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E-Business Suite What’s New in Release 12

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Presentation on theme: "E-Business Suite What’s New in Release 12"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Business Suite What’s New in Release 12
Connie Barbon, Oracle Senior Sales Consultant

2 <Insert Picture Here>
Agenda What’s New in R12 <Insert Picture Here> Overview Financials 6 Major Initiatives Other “cool stuff” Not really R12… Q & A Additional content on Projects and Human Capital Management included in slide deck

3 New User Experience Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

4 Improved Workflow in Targeted Areas
A New User Experience for R12 Accelerate global roll-outs with simplified user interface and business flows Reduced pop-ups and duplicate screens Re-designed and streamlined entire workflows Reduced the number of steps to complete key tasks Improved overall look & feel and visual style Increased personalization capabilities Campaign Management Customer Support Collections & Payments Loan Management Improved Workflow in Targeted Areas Financial Consolidation Online Candidate Registration Absence Management Salary Administration Self-Service Purchasing Sourcing Supplier Collaboration Business Intelligence

5 New Background Pattern
New User Experience New Background Pattern New Buttons New Colors New Fonts New Icons I’m sure you’re familiar with this slide or have at least seen this once before. This slide reveals the new user interface that introduces new colors, buttons, icons and fonts – a result of our User Experience team performing studies to determine what will improved the overall user experience. Data analysis and design recommendations resulted in: Re-design and streamlining of entire workflows Reduction in the number of steps to complete key tasks Improvement of the overall look & feel and visual style Overall improved ease of use But what you may not know is that new pages that are being introduced in Release 12 have taken a completely different approach to simplifying the user experience, ultimately increasing end user productivity. In fact, we’ve significantly improved the user experience for the following in Release 12: Collections Setup Payments Loans Accounting Setup Manager (ASM) Financial Consolidation Hub (FCH) For example, let’s first take a look at the Accounting Setup process in 11i.

6 11i User Experience - example
Define/Assign Set of Books, Specify Conversion options/rules Defining a set of books takes 5 tabs to accommodate all fields and rules Multiple steps required to assign sets of books and specify conversion options/rules In 11i, the accounting setup takes 5 tabs to accommodate all of the fields, rules and options. There’s also multiple steps required to assign a set of books and specify conversion options and rules.

7 Superior Ownership Experience R12 - Single Page for Accounting Setup
Legal Entities Ledgers Currencies Balancing Segments Subledger Accounting Operating Units Balancing Options But in Release 12, the Accounting Setup Manager has been created to provide a simplified and improved user experience. All of the setup for the 4 C’s is all set up centrally in this wizard-like interface that steps you through the process of all related fields, options and rules associated with the creation and posting of accounting entries. Centralized the setup for the common setup components like: Legal Entities, Operating Units, Ledgers, etc. Results: Customers now have better access to setup information Customers will make fewer setup mistakes, save time, and improve operational efficiencies. Reinforces the EBS message of a single-integrated suite Streamlined the setup and implementation of Oracle Financial Applications

8 Oracle Financials What’s New in Release 12

9 What’s New in R12 Financials
General Ledger Ledger & Ledger Sets 6 Major Initiatives Ledger and Ledger Sets Subledger Accounting MOAC Intercompany Tax Engine Bank Model Subledger Accounting (SLA) Dr Cr Bank Model -% Tax Engine Inter Company Projects Receivables Inventory Work in Process Purchasing Payables Multi-Org Access Control

10 <Insert Picture Here>
Ledgers and Ledger Sets

11 Ledgers in Oracle A set of accounting information for a legal or business entity
Each ledger is associated with a Chart of accounts, Calendar, Currency, and Subledger Accounting Convention for which accounting information is recorded R12 = Ledgers 4 C’s: Currency, Calendar, Chart, Convention 11i & Prior = Sets of Books 3 C’s: Currency, Calendar, Chart Seeded Conventions: Standard Accrual Standard Cash Accrual w/ Encumbrance Cash w/ Encumbrance US Federal Accounting China Standard Accrual 11

12 Multiple Accounting Representations Parallel Financial Reporting with Ledgers
Ledger A Ledger B French Rules French COA French Calendar EUR US GAAP US COA US Calendar EUR Single subledger transaction can create multiple accounting representations and in multiple currencies Dr Cr Subledger Accounting New Concept – Today SOB (3 C’s- cal, curr, COA) Its not just a name change. R12 replaces SOB’s with SLA, Ledgers, and Ledger Sets. There are important differences between SOB’s & Ledgers. A SOB was a general ledger with its associated subledgers (ie AP, AR) & was self contained as to management, calendaring, & reporting. In R12, SLA tables provide formal acct for the subledgers. Ledger is the general data – transactions & balances – for a particular acct entity Payables Invoice

13 Multiple Ledgers Primary Ledger
the main “Activity” Ledger Usually in the local currency For Operational reporting Secondary Ledger (ex. France requires Statutory Chart) Differs from Primary Ledger by Chart, Calendar, and/or Convention For Statutory, Tax or Consolidated reporting Reporting Currency Ledger Differs from Primary Ledger by Currency ONLY Just a translation of the Primary Ledger – no rules required For Consolidated reporting

14 Ledger Sets Global Information At A Glance
Share: Chart of Accounts Calendar Ledger Set Ledger C US GAAP US COA US Calendar USD Ledger A US GAAP US COA US Calendar EUR Ledger B French Rules French COA French Calendar EUR Ledger D US GAAP US COA US Calendar AUD Ledger Set is where mgmt, calendaring, & GL reporting live. The new multiple ledger approach keeps the data segmented. It allows for processing & reporting across different accounting entities. From an upgrade approach, the upgrade process automatically maps currently defined SOB’s to a Ledger within a Ledger Set. (you’ll get 1 ledger and 1 ledger set associated with 1 SOB). Operating Units will be pointed to the Ledgers that were created respective to the SOBS Key benefits to many Ledgers in one set Decision-driving business information always available Simpler processing and General Ledger management Data and definitions that can be shared and secured Reporting Currency

