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0 Scoring Community Development Block (CDBG)Grants Water/Sewer Apps April 8, 2013 SEIRPC CDBG Scoring Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "0 Scoring Community Development Block (CDBG)Grants Water/Sewer Apps April 8, 2013 SEIRPC CDBG Scoring Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 Scoring Community Development Block (CDBG)Grants Water/Sewer Apps April 8, 2013 SEIRPC CDBG Scoring Committee

2 1  About the Process  CDBG Apps Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

3 2  About CDBG Funds Federal funds Come to Iowa from Housing and Urban Development Administration (HUD) Iowa plans how to use the funds Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

4 3  About CDBG Funds Iowa Priorities: Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps Owner-occupied housing for elderly and LMI individuals Infrastructure for LMI communities Public services like day care centers and sheltered workshops who serve LMI individuals Economic development for jobs that will employ LMI individuals

5 4 Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps 2012 CDBG Program Funds: $21 million

6 5 Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps 2012 CDBG Program Funds: $21 million

7 6 About the Process  An effort to change how CDBG funds are allocated in Iowa  Want to change from centralized (Des Moines) to de- centralized (regions) process  Thank you for volunteering to be a part of this effort Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

8 7 About the Process  This committee is presently considered ad hoc  Results will go to evaluate and refine process at the statewide level  Committee results will be presented to and accepted by SEIRPC Board of Directors Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

9 8 About the Process  Results from committee have no bearing on funding right now  Results from committee in the fall will have a bearing on funding results  This is a fluid process – feel free to make comments or recommendations Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

10 9 About the Process  Four other regions in Iowa completing the same process  SEIRPC staff will compile objective scoring criteria  Committee members will compile subjective scoring criteria Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

11 10 Today  Each application will be reviewed with the committee  Scoring criteria will be reviewed with the committee  Committee members will be asked to score the applications, come back and discuss scores and process at next meeting. Scoring CDBG Water/Sewer Apps

12 11  Applying for lift station improvements  Total Cost: $200,000  CDBG Request $120,000 (60%)  Local Match $80,000 (40%) CDBG Application #1: Conesville

13 12  Applying for lift station improvements  Specifically: New pumps and controls Emergency generator Power Service CDBG Application #1: Conesville

14 13 CDBG Application #1: Conesville

15 14  Applying for lift station improvements  Why: Lift station original to 1971 No emergency generator Bypass pump not connected Maintenance nearly impossible Bypass flows to ditch CDBG Application #1: Conesville

16 15  Applying for lift station improvements  Alternatives: 1. Do nothing (continue to operate in violation of DNR NPDES permit limits 2. Implement project as described CDBG Application #1: Conesville

17 16  Applying for lift station improvements  What is the plan Phase 1: Improve Treatment Lagoons currently under construction Phase 2: Lift Station Improvements (application) Phase 3: Construct conventional gravity flow sanitary sewer system for the unsewered homes in the community. CDBG Application #1: Conesville

18 17  Applying for interceptor sewer to replace problem sewer causing multiple issues; (includes pavement replacement after construction)  Total Cost: $2,100,000  CDBG Request $600,000 (29%)  Local Match $1,500,000 (71%) CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

19 18 CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

20 19 CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

21 20  Applying for sanitary sewer replacement; (includes pavement replacement after construction)  Why: Broken pipes Misaligned joints Improper service taps Brick manholes Sewers under residences CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

22 21  Applying for sanitary sewer replacement; (includes pavement replacement after construction)  Why: Issues identified cause infiltration into the system, overloading it. Overload causes backups and overflows. Discharge not treated – water quality issues. Maintenance with issues impossible. CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

23 22  Applying for sanitary sewer replacement; (includes pavement replacement after construction)  Alternatives: 1. Expansion of the Lagoon 2. Pump all wastewater from the lagoon site back to the new plant so the lagoon can be abandoned. 3. Pump from the Hamlin Street lift station to the new plant. CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant

24 CDBG Application #2: Mount Pleasant 5. Gravity sewer from Hamlin Street Lift Station, as proposed with Option #4, plus build a new Northeast Lift Station. 23  Alternatives: 4. Gravity Interceptor Sewer from Hamlin Street Lift Station. (preferred alternative; most cost effective)

25 24  Wastewater Treatment Plant Lagoon Upgrade (From a two-cell continuous discharge waste stabilization lagoon system to aerated system.)  Total Cost:$1,750,300  CDBG Request: $500,000 (29%)  Local Match: $1,250,300 (71%) CDBG Application #3: Wapello

26 25

27 26  Applying for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade  Why Meet NPDES limits (Iowa DNR) Provide capacity for the next 20 years CDBG Application #3: Wapello

28 27  Applying for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade  Alternatives 1. Extended Aeration-Activated Sludge System 2. Aerated Lagoon System CDBG Application #3: Wapello

29 28  Blend of Objective and Subjective  Objective Local Match Planning evidence (Capital Improvement Plan, budget, etc) Low to Moderate Income Beneficiary Percentage Inclusion of innovative tech CDBG Scoring Criteria

30 29  Objective Criteria CDBG Scoring Criteria

31 30  Subjective Project need Community Impact Economic Development Impact Partnerships or advanced project planning Availability of resources CDBG Scoring Criteria

32 31 CDBG Scoring Criteria

33 32  Process moving forward 1. SEIRPC scores objective portions 2. Scoring Committee scores subjective Full applications and power point are online (instructions to be sent after meeting) 3. Reconvene in two weeks to go over scores and process CDBG Scoring Criteria

34 33  Process moving forward Any questions in between meetings please contact Tracey Lamm; 319-753-4306 Next meeting date will be emailed Proposed meeting schedule: #1 April 8 #2 April 22 #3 January 2014 CDBG Scoring Criteria

35 34  Process moving forward Meet with IA Economic Development Authority in Summer to review pilot results Tweak process (using committee input as well) Score applications in early 2014 CDBG Scoring Criteria


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