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Omak Sewer Replacement Project 95% of the piping is concrete pipe (CP) CP installation varies from 1933 to 1946 Pipe is past its intended useful lifecycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Omak Sewer Replacement Project 95% of the piping is concrete pipe (CP) CP installation varies from 1933 to 1946 Pipe is past its intended useful lifecycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Omak Sewer Replacement Project 95% of the piping is concrete pipe (CP) CP installation varies from 1933 to 1946 Pipe is past its intended useful lifecycle of 50-60 years Condition varies, but overall piping is ready for replacement

2 What makes sewer so expensive? Depth of lines is greater than other utilities Maintain Line and Grade per specifications Sewer Manholes at each grade & line change Maintain existing service using “pump-around” Expensive capital equipment Skilled labor at prevailing wages Omak Sewer Replacement Project

3 System Repairs are legally mandated! Omak must obey Federal Clean Water Act! Department of Ecology regulates our discharge! Substantial fines and penalties 3 rd Party lawsuits Omak Sewer Replacement Project

4 What happens if repairs are not made? The toilets don’t flush! Homes and businesses without service Damage to real property Environmental damage from raw sewage Omak Sewer Replacement Project

5 Funding Strategy City to Finance the following from funds NEPA-Entire city Entire Sewer Comprehensive Plan E. Dewberry as a subsection E. Dewberry Design Funding determines construction schedule Omak Sewer Replacement Project

6 Conceptual Work: Street Private property Finance Manage Replace All side sewers Private property “Replace all” ROW Home/Business Sewer Main Replace mains & Manholes

7 Estimated Phase Cost Accumulation Dewberry-P#1$2,600,000.00 Trunks, DT-P#2$10,600,000.00$8,000,000.00 South City-P#3$15,400,000.00$4,800,000.00 Eastside-P#4$18,600,000.00$3,200,000.00 Northside-P#5$20,900,000.00$2,300,000.00

8 Rate Threshold $55-$60/Month P#5 End 4/1/14 P#1 End 6/1/11 P#2 End 6/1/12 Start 4/1/10 P#3 End 6/1/12 P#4 End 6/1/12 Analysis



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