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CAN / DECC Meeting 2 February 2012 Andy Stephenson / Oliver Myers Chair / Deputy Chair of CAN.

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Presentation on theme: "CAN / DECC Meeting 2 February 2012 Andy Stephenson / Oliver Myers Chair / Deputy Chair of CAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAN / DECC Meeting 2 February 2012 Andy Stephenson / Oliver Myers Chair / Deputy Chair of CAN

2 Content Who are we? What do we do? HECA – the journey so far CAN 2011 Survey - member’s current priorities and views on HECA and Green Deal

3 Who are we? A body of local authority energy officers working to promote energy efficiency and tackle fuel poverty Originally the National HECA (Home Energy Conservation Act) Forum, founded 1999 Since Jan 2006, the UK Home Energy Conservation Association Ltd (UK HECA) Since Jan 2009, the national Carbon Action Network Membership drawn from the 379 Energy Conservation Authorities across the ten regional and devolved HECA fora in England and Wales

4 Aims and objectives Assist in the achievement of national, regional and local targets in the fields of energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy management and alternative sources of energy so as collectively to reduce carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty by the following means: 1. Provide leadership and support for energy conservation authorities and the regional and devolved CAN fora 2. Share information and good practice via a variety of means including regional fora, the CAN website, quarterly magazine, email bulletins and the annual National Home Energy Conference 3. Develop and support LA officers’ roles

5 Aims and objectives 4.Build partnerships between local authorities and other statutory, voluntary and private sector partners in order to promote mutually beneficial schemes. 5.Act as a voice for local government energy officers with central government and other relevant bodies. 6.Act as a channel for Government and other relevant agencies to consult with us on their energy policies and programmes.

6 What do we do? Executive and regional fora Conferences News magazines and e-bulletins Website and discussion boards Consultation responses Advise on a number of boards, eg EEPH Local Authority Group, Warm Front Strategy Group, LGA Environmental Advisory Panel Strategic Core Group Key stakeholder in reviews and consultations on HECA

7 HECA: the journey so far… 1995: The Home Energy Conservation Act receives royal assent 1996:DoE circular 2/96 issued as guidance to support the Act. Best practise guide (GPG82) published. Three-year HECAction programme launched Energy Conservation Act (HMOs and houseboats) 1997:Seven formal regional HECA Fora created based on Degree Day Regions 1998:Government (DETR) extend HECAction for a further three years 1999:First HECA Conference in Leeds UK HECA Fora Group (13 regions) established & Chairs Group meet 2000:Funding for UK HECA from EST commenced First two-day HECA Conference National HECA Secretariat established Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2001: DEFRA LA Energy Efficiency Review – sidetracked by wider review for 2003 Sustainable Energy Act

8 2002:HECA Network News first published & HECA website launched 2004: Removal of statutory requirements for CPA Excellent LAs 2004: EST-funded Survey 1: HECA Officers’ Views on Future of HECA Defra HECA Review – sidetracked by wider review for 2006 UK Climate Change Programme 2005:UK HECA Ltd, a not-for-profit company incorporated and launched at the House of Commons 2006/07: Defra Review of HECA completed Mar 2006:UK HECA Grants from EST ceased Oct 2007: Consultation on the Review of HECA (preferred option to repeal) HECA Forum Survey 2: HECA Officer’s views on the future of HECA Aug 2007:UK HECA sponsorship deal with E.ON starts Apr 2008:CAA introduced HECA: the journey so far…

9 Jan 2009:New identity Carbon Action Network, launched at LGA Conference Early 2009:HECA almost repealed through written statement to the house, decision put on hold Sep 2009:CAN Survey 3: changing role of HECA officers Apr 2010:CAA abolished Dec 2010:Intention to repeal HECA announced May 2011:Announcement of intention to retain HECA Aug 2011:CAN sponsorship deal with Climate Energy starts Sep 2011:CAN Survey 4: impact of cuts on LAs/views on Green Deal/ Nottingham Declaration Oct 2011:Energy Act 2011 - HECA repealed in Scotland & Wales only Nov 2011:Green Deal Consultation: HECA guidance to be issued spring 2012

10 Response to 2007 HECA Review We supported repeal: HECA played an important role but other programmes delivered the majority of savings The HECA reporting process was flawed and unlikely to drive the level of engagement in tackling climate change Removing the annual reporting requirement would assist LAs to deliver wider CO 2 reductions Retaining HECA alongside the new indicators would lead to duplication

11 In addition we proposed: Changes to indicators, particularly NI187 Monitoring/Review of inclusion of NIs in LAAs Campaign to raise profile of work of HECA Officers and role they can play Support for a programme of training and events Response to 2007 HECA Review

12 Launch of CAN Jan 2009 As a response to changing policy landscape: New climate change indicators in LAA Government’s preferred option to repeal the Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) CAN’s Priorities: -Focus on domestic carbon footprint initially -Widen membership to other LA officers and then focus on full climate change agenda

13 2009 CAN member survey Aimed to gather views on: Future development of UK HECA network Support required to manage the transition

14 2009 Survey findings Need for future officer network? Yes:63% No: 5% Unsure:32%

15 2009 Survey findings (cont) Focus of network in future? Domestic carbon footprint:40% All climate change issues:35% Maintain current focus:20% Not sure/no reply: 5%

16 2009 Survey findings (cont) Would repeal of HECA weaken/strengthen role? Strengthen: 9% Weaken:43% Neither:47%

17 2009 Survey findings (cont) Support for HECA officer roles: Training:71% Events:64% Networks:48% Mentoring:25%

18 CAN post-CAA Since demise of CAA, CAN has focused on sustaining the network in an era of cuts and a policy vacuum In 2011 we again surveyed our members to: -establish the impact of the cuts on LA officers/activity and the status of the climate change and fuel poverty agendas in LAs -gather views on the Green Deal, Nottingham Declaration and future role of HECA


20 17. Have you previously performed duties related to the Home Energy Conservation Act or HECA reporting? 18. Have you previously had responsibility for reporting on any of the following national indicators? (Please tick all that apply)

21 Top 5 results only

22 Top 10 results only

23 22. Before starting in your current post, how long had you worked in a similar role (or roles) related to energy efficiency, climate change or fuel poverty?


25 37. Which possibilities of linking HECA to the new energy bill, that introduces Green Deal and ECO, would you think would work best (tick all that apply)?

26 Top 7 results only 38. Please rate the level of importance, from 0 (Not Important at all) to 4 (Very important) of the following features for a revised version of the Home Energy Conservation Act?


28 To find out more Visit: Join/visit your regional CAN forum Attend our national conferences, next stop in xxx, xx xxx 2012 Contact:

29 Summary National CAN is a network of local authority climate change officers FOR officers HECA officers are a vital resource in local climate change strategies Now is a time for even greater collaboration National CAN is there to help

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