15 LEDGER SETS Grouping of ledgers with the same chart of accounts and calendar/period type combination Essentially treats multiple ledgers as one

16 Perform the Following Across Ledgers Using Ledger Sets
Open/Close Periods Create Journals Allocations Across Ledgers Recurring Journals for All Ledgers Elimination Sets for All Ledgers Translate and Revalue Balances View Information without Changing Responsibilities View Journals and Account Balances Across Ledgers Submit Standard Reports Create Financial Statements that Include Data for Multiple Ledgers This is a summary of some of the things you can do when you combine multiple ledgers in a ledger set.

17 Ledger Set Benefits Shorter Close Process
Run month-end close processes across multiple ledgers simultaneously Greater flexibility to decentralize/centralize accounting functions The corporate office can control the period status for multiple subsidiaries at once Real-Time Enterprise-Wide Visibility Quickly report across the entire enterprise in real-time because no transfer of data is required Reported results are accurate and timely because they are based on the transactional system, not a data warehouse Ledger set Benefits. Shorten Close Process: Companies can shorten their close process with the ability to treat multiple ledgers as one when running month-end close processes. Typical month-end close activities, such as running translation, revaluation, reports and closing periods can be submitted across ledgers in a single submission Decentralize/Centralize Accounting Functions: Companies have the utmost flexibility in centralizing or decentralizing accounting functions. I.e., the corporate office can control the period status across multiple ledgers by opening and closing period for all ledgers simultaneously. Real-time Enterprise-Wide Visibility: Companies can quickly report across the entire enterprise in real-time because no transfer of data is required to obtain enterprise-wide visibility Accurate Results Guaranteed: Companies can trust that the reported results are accurate and timely because they are based on the transactional system, not a data warehouse like our competitor SAP requires Section 302 – SARBOX requires CEOs and CFOs to certify financial and other information in their companies' quarterly and annual reports. By being able to perform a health check of their global enterprise throughout the accounting cycle, this allows companies to more closely monitor their business and maintain tighter internal controls as dictated by Sarbanes Oxley Section 404. 17

18 Ledger Set Benefits More Efficient Access to Ledger Data
No need to change responsibilities to access data in different ledgers Processing Efficiency Essentially treats multiple ledgers as one and eliminates the overhead of having a high number of ledgers defined Reduces the number of repetitive tasks that offer limited value and allows you to spend more time on value-added tasks Reporting Efficiency Obtain “flash” reports throughout the accounting cycle to proactively manage the business instead of waiting until the end of the month when the data collected is backward looking

19 Impacted Applications Ledger Sets
Ledger Sets used by General Ledger Some AR and AP reports use Ledger Sets The following Payables reports can be run for a ledger or ledger set to report on balances across all operating units assigned to a given ledger or ledger set: Payables Posted Invoice Register Payables Posted Payments Register for a Ledger or Ledger Set Open Account Balances Listing

20 Impact/Upgrade Considerations Ledger Sets
None; All sets of books upgraded to ledgers Only need to define ledger sets to obtain processing efficiencies

21 <Insert Picture Here>
Subledger Accounting Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

22 SLA = Centralized Accounting Model, Rules, Engine and Repository
Subledger Accounting Centralized Rules, Common Repository: Global Control General Ledger Internal control and compliance with multiple accounting policies through user-defined accounting rules Single source of truth for all subsystem accounting activity with a common data model and repository Accounting, reconciliation and reporting facilitated by centralized data model Streamline closing process with common posting engine Auditable and transparent entries accessible with full drilldown 3rd Party Systems SLA = Centralized Accounting Model, Rules, Engine and Repository Dr Cr Receivables Inventory Projects 3rd Party Systems Work in Process Purchasing Payables

23 Introduction to Subledger Accounting
Rule-based accounting engine, toolset & repository supporting Oracle E-Business Suite modules Allows multiple accounting representations for a single business event, resolving conflicts between corporate and local fiscal accounting requirements Retains the most granular level of detail in the subledger accounting model, with different summarization options in the General Ledger, allowing full auditability and reconciliation Introduces a common data model and UI across subledgers, replaces various disparate 11i setups, providing single source of truth for financial and management analysis 23

24 Introduction to Subledger Accounting DUAL POSTING SIMULTANEOUSLY
Ledger: FR Statutory GL Date: 2-Mar-2006 Invoice# 100 Supplier: ABC Networks Invoice Internal Identifier: 1001 Invoice #100 ABC Networks 2 Monitors – Marketing $1000 5 Printers – Marketing $ 500 Freight $ 100 Tax $ 110 Total $1710 Invoice Internal Identifier: 1001 Ledger: US Corporate GL Date: 2-Mar-2006 Invoice# 100 Supplier: ABC Networks DR CR 1 Expense 01-EXP-200 $1500 2 Freight 01-FR-200 $100 3 Tax TX $110 4 Liability 01-LIAB-200 $1710 Invoice Line 1 Invoice Line 2 SLA tracks how the journal entry is built from a transaction. On the left side of the screen, we are seeing an invoice for two items, freight and tax. On the right, we are seeing 2 entries created: one on the US corporate ledger and on the FR statutory ledger. The expense entry is created for the two item lines of the invoice. The following two lines for freight and tax respectively. The rules have been setup to summarize all and create a single liability entry. We could also configure the rule so that 3 or 4 separate liability lines were created. SLA stores, and allows tracking how each line of the invoice contributed to the journal entry. A single invoice transaction generates 2 separate journal entries in 2 separate ledgers. Each ledger maintains a full accounting representation, though based on different accounting rules. Invoice Line 3 Invoice Line 4 24

