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Students Online There are 10 million children online By the year 2005, there will be over 50 million children online 14% of people under 18 are currently.

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Presentation on theme: "Students Online There are 10 million children online By the year 2005, there will be over 50 million children online 14% of people under 18 are currently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students Online There are 10 million children online By the year 2005, there will be over 50 million children online 14% of people under 18 are currently online 32% of children between the ages of 16 and 17 spend five or more hours online per week

2 INFORMATION OVERLOAD! More information has been produced in the last 30 years than in the previous 5000 There is a new website every 4 seconds! World Wide Web is doubling every 90 days! This month, another 18 million people will go on line


4 THE BIG SIX #1 Task Definition Identify the information needed Define the problem “What do I need to do?”

5 INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES Brainstorming all possible resources Select the best resources “What can I use to find what I need?” THE BIG SIX #2

6 LOCATION & ACCESS Locate Sources Find information within sources “What can I use to find what I need?” THE BIG SIX #3

7 USE OF INFORMATION Engage (read, hear, view, or touch) Take out needed information “What information can I use?” THE BIG SIX #4

8 SYNTHESIS Organize information from multiple sources Present the results “How can I put my information together?” THE BIG SIX #5

9 EVALUATION Judge the results (effectiveness) Judge the process (efficiency) “How will I know if I did well?” THE BIG SIX #6

10 Define the Problem… “Given a five acre rectangular lot in the redevelopment area in a future city, develop a brief and focused engineering feasibility plan that will concentrate on the following elements: Availability of water and sewer utilities, Transportation access, and Soil analysis?” First piece of information I might need to find out is… “What is an engineering feasibility plan?” Identify the information needed… Task Definition THE BIG SIX #1 “What do I need to do?”

11 Dictionary Encyclopedia Dictionary.Com Thesaurus Text Book Dictionary.Com Brainstorming all possible resources Select the best resources THE BIG SIX #2 INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES “What can I use to find what I need?”

12 Define the Problem… “Given a five acre rectangular lot in the redevelopment area in a future city, develop a brief and focused engineering feasibility plan that will concentrate on the following elements: Availability of water and sewer utilities, Transportation access, and Soil analysis?” Identify the information needed… Transportation Access Water Utilities City Planning Citizens Needs Sewer Utilities THE BIG SIX #1 Task Definition

13 Brainstorming all possible resources Select the best resources THE BIG SIX #2 INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES

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