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The Metis in Alberta 13 Settlements - Metis Pop. Betterment Act, 1938 -Only Metis in Canada to have own land base. (Imp. For Self-Govt.) Population Size:

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2 The Metis in Alberta 13 Settlements - Metis Pop. Betterment Act, 1938 -Only Metis in Canada to have own land base. (Imp. For Self-Govt.) Population Size: 51K (1996 census) More than in any other prov. (c.f. Sask @ 37K; Man. @ 46K; BC @ 26K) More assimilated & integrated than First Nation individuals – e.g., more urban Less nationalistic ideology Political Representation Metis Nation of Alberta Much intense politicking 1990Statutes $310 million for econ. dvlpm.t. & self-govt., in lieu of a land claim ( raids by govt in 1982) Establishes a base for self-government on 8 settlements. No mineral rights granted.

3 The 1990 Legislation for the Metis Bill 33 Metis Settlemts Accord Implementn Ac t Bill 34 Metis Settlements Land Protection Act Bill 35 Metis Settlements Act Bill 36 Constit’n of Alta. Amendment Act (1990) The 8 Metis Settlements covered by the legislation are: Settlement Area Population Buffalo Lake & Kikino 4417 East Prairie, Gift Lake, & Peavine5845 Paddle Prairie4217 Elizabeth & Fishing Lake9473

4 Bill 33: Metis Settlements Accord Implementation Act 5 Principles co-operation; self-sufficiency; local govt autonomy; equity with other local govts; political respect Transfers $309 million over next 17 years to implement the Metis Settlements Act

5 Bill 34: Metis Settlements Land Protection Act Purpose: To prevent another scrip fiasco (scrip exchangeable for cash or land was bought up by unscrupulous traders), by specifying conditions for Metis land tenure Alienation of Settlement Land (Fee Simple title) - Only with permission of the Crown and by majority vote of all members of that settlement and of all Metis settlements - Settlement land may not be mortgaged. Mineral Exploration Permitted - Only with consent of the settlement council and the General Council

6 Bill 36: Constitution of Alberta Amendment Act, 1990 Entrenches aspects of the other 3 statutes in the constitution of Alberta and thereby in the Constitution of Canada e.g., the Legislature may not amend or repeal the Metis Settlements Land Protection Act without the agreement of the Metis Settlements General Council and Any bill to amend or repeal this statute requires a plebiscite of Metis settlement members and majority approval must be obtained in each settlement

7 On blank side of card, please write in upper right hand corner the letter grade which you would give this course, taking into consideration syllabus, readings, class sessions, and assignments Then, comment on how this course could be improved.

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