25 Transactions vs. Accounting
SLA provides a distinction between a transaction and the accounting representation of the transaction (there can be multiple representations of one transaction) Accounting distributions did not necessarily go away Needed for upgrade customers Needed as starting point for SLA (Don’t want to force customers to define their own SLA rules) In some cases, necessary to allow user input Most default SLA rules just ‘pass through’ the distribution accounts (where applicable)

26 Streamline Accounting

27 Impacted Applications
General Ledger Payables Receivables Projects Assets Costing OPM Public Sector/Federal Payroll Property Manager Loans Lease Management (Post R12) Cash Management Globalizations Intercompany 27

28 Subledger Journal Entry – more info

29 Subledger Entry vs. GL Journal Entries Many to One
Controlled by GL JE Summarization setting for each Subledger App (AP, AR, etc): Summarize by GL Date, by GL Period, or No Summarization Invoice No: GL Date: 01/27/07 3rd Party: Fender ,000 EUR ,000 EUR SLA JE #1 Invoice No: GL Date: 01/27/07 3rd Party: Gibson ,000 EUR ,000 EUR SLA JE #2 Invoice No: GL Date: 01/27/07 3rd Party: Kramer ,000 EUR ,000 EUR SLA JE #3 Acctng Setup Mgr > Subledger Acctng Options > Update Acctng Options for each Subledger Application General Ledger Journal Entry Summarization setting Batch: AP Invoices 27-Jan-07 GL Period: Jan-07 ,000 EUR ,000 EUR GL JE #1 29

30 Upgrade Considerations
By default, the R12 upgrade migrates at least 6 periods of accounting entries from each application to the SLA data model. You can modify this if desired. For prior periods, the historical data is preserved. You can drill from General Ledger to the historical transactions using standard GL drilldown

31 <Insert Picture Here>
Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

32 MOAC: Multi-Org Access Control Role based access to Operating Units
Perform multiple tasks across operating units without changing responsibilities Belgium Legal Entity Holland Legal Entity Denmark Legal Entity Functional Tasks Order Management Dunning, Collections, Billing Requisition, Demand & Purchase Orders Receiving & Drop Ship Invoice Receipt, Disbursement Customer Data Management Accounting Setup Single Responsibility Belgium Operating Unit Holland Operating Unit Denmark Operating Unit Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility 32

33 Multi-Org Access Control Setup Define Security Profile
Specify Operating Units Now, I’m going to explain how to define a security profile. Using Oracle HRMS, you can define your security profile using two forms: The Security Profile form or the Global Security Profile form that is shown here. Both forms look almost identical. The Security Profile Form allows you to select operating units from only one Business Group. The Global Security profile Form allows you to select operating units from multiple Business Groups. The decision on which form to use is really up to you and depends on your HR implementation and how you want to partition data. All you need to do is enter a name, and select the Security Type called “Secure organizations by organization hierarchy and/or organization list”. This allows you to assign multiple OUs. When assigning operating units, first select classification Operating Unit, and then select the organization or Operating Unit name. You can assign as many operating units as you want. Classify Organization as operating unit 33

34 MOAC Typical Screen in daily use
Select Operating Unit during Input 34

35 <Insert Picture Here>
Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

36 Advanced Global Intercompany System
Advanced Global Intercompany System Address the Top Barrier to a Fast Close Advanced Global Intercompany System Subledger Invoices & Documents Web UI Open Interfaces / API Online Reconciliation Reporting XML Publisher Reports Generate subledger invoices Control transaction entry with Intercompany Calendar Fully Configurable Approval Rules Flexible Security Model Centrally defined Intercompany Accounts Excel (Web ADI) Subledger Accounting Dr Cr General Ledger Receivables Payables

37 Intercompany Journal Across Ledgers

38 Intercompany Due To / Due From lines automatically generated

39 AR Invoice billed to SSC France from SSC US (NY)

40 <Insert Picture Here>
Tax Engine Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

41 Centralized Global Tax Less Complex Global Tax Compliance
Business Needs Solution Automation Tax content for certain countries Vertex and Taxware integration for U.S. Integrity checks during setup process Constant Changes in Tax Laws and Regulations Date effective setup Tax rules flow for change or creating rules Tax simulator for setup, rules, and transactions Local Compliance Tax registrations and tax reporting codes Tax lines determine applicable taxes Configurable tax reporting templates Information Visibility Single set up for all Oracle applications Use of E-Business Suite components such as trading partner geography, trading partner classification, legal entity, inventory item categorization, and accounting event.

42 E-Business Tax Centrally manage tax transactions across entire E-Business Suite
Single Repository of transactions for global business insight Centralized rules applied to transactions to manage globally and reduce risk Automation of tax processes on transactions to improve operational efficiency Improved Reporting Effective Date Setup Extensible architecture that supports additions, e.g. Self-assessed Use Tax Purchasing Internet Expenses Internet Procurement Tax Transactions General Ledger Payables Tax Setup/Rules Receivables Manage Tax Globally – Common Architecture for rules and transactions across geographies and applications. Allows sharing of common configuration. Improve Operational Efficiency – Improving from a defaulting model to automatic tax calculation. Using the attributes of the transaction to determine applicability and calculation of the tax. End user no longer has to memorize or look-up wide range of tax codes. Global Business Insight – All tax transaction are now stored in one single repository. Opportunity to measure efficiency of tax rules and tax transactions. Provides auditability of tax transactions. More accurate and easier reporting. Reduce Risk – Manage the updating and overriding of tax on transactions through configuration. Ensures compliance and reduces audit concerns. Reduces manual intervention. Mitigate underpayment or overpayment of tax. Inter-Company Invoicing Order Management

