIDER must handle the sample

27 Checking the Suitability of the Sample Specific Gravity checked – must meet laboratory requirements ≥1.005

28 Declaration of Medications/ Supplements used in past 14 days

29 Confirmation of Procedure for Urine and/or Blood Testing

30 The Lab

31 Results Management Positive Result – Contacted via Phone/ Letter by Irish Sports Council Letter will give details of the facts and evidence of the alleged violation Rider will be advised of their rights under the rules and what steps should be taken by rider License will be suspended pending investigation All violations will now be investigated by Irish Sports Council and will involve National Garda Drug Unit, Revenue Commissioners and Revenue

32 The Prohibited List and Checking Medications

33 WADA Prohibited List ‘ the banned list’ Drug tests check for categories of substances and methods on this list Available at: List should be checked on a regular basis as new items can be added during the year

34 Recreational Drugs (including Cannabis) are on the Prohibited List

35 The Simple Advice… Riders must check all your prescribed and over-the- counter medications

36 Republic of Ireland ISC Medication Checker App

37 Northern Ireland, UK, USA, Canada

38 GUESS which are prohibited? And could cause you a problem

39 Prohibited

40 GUESS which are prohibited?

41 Prohibited

42 The Same? Republic of IrelandAmerica PROHIBITED!!!!!!

43 What happens if your medication is prohibited? If you are competing at International Level, you may need to apply for a TUE


45 Advice for Riders Know what goes into your body Check your medication every time Remember the principle of ‘Strict Liability’

46 Advice for Riders cont.… When competing abroad Bring a supply from home of any prescribed or over- the-counter medications you may need If you need to purchase medication overseas – you need to check if it is permitted in the country where it is purchased

47 Advice for Riders cont.… If your medication is prohibited, read the TUE Policy to see if you need to apply

48 SUPPLEMENTS Research the supplement and make sure NONE of it’s ingredients are on the banned list Take a print out of your research BEFORE taking it and keep safe. You may need the proof to show you took steps to ensure product was safe Do you really need supplements, work with professionals to see if change of diet will have same results for you Most Supplements contain high levels of Stimulement’s

49 For More Information Contact your Anti-Doping Officer Bernard Keller or


51 Follow us on Twitter #pureirishsport

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