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Construction Engineering Management Technology Hosted by:Sponsored by:Cooperating Organization: SSC Society of Students Constructors NASTT Student Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Engineering Management Technology Hosted by:Sponsored by:Cooperating Organization: SSC Society of Students Constructors NASTT Student Chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Engineering Management Technology Hosted by:Sponsored by:Cooperating Organization: SSC Society of Students Constructors NASTT Student Chapter

2 SPEAKER Tom Iseley, Ph.D., P.E. Professor & Director IUPUI-PURDUE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Construction Engineering Management Technology


4 SPEAKERS Tom Iseley, Ph.D., P.E. Professor & Director Erdogan Sener Professor Olga Lucia Vargas-Lamanna MS Graduate Student IUPUI-PURDUE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Construction Engineering Management Technology


6 ASSET MANAGEMENT Definition 1: A combination of management, financial, economic, engineering and other practices applied to (physical) assets which has the objective of maximizing the value derived from an asset stock over the whole life cycle, within the context of delivering appropriate levels of service to customers, communities and the environment, and at an acceptable level of risk.

7 ASSET MANAGEMENT Definition 2: Address customers’ immediate service requirements while managing the system assets to meet long-term requirements, reliably, & costs effectively Long-term AM results in: – Increased Asset Life – Decreased Maintenance Costs – Decreased Capital Costs – Permits planned spending based on critical needs. – Allows scarce financial resources to be effectively used. – Potentially increases revenues by revealing opportunities to sell or lease land or retired assets, sell excess capacity, provide outside services, or initiate new business.

8 CHALLENGE! These definitions sound like “motherhood” and “apple pie.” They can apply to all assets. What about CMOM & GASB 34? How can we achieve these goals for water and sewer underground infrastructure?

9 FUNDAMENTALS 1. What is the current state of my assets? – Inventory assets – Assess condition – Determine residual level – Determine replacement cost & date Answer 5 Core Questions

10 FUNDAMENTALS 2. What is the required level of service? 3. Which assets are critical to sustain performance? 4. What are the best O&M and CIP strategies? 5. What is the best funding strategy? Answer 5 Core Questions

11 WATER & SEWER Underground Infrastructure Systems Out-of-sight; Out-of-mind Taken for granted by all Our message: We keep emphasizing that our buried infrastructure systems are the life support systems for society-arteries, blood vessels & nerve systems that determine our quality of life and economic development/stability. THE BIG CHALLENGE! How do we get key political decision makers to listen

12 WATER & SEWER CHAMPION Mayor Shirley Franklin – Atlanta Atlanta Journal-Constitution – July 15, 2002 Atlanta eager to develop world-class sewer system People worldwide dream of living in a community with clean water, plentiful jobs and affordable housing. Over the Next 12 years, Atlanta will make its largest investment ever in such a dream. To assure high water quality and long-term economic stability for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, we are embarking on a $3B sewer improvement program. Most of this investment is required under a federal court order --- it is our opportunity to develop a world-class sewer system

13 WATER & SEWER CHAMPION Mayor Shirley Franklin – Atlanta Highlights from a speech on 10/16/02 on “Clean Water Atlanta” The future of Atlanta depends on: Economic growth; Jobs for all who want to work; Keeping the city an affordable place to live; and An attractive and affordable quality of life --- (all of these) depend on clean water.

14 WATER & SEWER CHAMPION Clean Water Atlanta is --- our long-term program to ensure our future Our responsibility to have a sewer system that works; our responsibility for clean streams and rivers --- we owe this to our neighbors, to our children and to the environment. It is our responsibility to future generations.

15 MAYOR FRANKLIN When it comes to sewers and clean water, I’m not interested in delay. We’ve already had too much delay in Atlanta. I’m not interested in short term solutions. We’ve already had too many band-aids in Atlanta. I’m not interested in easy answers. We’ve avoided the tough decisions for too long in Atlanta Highlights “Clean Water Atlanta” Speech

16 MAYOR FRANKLIN The “Sewer Mayor” Not just talk – she is a mayor of action! Implemented “Clean Water Atlanta” Comprehensive, long-term plan to ensure clean drinking water, clean streams for Atlanta and downstream neighbors Achievement of “Best-in-Class” rating Formed the Department of Watershed Management (DWM) Drinking water Sanitary sewer Storm sewer