43 eBusiness Tax Tax determination, not just tax codes…
Before R12 R12 User determines tax by assigning Tax Codes Tax rules in code Global descriptive flexfields for country-specific tax attributes Granular setup at OU level eBTax determines tax based on facts about each transaction Tax rules you can see Tax attributes collected in fields on key entities Configure tax rules once per regime and share with your legal entities Facilitates compliance Improves auditability

44 <Insert Picture Here>
Bank Model Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

45 Centralized Banking Shared Services Disbursements
Bank account is now associated with LE entity rather than Operating Unit Single bank account serves multiple Operating Units For Internal Banks and Customer & Supplier Banks Enhanced Reconciliation LE OU A OU B OU C Inventory Receivables Receivables Projects Projects Work in Process Purchasing Payables Payables Assets PLUS: Centralized Credit Card Model Supplier & Customer Banks in TCA

46 Single Payment Instruction
Bank Model: Example of what you can do Pay invoices from different OUs with 1 instruction OU A OU B OU C Bank Single Payment Instruction Invoices Payments Sub Ledger Accounting New Payments Module New Bank Module New Bank & Credit Card Features

47 Banks Define Owner of Bank Account
Specify Legal Entity Owner Where is Account used?

48 Select Multiple LE’s, OU’s, Currencies in single Payment Run

49 <Insert Picture Here>
Miscellaneous Cool Stuff… Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

50 Online “file cabinet” to where Financial Reports are published
Report Repository Online “file cabinet” to where Financial Reports are published

51 Add Report to Menu


53 Control Accounts Control Account – Prevents posting other than automatically from Subledgers

54 Replacement Account will be posted to in place of Disabled Account
Replacement Accounts Replacement Account will be posted to in place of Disabled Account

55 Submit or Schedule Payment Process Request
Payments Dashboard Submit or Schedule Payment Process Request

56 Use Payment Template to Default values
Pay Multiple Legal Entities, Operating Units, and Currencies in one Payment Run

57 Can do STP (Straight Thru Processing) or Review/Edit selected Invoices

58 Pending Actions walks you through process

59 Positive Pay Program

60 Edit Coding of Expense Lines
Internet Expenses - Allocations Edit Coding of Expense Lines

61 Allocate Expense Lines * even to Projects

62 Bar Coding of Expense Reports
Internet Expenses – Bar Coding Bar Coding of Expense Reports

63 Cash Forecasting Seamless Integration – GL, AR, AP, OM, Payroll, Purchasing, Sales, Treasury
Payments, Invoices, Expense Reports Receipts, Invoices POs, Requisitions Sales Opportunities Labor, Usages, Misc Budgets, Billing Events Sales Orders Payroll Expenses Treasury Deals Accurate cash positioning and forecasting give you more control over the allocation of your financial resources, enabling you to proactively manage deficits or surpluses. Oracle Cash Management gives you a real-time view of your cash position allowing you to identify any exposures, and allows you plan ahead and optimize your cash by projecting your cash needs. Cash positioning and forecasting are easy with Oracle's Cash and Treasury Management solution, because integration with the Oracle E-Business Suite and external systems enables you to gather vital data across the enterprise. Oracle bases your positions and forecasts on enterprise transactions, such as orders and invoices, or payments and receipts. Your positions and forecasts are determined with information from Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Payables, Oracle Payroll, Oracle Projects, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Sales, and Oracle Treasury. You can quickly analyze global cash requirements and currency exposures, ensuring optimal liquidity and cash uses. You can determine your cash position and forecast expected cash flows in any currency, across different business units, for multiple time periods. You can track and predict the amount and timing of cash flows from all your operations and make smarter decisions for the use of this critical asset. Budgets, Encumbrances External Systems

64 Robust Cash Forecasting
Cash Forecasting is a planning Tool that helps you anticipate the flow of Cash in & out of your business, allowing you to project your cash needs. Specify Sources Build cash forecast across the entire enterprise – subject to each user’s data access privileges View your forecast results by bank account and by GL Cash Account, in addition to regular transaction source view Specify the type of bank account balance and the float for offsetting this opening balance Exclude transactions from summary cash flows Add new transactions manually to the cash flows Drill down to source transaction details Export details of cash flows to external applications (I.e. Excel) to analyze results further For Discoverer Users: You can also view the cash forecast in an Oracle Discoverer Workbook to analyze the results further. In order to view the Cash Forecast results in an Oracle Discoverer Workbook, Oracle Discoverer must be licensed and installed. Oracle Cash Management provides one predefined workbook, which contains the following worksheets: Cash Forecast in Forecast Currency Worksheet Cash Forecast by Transaction Currency Worksheet Cash Forecast by Bank Account Currency Worksheet Cash Forecast by Bank Account Balance Worksheet Supplier Invoices Worksheet Supplier Payments Worksheet Expense Reports Worksheet Customer Invoices Worksheet Customer Receipts Worksheet Sales Forecasts Worksheet GL Budgets Worksheet You now have the option to view your forecast results by bank account and by GL Cash Position, in addition to the regular transaction source view, when submitting the forecast. For this purpose, besides the view option for the opening balance, two additional parameters for specifying the type of bank account balance and the float for offsetting this opening balance have been provided in the forecast submission parameters. The GL Cash Position row is no longer available, as it is now incorporated into the forecast submission parameters as a view option. The forecast results will be grouped either by bank account name or the GL Cash Account, for transaction sources that have a bank account associated to them. If projected cash flow sources are included in the forecast, they will be grouped under a heading called “Other” and will be displayed in a separate row. This new feature will allow you to project the closing bank account balance or GL Cash Position for your forecast horizon. In addition, you can exclude rows from summary calculation, drill-down to source transaction details, exclude transactions from summary cash flows and add new transactions manually to the cash flows. Drill down to transaction details Include/Exclude lines

