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Narragansett Bay Estuary Program Narragansett Bay CCMP  Original done 1992  Stakedholder-developed goals, objectives, actions  Many key actions implemented.

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2 Narragansett Bay Estuary Program

3 Narragansett Bay CCMP  Original done 1992  Stakedholder-developed goals, objectives, actions  Many key actions implemented  Update needed/required – EPA charge  Address CWA goal – ecosystem integrity  Includes bay & its watershed (60% in Mass.)

4 Context  Ecosystem problems remain; new ones emerge  Complex governance structure  Reduced resources for environment  Increased federal requirements  Improvement needed in coordination of effort  Need to address at system level while recognizing localized/regional issues

5 How CCMP 2012-2017 will be used  Provide ongoing and updated focus on priorities (5-yr. updates)  Provides action framework for 5-year status and trends reports – NBEP  Provides a record of agreed upon goals, objectives and actions to track progress (on 5 year cycle)  Provides shared focus for NBEP workplans and other implementing party workplans  Signals regional/local priorities to federal agencies and Congress

6 Intro  Setting  Purpose of CCMP  Development of CCMP  Governance overview  Plan content  Cross cutting policy directions

7 Cross-Cutting Policy Directions  Increase investment in the environment  Use integrated approach to water management  Develop interstate and regional coordination mechanisms  Monitor bay and watersheds efficiently  Identify priority bay and watershed science issues  Apply watershed based management principles  Evaluate and increase efficiency and effectiveness  Invest in science to support management  Communicate with people and policy-makers  Build capacity of municipalities to implement  Build, support and coordinate partnerships to implement

8 CCMP Section Goals  Restore & Maintain Clean Water  Manage Land for Community & Conservation  Protect and Restore Diversity & Function of Habitats  Sustainably Manage Fishery Resources  Protect Human & Natural Assets

9 Section Format  Overall goal  Problem statement  Status and trends summary  Management initiatives summary  Indicators to measure change  Section objectives and actions table  Priority actions in bold

10 Actions Tables  Ecosystem approach  Pollution reduction  Resource protection & restoration  Management actions & coordination  Monitoring & access to data  Science and information  Capacity building  Increase funding/resources/incentives  New/revised legislation, regulations or authority

11 Restore & Maintain Clean Water  Reduce pollution from wastewater sources  Reduce pollution from stormwater sources  Reduce pollution from combined sewer overflows  Manage estuaries, rivers, streams and lakes to prevent degradation and restore beneficial uses  Improve funding for water quality and quantity improvement and for resource assessment/ monitoring  Improve information, science and analysis that support management efforts necessary to restore and protect fresh and salt waters

12 Manage Land for Community & Conservation  Implement low impact development  Preserve open space and natural systems  Develop and use incentives and local zoning requirements that support compact, mixed-use walkable communities  Increase and maintain regional recreational opportunities and public access to shorelines and waterfronts  Improve science and information to support effective land use management  Build capacity of watershed organizations and municipalities to serve as critical partners in watershed management

13 Protect & Restore Diversity & Function of Habitats  Conserve existing natural landscapes that have been and will be adversely affected by development, climate change, and invasive species  Restore degraded or lost habitats and habitat functions  Manage habitats to sustain and enhance habitat function  Monitor, control and prevent land and aquatic invasive species  Improve science and information to guide management of habitats and biodiversity  Build capacity to implement ecological restoration at state (particularly in R.I.) and local levels and improve interstate coordination

14 Sustainably Manage Fishery Resources  Preserve and restore fresh and salt water populations, habitats and ecosystems  Reduce ecological impacts of fisheries  Manage species for commercial, recreational, cultural, and ecological value  Improve science and information to guide fish and wildlife management

15 Protect Human & Natural Assets  Maximize preservation, conservation and restoration of green infrastructure to increase coastal and floodplain resilience  Improve public and private infrastructure to withstand anticipated climate change impacts  Ensure adequate disaster mitigation and response planning to protect life and built environment  Develop funding mechanisms for improved preparedness and response  Improve science and information necessary for preparedness and response  Ensure that coastal habitat restoration and conservation efforts take sea level rise into account

16 Priority Action Examples  Manage water withdrawals using scientifically-based sustainable yield that account for land use projections, impacts on aquatic systems and inter-basin transfers  Adopt municipal LID ordinances for new and redevelopment projects; redevelopment projects should be required to retrofit drainage systems to reduce impacts  Where feasible in the watershed, remove dams, upgrade culverts and create structural fish ways to restore free- flowing rivers and anadromous fish passage; implement state fish passage plans  Monitor ecologically important fish species as well as commercially important species monitored for management purposes  Design stormwater treatment facilities and green stormwater infrastructure to have adequate capacity over the life of the facility for predicted increased, intensified flow resulting from climate change




20 Reviewed by/comments incorporated from:  NBEP Executive Committee (STB, BRVNHCC, RIDEM, RINHS, EPA Region 1, URI Coastal Inst.)  RIDEM Water Resources, Fish & Wildlife, Marine Fisheries, Emergency Response, Plan & Devel.  MA Dept. of Env. Protection, MA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, MA Div. of Ecological Restoration  CRMC  RIEMA  RI Statewide Planning  SRPEDD  TNC, Salt Pond Coalition

21 CCMP Completion Schedule  March 21 – Management Committee discussion  Additional comments from MC & key stakeholders collected/incorporated – April 18  CCMP draft provided to Policy Committee  Public comment period – April 18 to May 16  All comments incorporated into final CCMP – May 30  Document production/publication  Management Committee approval – June 20 MC meeting


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