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Transportation Strategy Board July 28, 2010 Responsible Growth.

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1 Transportation Strategy Board July 28, 2010 Responsible Growth

2 New Statutory Requirements Public Act No. 05-205  Enhanced consistency among state, regional and municipal POCDs through Growth Management Principles  RPO comments required on municipal POCD updates; OPM reviews regional POCD  Next State C&D Plan to include “Priority Funding Areas” and “Corridor Management Areas” Public Act No. 06-136  Builds on work of the Transportation Strategy Board  Coordinates state and regional transportation with economic development and housing plans  Permits Urban Act funds to be used for TOD projects statewide  Report by OPM to legislature on feasibility of state-wide build-out analysis

3 New Statutory Requirements (cont.) Public Act No. 07-4 of the June Special Session  (Sec. 3) OPM to conduct a comprehensive study on water resources planning in Connecticut and present its findings and recommendations to the legislative committees of cognizance and to the Water Planning Council by 1/1/09 and annually thereafter  (Sec. 38-50) OPM to administer $3.6 mil for incentive housing zone technical assistance, zone adoption and building permit grants under the Housing for Economic Growth Program Public Act No. 07-7 of the June Special Session  Authorized $5 mil. for General Obligation Bonds for a TOD pilot program and $15 mil. for Responsible Growth Incentive Fund (OPM)

4 New Statutory Requirements (cont.) Public Act No. 07-239  Created the Responsible Growth Task Force; Report submitted to Governor on 2/4/08  Required DECD to develop State Economic Strategic Plan  Required municipalities to update their POCDs every 10 years, or risk being ineligible for discretionary state funds effective 7/1/10  Regional Performance Incentive Program established to encourage municipal shared services ($8.6 mil total; $1.4 mil specifically for regional GIS efforts)  Required OPM to report and make recommendations on potential for Regional Tax-Based Revenue Sharing & Regional Assets Districts

5 New Statutory Requirements (cont.)  Public Act No. 08-182  For each Growth Management Principle, OPM to develop three benchmarks to measure progress in implementation of the principles, one of which shall be a financial benchmark  For each policy in C&D Plan: (A) assign a priority; (B) estimate funding for implementation and identify potential funding sources; (C) identify each entity responsible for implementation; and (D) establish a schedule for implementation  OPM to conduct an analysis of the boundaries of logical planning regions by 1/1/12

6 New Statutory Requirements (cont.)  Public Act No. 09-165  Defines “Projects of Regional Significance” and establishes a voluntary coordinated pre-application review of such projects by the affected region(s) and municipalities  Public Act No. 09-230  Defines “Principles of Smart Growth”  Requires legislative committee to study how next State C&D Plan should be developed and implemented  Delays next C&D Plan until 2012  Delays by two years the requirement that municipalities must update their POCDs every 10 years, or risk being ineligible for discretionary state funds (effective 7/1/12)

7 New Statutory Requirements (cont.)  Public Act No. 10-138  Requires OPM to develop a new process for preparing the C&D Plan based on “cross-acceptance” among the state/regions/municipalities by 1/5/11  Delays adoption of the next C & D plan until 2013

8 Recommendations Support and facilitate implementation of the Governor’s Executive Order on Responsible growth, with special emphasis on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Ensure that the strategic actions and tactics included in the Transportation Strategy support the growth management principles of the Plan of Conservation and Development.

9 Recommendations Ensure the coordination of state and regional transportation planning with other state planning efforts, including economic development and housing plans; Foster the integration of transportation and land use planning at all levels of government Provide incentives to municipalities and regions to encourage Transit Oriented Development and sound maintenance and pavement management.

10 Recommendations Facilitate Transit Oriented Development by providing legislative authority, during the 2007 session, if possible, for pre-approved development areas, including processes for: – establishing site nomination or eligibility processes and evaluation priorities; – evaluating such properties in advance of the receipt of specific development proposals; – determining the types and size of the activities appropriate for the site; – identifying the project specific permits and approvals required in order to utilize the site; and – providing grant funding for a significant portion of the cost of site remediation for brownfield sites located near transit hubs.

11 Recommendations Provide funding to regional planning organizations and councils of governments to support improved local and regional transportation planning

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