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General Ledger Budget Report GLBR. Step 1:Double-click on the Datatel icon to open.

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Presentation on theme: "General Ledger Budget Report GLBR. Step 1:Double-click on the Datatel icon to open."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Ledger Budget Report GLBR

2 Step 1:Double-click on the Datatel icon to open

3 Step 2: Type Login and Password cluna xxxxxxxx Step 3: Click OK

4 Step 4: Click on Apps from menu bar

5 Step 5: Select CF from drop-down menu

6 Step 6: Next to Quick Access type GLBR GLBR Step 7: Click on the “Go” button

7 Step 8: For fiscal year type “2008” and press Enter 2008

8 Step 9: At next prompt type “Y” for Year to Date and press Enter 2008 Y YTD

9 Step 10: At next prompt type “9” (for month you are performing reconciliation) and press Enter 2008 YTD 9

10 Step 11: At next prompt type “A” for All Statuses and press Enter 2008 YTD 9 AAll Statuses

11 Step 12: Click to detail “GL Account Definition” 2008 YTD 9 All Statuses

12 Step 13: Click to detail “Select/List”

13 Step 14: Set cursor on box 7 to type “i” to include and press Enter i

14 Step 15: On box 8 type your six digit cost center and press Enter I 100030

15 Step 16: Set cursor on box 15 and press Enter I 100030

16 Step 17: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen I 100030 N

17 Step 18: Click to detail “Sort”

18 Step 19: At #5 at “Break” type “Y” y

19 Step 20: Press the Function Key “F9” y

20 Step 21: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen Y

21 Step 22: Set your cursor next to Verify Criteria and press “F9”

22 Step 23: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen

23 Step 24: At the prompt type “S” for Summary and press Enter 2008 YTD 9 All Statuses Defined S

24 Step 25: Type “Y” to Show Individual GL Accounts and press Enter 2008 YTD 9 All Statuses Defined Summary Y

25 Step 26: Type “Y” to Proceed With the Report and press Enter 2008 YTD 9 All Statuses Defined Summary Y Y

26 Step 27: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen 2008 YTD 9 All Statuses Defined Summary Y Y

27 Step 28: At the prompt type “H” to hold and press “F9” H

28 Step 29: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen H

29 Step 30: Press “F9” Step 31: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen

30 System will run report Step 32: Click finish to see report

31 Step 33: To print report select the local printer button (first printer from left to right)

32 Step 34: File will transfer to printer folder

33 Step 35: Printer file will appear

34 Step 36: Select “Default Printer”

35 Step 37: Under print formatting select “Use Font”

36 Step 38: Click on the font button

37 Step 39: Select “Courier New, Regular 9” and click OK

38 Step 40: Select Landscape orientation and click OK

39 Step 41: To exit report click on the red “X” at the top left hand corner

40 Step 42: To exit the CF screen click on the red “X” in the middle of your menu bar GLBR

41 Thank you!

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