65 Flexible Cash Positioning
Cash Positioning is a planning tool that allows you to view your daily cash position by Bank Acct, Cash Pool, or Currency. Automatically generate cash transfers Drill down to details View by currency, bank account or cash pool You can choose to view your cash position by currency, cash pool or bank account. Additionally, you have the ability to drill down to source transaction details, exclude detail transactions from the cash position and refresh the cash position online. You can also choose to include your bank reported intra-day activities in your cash position results, compare them with the cash flows reported in your operational system and generate exposure transactions in Oracle Treasury for the differences. You can enter the target balances for each bank account. Your cash position results display the target balance entered and the difference between the projected closing balance and the target balances. You can also export the cash position to an external application like Excel. For Discoverer Users: In order to view the Cash Position results in a Discoverer workbook, Oracle Discoverer must be installed. Cash Management provides one predefined workbook, which contains the following worksheets: Cash Position Worksheet Intra Day Activities Worksheet • Gapping Details Worksheet • Supplier Payments Worksheet • Customer Receipts Worksheet • Payroll Expenses Worksheet • Treasury Transactions Worksheet Save Projected Balances for Reporting Online refresh capabilities

66 “Cash Leveling” Proposal – initiates Bank Transfer

67 <Insert Picture Here>
Not Really R12 – But still cool… Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

68 Simplified Self-Service Reporting BI (XML) Publisher
Reporting Evolution Benefits Replaces most standard reports with data extracts and templates Merges custom templates and data extracts at run-time Delivers output in PDF, HTML, RTF, Excel (HTML), or text for use with EFT and EDI transmissions Put reporting in the hands of the business user Create report formats using desktop tools (Adobe Acrobat, MS Word, MS Excel, and XSL Editors) Publish in any format, to the web and electronically Drive reporting consistency with one source of data “Oracle’s new XML Publisher is visionary and empowers end users. This new capability gives customers the look and feel of Excel with a desktop publishing look to reports, and enables users to create their own reports, minimizing the dependency on the IT staff.” Sean Malinski, Accenture Partner, Global Business Solutions - Oracle Practice

69 Old Standard Reports

70 New Standard Reports (HTML)
A couple of simple examples of Fusion things that we're doing: the next generation of reporting is going to be based on XML. We have great technology in Fusion middleware to take advantage of that. We actually developed this several years ago and actually started deploying it into Oracle eBusiness Suite, to use it for all our regulatory reporting. XML based reporting was much more flexible, customers loved it. We have companies like Dell that have totally standardized their entire reporting solution on this. So, it's not what most of our customers in PeopleSoft or Siebel or JD Edwards use for reporting today. They use Crystal or SQR, and the Oracle EBS world, they use Oracle Reports. So one thing that we've done, is we actually have started, we started this last year with a group in India, we started developing libraries of XML based reports that we will deliver to our PeopleSoft and Oracle and then JD Edwards and then Siebel customers, that will exactly replicate what they have today in Crystal or SQR and other things, so they can start taking that step to moving to the next generation reporting. Now, you know now that you've had this conversation with people and they think, "Well how important are like, how hard is it to move a Crystal report over to XML?" It's not that had, if you've got ten reports or 50, but most of out apps customers have like 1000 reports or 2000 reports. That is a multi-year process to think about transitioning that. Plus, of all the reports we deliver, in terms of applications, they take all of 'em and create some custom version of that. It's a monumental task to move thousands of reports over to the next generation. By delivering XML based reporting this year, a) we give them a better solution today on the application that are running, and we help them take a step to the next generation of applications. So when they get there, that step's been done. Key Advantages over MS/Mendocino Small add-in to Office vs. Special version of Office 2003 Can upgrade to a new version of office without additional work vs. Customers have to wait for the new Special office edition Customers can develop any integration Scenarios vs. Specific features for some SAP functionality The XMLP server utilizes BPEL engine for document flow vs. One function at a time Other tools, like Acrobat Reader, can also be used as a front end tool (No need for Adobe document Server) vs. Only Office tools can be used Connects directly to XMLP which is a built-in tool in Apps vs. Some functionality requires MS Exchange server Open Standards; XML.. Can also be used to integrate with any Web Service vs. Only for SAP Also available as a Stand Alone solution for other requirements in the company

71 Oracle BI Publisher Many, many, many Standard Reports
Multiple formats per report Merge Data with Contract Terms User-defined templates Boardroom Quality Output Many customers today have very strong business requirements in the reporting area around the e-Business Suite. These include: High Fidelity Reports: These reports are rich in images, charts, multiple fonts and color are a very desirable feature for reports when they are to be distributed in and outside the company. Partner Reports These include Invoices, Purchase Orders and Checks, which require ‘rich’ content and are currently highly customized. Financial Statements Financial statements need to be presented to shareholders and upper management in a high fidelity format; your accounts would rather see them in Microsoft Excel. Government Forms Many government agencies now demand that you interact with them in a specific format e.g. tax forms. Marketing Materials The marketing materials generated by companies require rich personalized content. Contracts Interacting with your customers and suppliers often requires written contracts that need to be presented in a high fidelity format. Checks The checks you send to employees and suppliers require a specific format and even ink so that their banks are able to process them. Labels Any company generating product will need to label it often including a barcode. XML B2B interaction requires XML as the format and this may require a transformation of one xml format to another. FUTURE: Multiple Destinations Of course all of these documents then need to be delivered to a report consumer be that via , fax or printer. FUTURE: EFT/EDI Electronic File Transfer (EFT) and (EDI) are formats used to communicate with your banks and partners. 71

