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Meeting Agenda Introduction of Project Team Connective Corridor Project Onondaga County Sewer Separation Project Civic Strip Project Syracuse University.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting Agenda Introduction of Project Team Connective Corridor Project Onondaga County Sewer Separation Project Civic Strip Project Syracuse University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Meeting Agenda Introduction of Project Team Connective Corridor Project Onondaga County Sewer Separation Project Civic Strip Project Syracuse University Façade Improvement Grant Program Speakers Linda Dickerson Hartsock, Syracuse University Owen Kerney, City of Syracuse Stephen Harris, City-County Arborist Mark Budosh, Barton & Loguidice for Onondaga County

3 Connective Corridor Project Map

4 University Avenue East Genesee Street Forman Park Armory Square gateway landscaping SPARC public art installations Syracuse Stage Plaza Connective Corridor Phase One

5 Connective Corridor Project Scope Full reconstruction of the right-of-way: new sidewalks, curbing, parking areas, bicycle lanes, and vehicular travel lanes Project includes pedestrian amenities, traffic calming features, improved signage, bus stops with pull-offs, energy efficient lighting, landscaping and street trees, green infrastructure, and enhanced intersection and street crossings

6 Connective Corridor Project Schedule Final design: May 2013 Project Bid: June 2013 Construction: late July/early August 2013 through summer 2015 Work will begin at Forman Ave. and progress west Project will include winter shutdown from October through March/April

7 Connective Corridor Tree Removal Scope 95 Trees to be removed within next five weeks Removal will start at Forman Ave and proceed west to S. Franklin St. Removal will begin the weekend of January 26, 2012 Work will be performed on weekends by City Crews

8 Scope Removal is scheduled for three consecutive weekends, but is weather dependent Trees diameters range from 2– 18 inches and the average diameter is 7 inches Approximately 170-180 new trees to be planted Connective Corridor: Tree Removal

9 Onondaga County Sewer Separation Project Schedule Design is underway, and construction is scheduled to begin after 3/17/13 Duration of construction is approximately 90 days Construction will use daily lane closures and alternating one-way detours. May require occasional road closure along blocks Project Scope Installation of approx. 1200 LF of separated storm sewer pipe Situated parallel to combined sewer on W. Fayette Street between S. Salina St. and Creek Work will begin at Creek and work east toward S. Salina St. Separated storm sewer will connect to new catch basins installed in Connective Corridor project

10 Scope Intersections and crosswalks Street amenities Activated entries Lighting treatments along Jefferson Street Connector Signage and wayfinding system Civic Strip

11 Civic Strip Design Elements


13 Façade round one: (Completed) $625,000 in grants catalyzed improvements to 40 buildings along the Connective Corridor Façade round two: (Launching spring 2013) $250,000 in matching grants Special focus on lighting iconic buildings Façade Improvement Program

14 Questions or Comments? Thank you

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