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SECAM Systems Product Presentation SECAM Systems © 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SECAM Systems Product Presentation SECAM Systems © 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECAM Systems Product Presentation SECAM Systems © 2010

2 Team Members Caleb Shortt Tubego Phamphang Vikram Sandhu David Cheperdak Moffat Sehudi SECAM Systems © 2010

3 Problem The 2009 academic year at the University of Victoria saw rampant theft throughout the campus. Particularly targeted was the ECS. Offices and labs were broken into, and thousands of dollars worth of equipment was either destroyed or stolen. SECAM Systems © 2010

4 Problem The problem comprises of the following items: 1.There are thefts in the ECS building 1.Student’s inability to work in the labs after hours due to this 2.Video camera monitoring system deemed too expensive 1.Lacks desired functionality SECAM Systems © 2010

5 Problem Domain knowledge: Unauthorized intrusion in to ECS facilities during the day-especially after hours Web Camera activated to record and save the video to the database Campus Security personnel observe web interface Requirement: Security personnel must be notified if there is an unauthorized intrusion SECAM Systems © 2010

6 SECAM has developed a solution SECAM Systems © 2010

7 Solution SECAM has developed a web-based monitoring system where users may utilize their own web cameras to secure their office spaces and labs. The only hardware the user would need is a basic web camera and a computer. SECAM Systems © 2010

8 Solution: General Idea A client application must be installed on the user’s computer to secure the video feed and provide motion and sound detection. The client activates the system through the client application. If there is motion, the system starts recording and notifies the user. If the setting is selected, the system will also notify security personnel. The user can access their webcam feed via the web controls interface. There they can change settings and capture images of the video stream. SECAM Systems © 2010

9 Solution: General Idea All video recorded is stored in SECAM’s SECURE database and can NOT be modified. This provides tamper-proof evidence for police and security. SECAM Systems © 2010

10 Solution: Cost The SECAM Solution reduces the cost of securing office spaces and labs exponentially by only requiring the user to provide a relatively cheap web camera and a computer for the camera to connect to. Most offices and labs already have computers which reduces the cost even further. SECAM Systems © 2010

11 Solution: Components The SECAM Solution consists of three main components: 1.SECAM SECURE: A secure database to which all video is sent and stored. Once video data is in the database the data is only available in a read only format. 2.WebControls: Allows the user to view and modify the current video stream. 3.SysControls: An application that is installed on the user’s computer to manage the webcam and it’s connection to the SECURE database. SECAM Systems © 2010

12 Functionality SECAM Systems © 2010

13 Who can use the SECAM system Users of the system Anyone who installs the SECAM client in their office, laboratory etc. i.e. people needing a secure environment 1.Log into the application 2.Customize camera settings 1.Video quality resolution of Camera 2.Activate Motion Capture from remote location 3.Digital zoom 4.Record Time 5.Transmit video or images 6.Choose a sound threshold 7.Notify Security?

14 Who can use the SECAM system Security Personnel: Security Personnel can access the video feed from any camera and take required action 1.Log into the system 2.Choose room to view from available list 3.View the feed

15 Who can use the SECAM system System Administrators Responsible for creating new accounts 1.Click Create Account on website 2.Enter required information on form 3.Save information 4.Edit Account 5.Delete Account 6.Renew Account

16 The diagram to the right depicts a component overview of the SECAM System The system is comprised in to four major components: SECAM SysControls SECAM WebControls SECAM SyServe The system operates off of four major functional information nodes: SECAM WebServer SECAM SECURE Local Computer Local Camera Device The following slide will go into greater detail. SECAM Systems © 2010

17 A registered local computer to the SECAM SECURE database A video camera device attached to a local computer Primary web server for SECAM WebControls Black Box database solution to protect sensitive recorded data SECAM Systems © 2010

18 Locally installed application That facilitates camera operation Encrypts video feed Facilitates video transmission Monitors system status Obtains and implements system settings SysControls web based monitoring solution Facilitates modification of SysControl settings Allows user control over the SysControls application Facilitates the viewing of a video stream SysControls connection and video streaming facilitator Functions as a server and handles incoming connection requests from SysControls installations Authenticates SysControls SECAM Systems © 2010

19 During the planning of this project the SECAM team encountered several challenging problems: Defining the functionality of a SECAM SECURE database Defining the user procedures to maintain high system security Defining account management and user access levels to maintain security Problem definitions are in greater detail and the following slides. SECAM Systems © 2010 Issues

20 Maintaining the integrity of sensitive data Facilitation and maintenance of sensitive data without human interference Systems to prevent external exploitation of secure connections Efficiently maintain size of data store (Video Compression, etc) Ensure performance meets system wide criteria and parallel processing requirements SECAM Systems © 2010 Defining the functionality of a SECAM SECURE database

21 Ensure validity of registered SECAM Systems and users Ensure appropriate permission levels are granted Ensure privacy of account information and resources Ensure a secure and unobtrusive account recovery process Ensure a secure and unobtrusive account creation process SECAM Systems © 2010 Defining account management and user access levels to maintain security

22 Maintaining an intuitive system with desired features Prevent data tampering and ensuring appropriate privacy measures Allowing security personnel to respond to an incident at discretion SECAM Systems © 2010 Defining the uses processes to maintain high system security

23 Conclusion The SECAM Solution is a cheap, accurate, and fast-response system that solves the ECS theft problem. The owners of the offices and labs will have the means to secure their own spaces, and the correct security personnel will be automatically notified when a breach does occur. SECAM Systems © 2010

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