17 MAYOR FRANKLIN The “Sewer Mayor” Appointed a highly qualified DWM Commissioner The charge: Highest quality water at the lowest cost in the shortest time frame Must seek out innovative solutions: Management Financial Technical

18 THE CHALLENGES OF ATLANTA’S DWM gave birth to…. BAMI Buried Asset Management Institute What is in the name? BAMI’s focus will be on underground infrastructure Our underground infrastructure are assets These assets must be managed properly to provide customers with expected services at the lowest cost

19 Buried Asset Management Institute – International Inspired by Atlanta’s Mayor, Shirley Franklin. Started in January 2003 as a part of DWM (Department of Watershed Management) under the leadership of Commissioner Jack Ravan June 2004, it evolved into a non-profit organization BAMI – I

20 December 2004, first Official BOD 2005, developed and submitted proposal for EPA cooperative agreement 2006, EPA accepted BAMI-I’s proposal 2007, Research team was formed and work was initiated Presentations has been made in numerous conferences, workshops and seminars. December 18, 2008, dateline for research project BAMI – I

21 BAMI – I Mission Statement To provide a center of excellence for owners of underground water infrastructure to join with industry and researchers, using sound science, to evaluate and/or develop buried asset management protocols for application worldwide to benefit ratepayers and other stakeholders by: Protecting public health Improving the environment Maximizing asset life-cycle value Sustaining economic development Enhancing the quality of life

22 Through the years EPA is leading the action to provide better water and wastewater service to the community EPA currently sponsors initiatives to promote the use of asset management, including educational materials, technical assistance, and research. “Establishing a Pathway for Achieving Water Utility Infrastructure Management Excellence” EPA Grant - CP 83 282901-1 EPA GRANT

23 Assist with the development of transparent Asset Management standards; Establish of an international consortium for the development of a center of excellence for Asset Management; Establish a virtual, national clearinghouse of Asset Management information; Conduct municipal forums as focus groups on the need of Asset Management in maximizing ratepayers’ return on infrastructure investment. EPA PROJECT OBJECTIVES

24 Project Manager: Jack Ravan, Executive Director, BAMI-I Will coordinate BAMI-I activities with U.S. EPA Grant Management Team, consultants, affiliates, etc. Project Director: Tom Iseley, President of the BAMI-I Board of Directors Assist Project Manager with all aspects of the EPA grant project on an as-needed basis. Project Administrator: Leonard Ingram, BAMI-I Treasurer & EPA Grant Administrator Responsible for grant financial management, maintaining grant records and files, and assisting with grant management and coordination. BAMI – I TEAM


26 BAMI-I’s research “Establishing a Pathway for Achieving Water Utility Infrastructure Management Excellence” was sponsored by EPA Grant - CP 83 282901-1 BAMI – I & EPA



29 BAMI – I TEAM CONSULTANTS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ARLINGTON Education Program “Guide to Water & Wastewater Asset Management” Manual and Examination Dr. Mohammad Najafi

30 BAMI – I TEAM CONSULTANTS VIRGINIA TECH Virtual CEMAM Center of Excellence for Municipal Asset Management Dr. Sunil Sinha Dr. Randel Dymond Mr. Rahul Vemulapally Mr. Thomas Dickerson


32 BAMI – I CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Is…. An online educational process to obtain a certification in management of underground asset infrastructure. A pioneer program in the United States created by BAMI-I, that is establishing a new path for stakeholders in the water and wastewater industry interested in an excellent way to manage their assets.

33 BAMI – I CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Is for… All stakeholders in the water and Wastewater industry OwnersManagers WorkersSupervisors StudentsEducators Decision MakersConsultants EngineersProfessionals Administrative Personnel

34 CERTIFICATION PROGRAM PHASES Phase I: Fundamentals. A manual and its correspondently examination. Phase II. Practical. Use of a virtual CEMAM (Center of Excellence for Municipal Asset Management) Phase III. Application to the industry.

