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As presented by: Rodger Schuldt TCEQ Installer II License # OS19898 TCEQ Maintenance Provider License # MP00545 TCEQ Site Evaluator License # OS20270.

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Presentation on theme: "As presented by: Rodger Schuldt TCEQ Installer II License # OS19898 TCEQ Maintenance Provider License # MP00545 TCEQ Site Evaluator License # OS20270."— Presentation transcript:

1 As presented by: Rodger Schuldt TCEQ Installer II License # OS19898 TCEQ Maintenance Provider License # MP00545 TCEQ Site Evaluator License # OS20270

2  Locate sewer pipe stub outs ◦ Newer homes usually have one (1) stub out ◦ Older homes (sometimes referred to as retrofits) can have multiple stub outs all around the house

3  Identify other plumbing in the area ◦ Water lines ◦ Gas lines ◦ Electric lines

4  Locate easements and setbacks ◦ Pipelines ◦ Utilities  Overhead and underground ◦ Water wells ◦ Existing sewer drain field from other houses on the same property  Can’t occupy the same space

5  Verify tanks and disposal field will fit as designed ◦ Trees and out buildings often are not accurately shown on designs, if at all ◦ Locate property lines

6  Analyze soil type while digging hole for tank(s) ◦ Verify soil is same type as listed in site evaluation paperwork  If soil is different than is identified in the site evaluation, stop work and notify the regulating authority

7  Accessibility for heavy equipment ◦ Backhoe or excavator ◦ Dump trucks ◦ Septic system delivery trucks

8  Ground conditions ◦ Muddy, soft ground ◦ Existing septic tanks in the new tank’s proposed location

9  Room to work ◦ Room to set up equipment ◦ Place to pile spoil while excavating ◦ Place to spread the spoil left over

10  Depth of sewer stub outs

11  Depth of septic tanks

12  Placement of lift station and/or equalization tank, if required

13  Water source to fill tanks ◦ Very Important!

14  Sewer pipe between stub outs and tanks ◦ Pipe size ◦ Fall needed for positive flow of sewer ◦ Required clean outs  2-way vs. 1-way ◦ Distance between clean outs ◦ Sanitary tee inside tanks ◦ Proper sealing of piping into tanks

15  Approved chlorinator ◦ Liquid ◦ Tablet

16  Electrical connections ◦ Location of electrical supply ◦ Disconnect location ◦ Mounting of control box and aerator  Flood zone elevation requirements ◦ Auto dialer, if required

17  Surface irrigation ◦ Sprinkler placement ◦ Trees and Fences ◦ Crossing water lines ◦ Setback distances from water wells and property lines

18  Subsurface irrigation (Drip emitters) ◦ Trees in drip field area ◦ Soil type in drip field area ◦ Mounding vs. grade ◦ Positive draining of surface water ◦ Sodding vs. seeding ◦ Headers with vacuum breakers ◦ Proper depth of drip lines

19  Back filling around tanks ◦ Class III soil ◦ Positive flow of surface water away from tanks  Bedding in sewer pipes to prevent sagging of pipes  Spreading or removing left over spoil ◦ This is subject to contractual agreement

20 Rodger Schuldt Schuldt Construction 713.299.7402

21 Designed by: Ryan Schuldt

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