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27/04/2012 IT division monthly report. Agenda 1. System Maintenance. 2. Data Permission Control. 3. PA related functions. 4. HR & Agent related functions.

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Presentation on theme: "27/04/2012 IT division monthly report. Agenda 1. System Maintenance. 2. Data Permission Control. 3. PA related functions. 4. HR & Agent related functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 27/04/2012 IT division monthly report

2 Agenda 1. System Maintenance. 2. Data Permission Control. 3. PA related functions. 4. HR & Agent related functions. 5. Accounting system. 6. Plan for next month.

3 System Maintenance (1/2) Policy and invoice printing. 1555 policies. 4565 invoices. Application forms from users. Receive 72 applications. Finished 67 applications. SOP documentation. Finished 4 SOP documents.

4 System Maintenance (2/2) Change our Internet lease-line from Viettel to FPT. NAS install. NAS will take over server1 to be shared folder server Can limit the folder size( 2G bytes) and auto- backup.

5 Data Permission Control (1/4) We provide many reports about our business performance in system. Data Permission Control is to control the data scope of different users.

6 Data Permission Control (2/4) Agent SM Level BM Level Region Branch Company level CompanyBranchRegion BMSMAgentSMAgent

7 Data Permission Control (3/4) User can only see the units under the same manager. Or the units under his/her manage. BMAgent BMSM

8 Data Permission Control (4/4) Until now, we have apply this control on the following 3 functions. Instant performance report. Verified performance report. Premium collection efficiency. IT will apply this control on new report function and to modify the existing functions.

9 PA related function 1. Outer-province policy collector auto assignment. 2. Annuity benefit function. 3. R06 rider modify. 4. Improvement on policy reinstatement.

10 Outer-province policy collector auto assignment(1/3) This function is to assign the collector automatically for policies in outer- province by the zip-code accordingly.

11 Outer-province policy collector auto assignment(2/3) Assign Collector by agent unit Assign Collector by zip-code Out-province? Yes Assign Collector by agent unit No Original Process New Process

12 Outer-province policy collector auto assignment(3/3) User needs to maintain the zip-code and the corresponding collectors.

13 Annuity benefit Now some of our products start to pay annuity to customers, and IT developed the functions below 1. Generate the policy details which are eligible for annuity in current month. 2. Query function for the eligible policies. 3. Annuity benefit letter printing. 4. Annuity withdraw acceptance function.

14 Annuity benefit- Query Function (1/2) When customers want to know if he can get the annuity or when he can get the annuity, service center uses this function to get the information

15 Annuity benefit- Query Function (2/2) The query result would be like this. Policy number Prod Type Annuity Amount Pay date

16 Annuity benefit- Annuity benefit letter (1/2) Service center can use this function to query and print out the annuity letter and send to customer.

17 Annuity benefit- Annuity benefit letter (2/2)

18 Annuity benefit- Annuity withdraw acceptance (1/2) When customers claim their annuity, service center uses this function for acceptance.

19 Annuity benefit- Annuity withdraw acceptance (2/2) System will calculate the amount and deduct both the loan and interest of loan, APL amount and interest of APL if any.

20 R06 rider Modify the sales illustration and new contract acceptance function, automatically calculate the face amount be the summation of the policy premium. POS constrain : control that R06 can only be attached within 30 days before the anniversary.

21 Improvement on policy reinstatement Shows the correct pay times on B0 receipt. A policy suspend when the pay time is 3 times, When customer reinstatement 2 months after the suspend, system will calculate the correct pay times instead of showing 3.

22 HR & Agent related function 1. Passport, working permit, resident card management. 2. Agent roll call system. 3. UL experience input. 4. Additional performance promotion.

23 Passport, resident card management (1/3) Support HR to create this function, just like the management of Bluebook.

24 Passport, resident card management (2/3) HR can query the documents about to expire.

25 Passport, resident card management (3/3) Besides, system also notices HR and document holders before the expiration. HRHolders

26 Agent Roll Call system (1/2) System will default set every agent absence. If agent attends, BDO will change the record.

27 Agent Roll Call system (2/2)

28 UL experience input (1/2) Agents must meet 3 criteria to be qualified selling UL. Working experience is one of the UL selling criteria. So we provide AA to input agent’s experience in other companies and then system can check if an agent is qualified to sell UL.

29 UL experience input (2/2)

30 Additional performance promotion Finished the R01, R03, UL product additional performance modify.

31 Accounting system Expense allocation function.

32 Expense allocation Some expense we pay for a period of time in a payment. When the expense amount is large then it need to be allocated in different months.

33 Expense allocation input

34 Expense allocation query

35 Plan for next month Keep making SOP documents. Cooperate with users on data permission control. Policy-owner service customers no need to fill form function. Comparing policy reserving data with planning division. Other user request.


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