72 Oracle Business Intelligence Comprehensive View of Financial Performance
General Ledger & Profitability Analytics Incorporates detail-level general ledger transactions and cash flow analysis across locations, customers, products, sales territories, distribution channels, and business units. Identifies the customers and transactions that are providing maximum profits by product, location, department, and geographic detail. When combined with Marketing Analytics, it enables analysis of Campaign ROI and assists in customer segmentation. Payables Analytics Provides visibility into payments due to suppliers and expense line detail so managers can manage cash outflows and control expenses. When combined with Supply Chain Analytics, it allows full procurement analysis from Requisition to Check. Receivables Analytics Monitors collections processes to show what customers buy and how they pay, enabling managers to identify overdue balances and other receivables bottlenecks. When combined with Oracle Sales Analytics and Oracle Order Management & Fulfillment Analytics, it enables more efficient management of the entire Lead to Cash process. 72

73 Oracle Business Intelligence





78 User Productivity Kit (UPK)
What is UPK … … a comprehensive, cost-effective solution that helps your organization quickly create critical documentation, training, and support materials needed to drive project team and increase user productivity throughout the lifecycle of your software. You Perform a transaction, Record it, and Publish it Training Guides Web-based Training Job Aids Test Scripts WORKS WITH and above

79 UPK Playback Modes See It!
Enables you to learn by watching an animated demonstration of tasks being performed in a simulated environment. Try It! Enables you to learn interactively in a simulated environment. The Player provides you with instructions as to what needs to be done to complete a task, but you perform the actual steps. Know It? Enables you to test knowledge gained from training. You are instructed to complete the steps for a particular task and are scored on how accurately you complete the steps. Do It! Guides you in the performance of the actual task in a production environment. You learn by completing the actual task.


81 New in Financial Control & Reporting Highly automated financials processing drives efficiencies
Centralized accounting setup Streamlined multiple ledger processing and reporting Parallel financial reporting Automatic reporting currency conversion Replacement for disabled accounts EFFICIENCY Data security across legal entities, ledgers or balancing segment values Control Accounts FLEXIBILITY Accounting and reporting sequencing Journal line reconciliation Efficiency: The Accounting Setup Manager is a central location to define your accounting-related setup across all financial applications, which creates tremendous efficiencies within the finance organization during initial setup, as well as ongoing maintenance and period end processing. Here you can define your legal entities and their accounting context, which includes the ledgers that contain the accounting data for each legal entity. Oracle General Ledger simplifies the simultaneous management of the accounting for all of these different reporting requirements. Multiple Reporting Currencies functionality is enhanced to support all journal sources. Reporting sets of books are now simply reporting currencies. When an account is disabled, you can prevent transactions that include the account from erroring during journal import by defining a replacement account for the disabled account. Flexibility: Since you can access multiple legal entities and ledgers when you log into Oracle General Ledger using a single responsibility, Oracle General Ledger provides you with flexible ways to secure your data by legal entity, ledger, or even balancing segment values or management segment values. You are able to control whether a user can only view data, or whether they can also enter and modify data for a legal entity, ledger, balancing segment value or management segment value. You are able to control data entry to an account by ensuring it only contains data from a specified journal source and to prevent users from entering data for the account either in other journal sources or manually within general ledger. Auditability: Sequential numbering of accounting entries is a strong business requirement in many countries in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America and is used by fiscal authorities to check the completeness of a company’s accounting records. You can assign sequence numbers to journals during the posting process to ensure that finalized journal entries are properly sequenced. Separately, you can also assign a sequence number to journals when a period is closed to sequence journals for reporting purposes. The ‘GL Entry Reconciliation’ feature within Oracle Financials Common Country features is part of Oracle General Ledger and renamed ‘Journal Line Reconciliation’. This feature enables you to reconcile journal lines that should net to zero. This is often done to reconcile suspense accounts, or in countries like Norway, Germany, or France, it is used to audit or reconcile payroll and tax payable accounts, or to verify the open balances of specific accounts at the end of the period. AUDITABILITY

82 New in Procure-to-Pay Integrated Suite Optimizes Working Capital
Document line level entry and approval Non-PO invoice accounting entry by approvers Invoice dispute management Real-time status of purchasing contract T&Cs and invoicing activity in Oracle Payables and Purchasing PRODUCTIVITY Self-service opportunities via iSupplier Portal to a broader set of their suppliers Self service entry extended to receipt matched, complex Work Purchase Orders, and non-PO invoices COST SAVINGS Streamlined supplier setup and maintenance as part of Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Access to TCA features Productivity: Seamless integration and real-time status of purchasing contract T&C’s and invoicing activity in Oracle Payables and Purchasing Improved invoice approval and dispute management Document line entry and approval Efficient and controlled resolution of issues Verification of invoices and fast, controlled resolution of issues is a top priority for Payables and Purchasing departments Non-PO Invoice Accounting Entry by Approvers Approvers reviewing invoices where a purchase order is not present can enter or adjust GL Accounts and further distribute line item amounts. Invoice Dispute Management Invoices that are on hold due to differences between the purchase order or discrepancies identified by approvers for non-PO invoices can be negotiated with the supplier through notifications or online via iSupplier Portal. The negotiation process is tracked and updates are made real-time providing immediate information for suppliers, approvers, auditors, and Payables users. Cost Savings: Self Service Entry extended to receipt matched, complex Work Purchase Orders, and non-PO invoices Self Service users entering Invoices against purchase orders designated with Receipt Match Option lines can choose from receipts to successfully submit their invoice. Invoices being entered against a complex work project will have advances or contract financing automatically applied and Retainage automatically withheld. Self Service invoice entry has been extended to include transactions where a purchase order has not been obtained upfront. The user chooses the buying company, enters details about the purchase, and adjusts calculated tax to match their invoice. Since these invoices are not planned, they are treated as invoice requests until reviewed and approved yet are always visible to the Payables department. Approvers enter or adjust GL accounts or distribute the amounts to additional GL accounts. This new user interface presents a clear distinction between the supplier’s company details and terms and controls for the trading relationship. Managing the attributes specific to particular functional areas such as Oracle Payables, Purchasing and Receiving can be controlled with the use of Function Security. Adding new locations or relationships with additional operating units is streamlined. Additional tax and legal registrations provide key information to meet your reporting and compliance needs. Tailor a quick update page with those values most often updated for even faster maintenance. Integration: As part of the standardization, banks and branches are represented as parties in TCA. The new Supplier UI allows you to tie bank account to the party for reuse in other relationships with that trading partner. INTEGRATION