35 “Guide to Water & Wastewater Asset Management” The University of Texas Arlington Published by Benjamin Media Inc. Manual – Visual Presentation – Exam of each chapter Exam to be graded by BAMI-I Certification Program Supported by GRWA (Georgia Rural Water Association) Webpage PHASE I - FUNDAMENTALS

36 PHASE II - PRACTICAL Introduction to virtual CEMAM (Center of Excellence for Municipal Asset Management) Learn how to utilize the virtual CEMAN Data from existing companies is available to allow students to learn from real world examples.

37 CEMAM VIRTUAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR MUNICIPAL ASSET MANAGEMENT Virginia Tech developed the web-based this Center of Excellence in collaboration with BAMI-I, US EPA, participant municipal utilities, and researchers at academic institutions.

38 Use: Sharing and integrating beneficial use Municipal Infrastructure Assets Management Information. Objectives: Develop a standard-geo-database model which helps the utilities in making better decisions and manage the facility in an efficient manner. Transformation of raw data from utilities into the standard framework USE - OBJECTIVES

39 OPORTUNITY - BENEFITS Opportunity: The Center of Excellence web site will serve as a central element in carrying out the Center’s mission by providing an online resource for the municipal infrastructure asset management community Benefits: Will Help in creating linkage to all utilities across the nation irrespective of utility size Provide timeless access to asset management information and resources that will lead to more efficient programs

40 BENEFITS Promote and provide training, education, research and outreach programs Provide de public with a convenient tool to learn about municipal water and wastewater infrastructure system. Development of a National database that will help in developing tools, techniques, and models for data analysis.

41 RESEARCH PROCESS Define data elements required for condition assessment management of buried assets Develop a standardized data structure to serve as a common foundation for future analysis and research Examine the implications of the standards on municipal utility programs Create an example database that conflates the varied municipal data into a common data framework.

42 RESEARCH PROCESS COLLECT From utilities who agreed to provided data ANALYZE By comparing the structure and content to a desired list of attributes TRANSFORM Into the common data framework UTILITY DATA

43 COLLECT DATA Participants City of Atlanta, Georgia Pittsburg Water and Sewer Authority. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Seattle Public Utility. Seattle, Washington Orange County Sanitation District. Fountain Valley, California VPI Sanitation Authority. Blacksburg, Virginia Utility Data Transfer Framework Arc Map Excel Hand written

44 TRANSFER DATA Data Transfer, Analysis and Visualization Protocol ArcSDE Analysis: Fields and Attributes

45 ANALYSIS Classification of Pipe Parameters Parameters About 100 parameters – Wastewater and Water systems were divided into five classes.

46 TRANSFORM – DATA MODELS Data model was separated into four models Wood: Very Small Companies – No resources Bronze: Small Company – Small workforce Silver: Large Companies – No special team Gold: Largest cities – Special Team


48 Results The proposed Center of Excellence web site will became a major online asset management resource for utilities. The site will definitively succeed in achieving an “online community for municipal asset management” CEMAM

49 Introduction to common asset management resources and tools available in the industry. This includes companies and programs, such as: 1.Liquid Assets http://www.liquidassets.psu.edu Liquid Assets is a public media and outreach initiative that seeks to inform the nation about the critical role that our water infrastructure plays in protecting public health and promoting economic prosperity. PHASE III – APPLICATION TO THE INDUSTRY

50 2. NECS (National Environmental Services Center) “A Guide to Asset Management for Small Water system” 3. U.S EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Committed to protecting the natural environment 4. TEAMS (Total Electronic Asset Management System) A public domain asset management spreadsheet program produced by the Maryland Center for Environmental training.

51 PHASE III – APPLICATION TO THE INDUSTRY 5. CUPPS (Check Up Program for Small Systems) Free easy-to-use, asset management tool for small drinking water and wastewater utilities. 6. UNC – BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY (Environmental Finance Center) ure/tabid/149/Default.aspx Financially Sustainable Water Infrastructure Initiative. A joint initiative by members of the Environmental Finance Center Network

52 PHASE III – APPLICATION TO THE INDUSTRY 7. SIMPLE (Sustainable Infrastructure Management Program Learning Environment ) WERF has launched a web-based tool that will make asset management easy to understand and will enable information exchange among practitioners with various needs and experience levels. 8. Environmental Finance Center. Boise State University, UNC, Cleveland State University. Financially Sustainable Water Infrastructure Initiative



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