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2009 Wyoming Street and Utility Improvements Neighborhood Informational Meeting December 18, 2008 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Mark A. Erichson,

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Wyoming Street and Utility Improvements Neighborhood Informational Meeting December 18, 2008 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Mark A. Erichson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Wyoming Street and Utility Improvements Neighborhood Informational Meeting December 18, 2008 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Mark A. Erichson, PE

2 AGENDA IGeneral Overview of 429 Process II. Project History III. Authorization for Feasibility Study IV. Scope of Feasibility V. Existing Conditions VI. Proposed Improvements VII. Project Costs VIII. Financing/Funding IX. Schedule

3 Public Improvement Process for Special Assessment Projects Staff Activities/Tasks City Decisions Preliminary Comment on petitioned project Feasibility report; prepare cost estimate, project budget, and schedule; determine benefited area and proposed assessments Mail hearing notices; prepare engineering agreement Prepare plans and specs Take bids, compare with estimates Prepare and execute contract; initiate and administer construction; prepare final assessment roll Prepare and mail hearing notices Certify assessment to County Auditor Modify/approve capital improvement program and/or budget OR Resolution declaring adequacy of petition, AND Resolution ordering preparation of feasibility report Accept report and call for hearing Hold Public hearing on the proposed project; order the improvement and preparation of plans; approve engineering agreement Approve plans and order advertisement for bids Accept bid and authorize contract Accept work and call for final hearing on proposed assessments Hold final assessment public hearing and adopt assessment roll

4 Proposed Project Location Proposed Project Location

5 Project History  State Trunk Highway 98 “Turned Back” in 1990’s  State Provides “Turn Back” Funds to Reconstruct Roadway to Current Standards  Wyoming Trail Reconstructed East of Goodview in 1997  Must Use “Turn Back” Funds by 2011  County to Reconstruct Roadway Spring 2009

6 Authorization for Feasibility  City Council Authorized on February 6, 2008  Initiated After Chisago County Proposed Reconstruction of Wyoming Trail (CSAH 22) & Portion of Fallbrook Avenue Scope of Feasibility  Analyze Existing Sewer and Water System for Deficiencies  Provide Sanitary Sewer and Water Service to Existing Properties Not Currently Served  Address Deteriorating Road Conditions on Fallbrook Avenue South of TH 61

7 Existing Conditions  Fallbrook Avenue South of T.H. 61  Partial Urban Section/Partial Rural Section  Deteriorated Pavement  Wyoming Trail  Rural Section with Ditches & Culverts  6”-8” Watermain from Fenwick to Freeport Constructed 1970s  8”-10” Sanitary Sewer Fenwick to Freeport Constructed 1970s  No Sewer & Water Service East of Freeport Ave  No Sewer & Water Service on Goodview Ave Wyoming Trail (CSAH 22) Fallbrook Avenue

8 Proposed Improvements  Fallbrook Avenue South of T.H. 61  32’ Wide Urban Section – Concrete Curb, Storm Sewer, New Pavement  Wyoming Trail  Lower Watermain Where County Lowers Road Grade  Upsize Undersized Watermain  24” Watermain on Wyoming Trail - Goodview Ave to Glen Oaks Drive  8” Watermain on Goodview Ave - Wyoming Trail to 263 rd Street  8” Sanitary Sewer on Wyoming Trail - Freeport Ave to Goodview Ave  8” Sanitary Sewer on Goodview Ave - Wyoming Trail to 263 rd Street  Construct Sanitary Sewer Lift Station

9 Roadway Improvements – Fallbrook Avenue

10 Sewer & Water Improvements – Wyoming Trail




14 Sewer & Water Improvements – Goodview Ave

15 Proposed Financing/Funding  Funding for Fallbrook Ave Street Improvements: County Participation = 25% of Cost County Participation = 25% of Cost Remaining 75% = City Funds and Special Assessments to Benefiting Property Owners Remaining 75% = City Funds and Special Assessments to Benefiting Property Owners  Funding for Sewer & Water (New Construction): Special Assessments to Benefiting Property Owners Special Assessments to Benefiting Property Owners Remaining Cost - City Sewer and Water Funds Remaining Cost - City Sewer and Water Funds  Funding for Waterman Replacement: City Water Funds City Water Funds  Funding for Sanitary Lift Station: Sanitary Sewer Taxing District Sanitary Sewer Taxing District

16 Estimated Project Costs Total Sanitary Sewer (New Construction) $591,710 Watermain (New Construction) $246,580 Watermain (Improvements to Existing) $216,740 Fallbrook Avenue Street Improvements (75%) $200,590 Total$1,255,620 Total City Funds (Sewer and Water) $607,030 Special Assessments (Sewer and Water) $448,000 City Funds (Street – Fallbrook Ave) $111,090 Special Assessments (Street – Fallbrook Ave) $89,500 Total$1,255,620 Funding Source

17 Non-Project Costs  Utility Connection Fees (Payable at Connection) Sewer Access Charge (SAC) = $3,600/unit (2008 Rate) Sewer Access Charge (SAC) = $3,600/unit (2008 Rate) Water Access Charge (WAC) = $3,100/unit (2008 Rate) Water Access Charge (WAC) = $3,100/unit (2008 Rate)  Connection from Service Stub to Home Installation of Service Line Installation of Service Line Internal Plumbing Internal Plumbing  Abandonment of Private Septic System & Well

18 Proposed Project Schedule  Public Information MeetingDecember 18, 2008  Public Hearing & AuthorizationJanuary 6, 2009  Complete Final Plans & Approve PlansFebruary 20, 2009  Receive BidsFebruary 27, 2009  Award ContractMarch 5, 2009  Begin ConstructionApril 6, 2009  Complete ConstructionOctober 31, 2009  Assessment HearingNovember 17, 2009

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