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Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Kinji YAMADA Kinji YAMADAJSWA.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Kinji YAMADA Kinji YAMADAJSWA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Regulation on Industrial Discharge to Public Sewer Kinji YAMADA Kinji YAMADAJSWA

2 Objective Protection of structural integrity & drainage performance of public sewer Permit compliance of effluent from WWTP to Water Pollution Control Law

3 Demarcation of regulation Factory WWTP. Sewer (ex, chemical effect) Responsibility of wastewater utility Effluent (ex, negative impact)

4 Regulates for factories Water pollution control law and Sewage law 1.Notification 2.Pretreatment to meet discharge permit to sewer

5 Regulates for factories Notification Type of designated factories Installation of pretreatment Water quality control administrator Emergency Reporting

6 Types of designated factories Designation in WPCL mining, livestock, drink food production laundry, paper industry, fertilizer manufacture organic-chemical industry, petrochemical- industry, leather business, metal working industry, plating industry WTP, WWTP, Solid waste disposal

7 Registration as designated factories Registration by pretreatment Designated factories Undesignated factories Notifications

8 Discharge permit to public sewer Discharge quality need to comply to permit stimulated by sewage law and local ordinance If violation is expected, installation of pretreatment facility mandatory at factories If violations are found, warning letters are issued before penalty.

9 42 Quality parameters for permit ClassificationSubstance Heavy metals Cd Pb As Hg Cr Cu Zn Fe, etc Organics DXN PCB TCE PCE, etc Inorganics CN F B, etc general BOD n-hex SS N P pH Temp, etc

10 Monitoring and supervision Among registered factories, inspection priority is given to factories using harmful substances. If violation found, instruction given for correction

11 Record of Monitoring & Supervision in Tokyo, 2011 Notification8,770 Inspection5,982 Sampling2,985 Warning letters387

12 Certificated water quality control administrator Improve self-control of factories Awareness Technology Leading to better factory discharge quality Certification by seminar attendance Nationally certification pollution control administrator

13 Afterword This presentation was made to visitors from St. Petersburg. The content is based on the author’s work experience at Tokyo Metropolitan Gov. and its publication. For more information, email

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