83 New in Credit-to-Cash Accelerate cash cycle and manage revenue with fiscal discipline
Daily revenue recognition Deferral reason for goods and services COGS and revenue matching Line level cash application COMPLIANCE More efficient payment application with Oracle Payments integration More targeted and efficient collections with configurable matrix Credit recommendation enhancements Conversion of delinquent receivables to payment plans BETTER CASH FLOW Visibility to carry-forward balances with cycle-based billing Payment application according to customer preferences Compliance: Compliance with most current accounting (matching) guidelines for revenue recognition Partial Period Revenue Recognition enables the generation of revenue recognition schedules that respect the start and end dates of contractual obligations. Event-Based Revenue Management allows users to define revenue deferral reasons and corresponding revenue recognition events specific to their business practices (for both Goods and Services) The matching principle of accounting states that each expense item related to revenue earned must be recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue it helped to earn. The Line Level Cash Applications solution allows the application of receipts to specific transaction items such as individual lines, groups of lines, or tax or freight buckets. From the receipt workbench, you are able choose whether to allocate cash to the entire transaction or to apply amounts against specific items according to the customer remittance. Better Cash Flow (Reduces DSO/Optimizes Working Capital) Credit card enhancements Configurable matrix enables targeted and more efficient collections Credit recommendation enhancements Convert delinquent receivables to payment plans Industry Support: Balance Forward Billing provides the ability to setup cycle-based billing at the account or account site levels, enable event based billing, and leverage user configurable billing formats provided by Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture. INDUSTRY SUPPORT

84 New in Cash and Treasury Optimize Cash and Treasury Operations
Centralized and consolidated bank model Single bank account shared by multiple organizations Bank account transfers directly in Cash Management Funds optimization with cash pooling and zero balancing EFFICIENCY Configurable and centralized payments engine Full audit trail and control with single point of payment administration Straight through processing (STP) for payments Real-time visibility into cash inflows and outflows Large library of payment formats and validations COMPLEXITY Simplified reconciliation of bank statements to cash transactions in multiple organizations Support for new bank account balance types in bank statement import Bank account-level reconciliation options and tolerances Oracle’s Cash and Treasury Management solutions offers a comprehensive and integration solution that optimize cash and treasury operations. Oracle Treasury is a comprehensive solution for managing global treasury operations with improved efficiency, profitability, and control. Oracle Cash Management is an enterprise wide solution for managing liquidity and controlling cash. Cash Management gives you direct access to expected cash flows from your operational systems. You can quickly analyze enterprise wide cash management cash requirements and currency exposures, ensuring liquidity and optimal use of cash resources. Target industries: Horizontal (not an FSI only opportunity) Typical customer benefits: Automation saves 2-5 days every month; Improves rates and EPS Main value proposition: Tactical – Time savings, reduction in errors; Strategic – Control, visibility, advisory role Targeted buyer: CFO, Treasurer Historically cash management has been used and viewed as a bank reconciliation tool used primarily by the accounting departments. Anyone that has licensed EBS Financials, owns Cash Management. Over the past several years Cash Management has moved well beyond that of reconciliation to management of bank relationships as well as management of your cash and liquidity. Cash Management is more than likely being under utilized with customers today, and would need to be discussed with the Treasury organization within a company. Oracle® Cash Management is an enterprise-wide solution for optimizing liquidity and controlling cash. Treasury Management is an upsell opportunity from a licensing perspective. When you buy Treasury you get Risk Management. These solutions help customers better manage investments with better compliance, more automation and streamlined processing. With an improved market perception of an ERP vendor’s offering in the Treasury space, increased demand for Treasury systems, and product maturity and competitiveness, there’s definitely opportunity here. In R12 consolidated bank account and multi-org security greatly enables organizations operating shared services. Also, in R12 Oracle Payments (formerly called iPayments and included with E-Business suite Financials) plays a significant role in centralizing the payment function across the enterprise, both disbursements and receipts. Electronic transmission of payment instructions: Electronic transmission of payment instructions.  Feature includes out-of-the-box support for protocols such as: FTP, sFTP, AS/2, and HTTP(s) Out-of-the-box support for most international payment formats: Out-of-the-box support for most international payment formats: EDIFACT PAYMUL, ANSI X , SWIFT MT103, US NACHA and others User friendly tool to edit and write new payment formats User configurable payment instructions for grouping of payments: Reduce bank fees by grouping of payment batches into fewer payment instructions according to user configurable rules User configurable validations will reduce or eliminate errors returned by banks User configurable regulatory reporting of disbursements Enhanced routing of cc and direct debit payment instructions Advanced dashboards to support monitoring and management of disbursement and funds capture processes Simplify exception handling with enhanced check printing FLEXIBILITY

