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ARUC Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative CDR John Nichols, PE, ARUC Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "ARUC Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative CDR John Nichols, PE, ARUC Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARUC Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative CDR John Nichols, PE, ARUC Manager

2 Provide good water every day to Alaska Tribes ARUC’s purpose

3 From above the Arctic Circle,

4 to maritime climates.

5 Savoonga Chignik Lake, Chignik Lagoon South Naknek Goodnews Bay Toksook Bay Chevak Upper Kalskag, Lower Kalskag Russian Mission Golovin Sleetmute St. Michael Newhalen Tyonek Fort Yukon Kiana Selawik

6 18 ARUC members 2008: 8 Tribes 2009: 17 Tribes FY10 projected: 25 Tribes

7 ARUC basics Management of Tribes’ water/sewer systems –Standard ordinance, enforced policies, etc Technical support –Hire & supervise operators Summer projects, preventative maintenance Financial –Collect customer fees –Pay expenses Revenues must exceed expenses! –Fuel and repair reserves

8 ARUC data non-ARUCARUC Operator turnover75%8% (19%) Significant Non- Compliance 2x ARUC User Collections40%80% (56%) 20 – 40 months88% (82%) Over 40 months104% (99%) Over 40 months104% (99%)

9 Selawik, before & after ARUC

10 The future of ARUC… Expanded membership Startup costs for new communities Startup costs for ARUC –Marketing 27%, Community startup 39% Funding for management Nationwide interest in ARUC concept

11 Questions?

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