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GRIP-IT Component 3 Innovative methodologies and tools for IP programming and management Gál Körmendy West-Pannon Regional Development Agency Kickoff Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "GRIP-IT Component 3 Innovative methodologies and tools for IP programming and management Gál Körmendy West-Pannon Regional Development Agency Kickoff Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRIP-IT Component 3 Innovative methodologies and tools for IP programming and management Gál Körmendy West-Pannon Regional Development Agency Kickoff Conference 15. November 2005, Hradec Kralove

2 „Life is like a sewer: what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.“ Tom Lehrer

3 Agenda Integrated projects – the basics GRIP-IT, and West-Pannonia in it Overview of Component 3 –Theoretic view – aims, results and their significance –Systemic view – interplay of actors, costs and benefits for the parties –Project view – scheduling, preparations, future issues

4 What is integrated planning – and what is not?  Strategic development method  Wonderdrug  Setting priorities and adhering to them  Ushering in the land of milk and honey  A means of receiving funding for focused development  A means of getting free money

5 GRIP-IT an organic overview C3: Methodology – The Head Accumulator Consolidator Generator C4: Dissemination – The Mouth Communicator Publisher Advertiser C1: Management – The Heart Initiator Motivator, Coordinator C2: Subprojects – Arms and Legs Actor Feeler Mover

6 Why West-Pannonia? „Willing and able“ Significance of the issue in Hungary „Region of Initiatives” „Meeting-point of 5 countries” – an inspiring neighbourhood Strong theoretic background Existing planning network Problem-solving approach

7 C3 – A theoretic overview Aims –Develop innovative IP planning and management methodology and strategy –Increase efficiency of SF-usage in 2007-13 –Establishment of a permanent project planning network Tools –Acquire a comprehensive set of benchmark practices and approaches through experience pooling –Analyse and evaluate existing local systems and practices –Provide consolidated and enhanced methodology through creative workshops Results –Robust set of guidelines for IP horizontal issues. –Several operable model procedures – call scenarios –Working transnational planning network

8 Implications The reasons for it all Better cooperation and partnership, „better life” in the microregions Better utilisation of development funds Better alignment with national and EU objectives and priorities More and easier money from national and EU development sources „Spiritual”„Material” Global Local

9 Offering choices in planning –Elaboration of different project package types Thematic – Regional – Grand priority project –Systematisation of ROP priorities and measures vs. project selection methods and systems –IPP planning and management scenarios, guidelines – „a line for every situation“ Simplification of proposal and project management process for the beneficiaries Trying to find a way to shorten the way to partnership and cooperation Implications The reasons for our part

10 C3 – A systemic overview Basilicata (C2) Friuli-Venezia- Giulia (C4) Hradec Kralove (C1) West-Pannonia (Component 3) Governmental / EU institutional background Microregions of West- Pannonia Other Hungarian Regions

11 Implications How the black box works Working together with as many parties as possible to pool experiences and practices –Channelling from partner regions through partners –Local „field lab“ Consolidating all info to provide a robust basis for analysis Networking to generate the best possible results Providing continuous feedback to enhance performance – experience exchange, cooperation Formulating concise and operable methodology with the most comprehensive and versatile set of guidelines

12 C3 – A project overview 2006. II. experience pool setup; subproject lessons channelled in; first model procedures for both implemetation and planning; conduct local surveys in all partner regions; plan network structure 2007. I. experience pool fill-up monitor subprojects Workshops and experience exchange stages further analysis of surveys in all regions start off network 2007. II. final modelling formulate guidelines and scenarios launch permanent network dissemination

13 „Development of West-Pannonia” – Vision, principles, 6 regional priorities A multidimensional survey of the 22 NUTS4 microregions is prepared (analysis of intraregional differences / different capabilities, examination of disadvantages in 8 separate dimensions) KEZDET projects database Integrated Microregional Planning Project Electronic pool of regional development documents Compilation of key microregional development documents The road so far

14 Questionnaires (Association for the Villages of Zala) Processing of the incoming microregional strategic documents Regional analyses, strategy formulation Presentation of the integrated microregional development plans at microregional workshops, collection of opinions, suggestions, further projects Setting one prevailing development direction for each microregion Defining the pillars to support the development directions Identifying the adjoining project elements to support the realisation of the pillars Finalising the integrated microregional development plans based on the feedback received Final workshop on 7 November, 2005, in Zalaegerszeg The road so far II: The IMP planning project Proposal for integrated microregional development

15 Integrated microregional project: Pillars: Adjoining project elements: Detailed listing of the elements of the integrated microregional project „Buzzword” Summary of prevailing microregional development directions „Pillar” Textual detailing of the pillar functions „Pillar” Textual detailing of the pillar functions The road so far III: How an IMP looks like

16 Changes in national an EU development priorities in 2007-13 Monofund financing requires different planning mindset Short history of partnership and cooperation in NMSs Synergy and effect analysis to be emphasised The road ahead: „Bumps” – focal issues


18 Public availability of planning materials in the region: Thank you for your attention! Gál Körmendy West-Pannon Regional Development Agency Győr, Buda u. 21. Telefon/Fax: +36 96/319-467 E-mail:

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