85 New in Asset Management Maximize return on assets
Automate legacy asset conversion with enhanced preparation of Mass Additions EFFICIENCY Perform rollback on select assets with Automatic Depreciation Rollback PERFORMANCE Group Assets to include “Units of Production” method Energy straight-line depreciation method Asset impairment of a producing asset INDUSTRY SUPPORT Efficiency: Additional attributes are available in the Mass Additions interface to ease legacy data conversions. Attributes such as asset life, depreciation method, prorate convention; bonus rule ceiling name, depreciation limit, and others can now be directly imported from your legacy system instead of being derived from asset category setups. A set of extensible public API’s is available to automatically prepare a mass addition line for all required attributes such as depreciation expense account, asset category, location etc. with the goal of minimizing manual intervention by the user in the mass additions workbench. Performance: Oracle Assets automatically rolls back the depreciation on just the selected assets (instead of the whole book) and allows the transaction(s) to be processed normally. The asset(s) for which depreciation was rolled back is automatically picked up during the next depreciation run or at the time that the depreciation period is finally closed. Industry Support: In the oil & gas industry, asset properties may include fields, leases and wells. These assets are typically associated with units of production (UOP) and are depreciated using a special UOP depreciation method. ‘Energy’ assets are generally structured into two levels, group and member assets, where the group asset is a collection of several members. Units of production are entered on the group asset for calculating depreciation and then allocated down to the member assets. In the oil & gas industry, non-producing assets are depreciated using the energy straight-line method based on the asset’s net book value. Assets that depreciate using the energy straight-line method may either depreciate at the member asset level or group asset level. Impairment is used to reduce the carrying value of a producing asset. Expressed another way, impairment expense is simply an unplanned depreciation expense. When entering an unplanned depreciation expense, the user may enter a Type, Amount and Expense Account. ‘Type’ allows the user to indicate the nature of impairment performed. ‘Amount’ is recognized as a current period expense in addition to the normal periodic depreciation expense. The unplanned depreciation (impairment) ‘expense account’ may be derived from the category setup or it may be entered at the time of each impairment transaction.

86 New in Travel & Expense Lower the total cost of travel and expense
CONUS and OCONUS global per diem rates Per diem and policy schedules LOWER COSTS Expense splitting across multiple accounting segments Enhanced cost center and projects approvals ACCURACY Self-service cash advance application during entry Bar code generation Streamlined receipts management with receipts tracking and receipts missing capabilities PRODUCTIVITY Lower Costs: Expense process owners can automatically upload CONUS and OCONUS Per Diem rates provided by the U.S. government. The solution provides full support for seasonal rates. The uploaded rates are available both for reimbursing employees, as well as for establishing policy compliance limits for meals and accommodation expenses. The enhanced global per diem solution provides additional support for complex calculations to meet statutory regulations, especially in the Nordic countries. Various enhancements have been made to the mileage reimbursements solution. In particular, you now have the ability to upload accumulated mileage for employees, if you happen to implement Internet Expenses in the middle of a fiscal year. Accuracy: End users are empowered to perform General Ledger (GL) accounting and/or Oracle Projects expense allocations, including splitting expenses. This feature ensures expenses are properly charged since users know best how their expenses should be allocated. Productivity: End users can apply advances during expenses entry. In addition, users are able to search on payments information. These enhancements help you to provide improved cash advances management. Based on setup, a bar code is generated and printed on the expense report confirmation page. When Payables personnel receive the receipts package, can quickly scan the bar code to ‘check in’ the receipts package. This dramatically improves the productivity of your Payables personnel. Streamline the receipts management process with: Users don’t need to submit physical receipts when they charge business expenses to their employer credit cards. Auditor efficiency is improved when physical receipts are not required. Expense reports have a receipts status to indicate whether receipts are, for example, required or overdue. You are able to send notifications to users when receipts are overdue, and when receipts are received. It is possible to send notifications when users do not have original receipts and a missing receipts declaration is required.

87 <Insert Picture Here>
Why Upgrade ? Let’s begin taking a closer look at how Release 12 can effectively help organizations work better globally

88 Why Upgrade Straight Talk from Customers
“We have 60 sets of books and see tremendous efficiencies with running processes across these sets of books using Ledger Sets.” “Ability to issue one payment instruction to the bank for payments of invoices in multiple operating units was viewed as a huge benefit from the user community.” “Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) will definitely reduce the workload and the number of people performing process related tasks. The users are very excited and the benefits of MOAC were readily visible to them.” “The ability to access multiple operating units with a single responsibility can simplify SOX compliance monitoring.” “The functionality offered with Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS), specifically the creation of physical invoices to be created for I/C transactions in Payables and Receivables eliminates many customizations in this area.” “Centralization of subledger accounting rules would minimize set up and maintenance, providing greater financial control, and enforcing a consistent approach for true global accounting.” “Banks, taxes, payments, and accounting – everything that becomes centralized will bring tremendous efficiencies to our organization.”

89 Evolution of Oracle Financials Base Differentiators…
New in 11i.10… New in R12… Daily business intelligence for financials Global single instance and shared service center support Global language, currency and regulatory support Unified data model Industry leading performance and scalability Unified customer model with data quality management tools Integrated collections management Online receipt and dispute management Online supplier procurement and payment management Property and real estate management Compliance-driven financial consolidation and reporting Enterprise planning and budgeting Audit operations, compliance and certification management Web services for financials XBRL financial reporting Enhanced bill presentment: user definable formats and online drill down capabilities Enhanced credit, collections, and trade management integration flow Self-service asset management Enhanced credit card business flow management Cash positioning and forecasting Supplier open interface Ledgers and ledger sets Centralized rules-based accounting engine Single, global tax engine Unified bank account model Centralized payments engine Common global intercompany system Shared services support with multi-org access Improved user experience Centralized data model for suppliers and banks Accounting & consolidation engine for Financial Services Multi-dimensional profitability analysis Fusion Middleware certification Enhanced integration repository Retek integration

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