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Road to Revolution 1754 to 1776.

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1 Road to Revolution 1754 to 1776

2 A. The French and Indian War

3 Causes Land Dispute

4 Different Colonial Societies
Causes Different Colonial Societies British French Permanent, expanding settlements Horrible Relationship with Indians No real communities, mainly forts Great Relationship with Indians

5 Not the first war fought over N. America
Causes Differing Religions British were Protestant French were Catholic Not the first war fought over N. America

6 1754  The First Clash The Ohio Valley British French

7 1756  War Is Formally Declared
War will become a world war SEVEN YEAR WAR ( ) Every major European power becomes involved Will be a MULTI-FRONT war – very costly to fight

8 The Two Sides French are fighting with most of the Indians (Algonquian & Mohawk) and later Spain Britain aligns with the Iroquois and the Colonists

9 British-American Colonial Tensions
Colonials British Methods of Fighting: Indian-style guerilla tactics. March in formation or bayonet charge. Military Organization: Col. militias served under own captains. Br. officers wanted to take charge of colonials. Military Discipline: No mil. deference or protocols observed. Drills & tough discipline. Finances: Resistance to rising taxes. Colonists should pay for their own defense. Demeanor: Casual, non-professionals. Prima Donna Br. officers with servants & tea settings.

10 Albany Plan of Union (1754) Ben Franklin  representatives from New England, NY, MD, PA Albany Congress  was meant to bolster colonial unity

11 Treaty of Paris (1763) Britain Wins the War
France --> lost all land in N. America Spain --> got all land west of the Mississippi River, but lost Florida to England. England --> got all French lands in Canada and east of the Mississippi River

12 B. The Effects of the War

13 Effects on Britain 1. It increased colonial empire in the Americas.
2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. England felt that a major reorganization of American Empire was necessary

14 Effects on the American Colonials
1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time. 2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated. 3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify.

15 Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763)
Ottawa Indians opposed British expansion Led by Chief Pontiac Began to attack British forts in Ohio Valley

16 Proclamation of 1763 Britain wanted to end Native American fighting
Forbade colonists from crossing the Appalachian Mtns.

17 Paxton Boys (PA) will react by attacking Native Americas
Proclamation of 1763 Colonists are FURIOUS Paxton Boys (PA) will react by attacking Native Americas

18 Rethinking Their Empire
Britain needs to recover its losses from the war Decided to end Salutary Neglect and finally begin to enforce mercantilist policies and will begin to tax colonists

19 C. Britain reasserts her AUTHORITY

20 P.M. George Grenville’s Program, 1763-1765
1. Sugar Act 2. Currency Act 3. Quartering Act

21 Debate over Representation
Actual vs. Virtual – Colonists wanted Actual, Grenville believed they had virtual Colonists willing to pay taxes that applied to WHOLE empire Believed taxes just on them required representation

22 Stamp Act (1765) Tax placed on all printed materials
First direct tax placed just on AMERICAN COLONIES Intended to help pay for defense costs

23 Virginia Resolves Written by Patrick Henry
Rights of the Colonists were violated Englishmen had representatives – colonists were denied this “No taxation without representation”

24 Stamp Act Congress Met in NYC 9 colonies (no NH, VA, NC, or GA)
Wrote Declaration of Rights and Grievances which demanded the tax be repealed Called for a non-importation of British goods

25 Sons of Liberty Secret organization formed by Samuel Adams
Would tar and feather and harass tax collectors

26 Repeal Violence, boycott, & protests led to the repeal in 1766
Declaratory Act (1766) – declared Parliament had the right to tax the colonists

27 Townshend Act (1767) Tax placed on glass, white lead, paper, paint, silk, and tea Also increased custom (tax) collectors

28 Colonial Response 1. John Dickinson  * Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania.  MA Circular Letter * Written by Samuel Adams * Wanted colonies to pressure Parliament to repeal & boycott 3. Riots against customs agents: * 4000 British troops sent to Boston & legislature dissolved

29 The Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)
British troops in Boston are being harassed and fire into the crowd 11 civilians are killed Labeled a “massacre”

30 Repeal of Townshend Act
Act repealed in 1770 because of boycott & violence Only remaining tax was on tea

31 Committees of Correspondence
Formed by Samuel Adams Letters exchanged & published throughout the colonies Purpose  warn neighboring colonies about incidents with Br. & broaden the resistance movement.

32 Tea Act (1773) British East India Co. is going bankrupt
Colonists have refused to buy tea since Townshend Act Permitted to sell tea directly to cols. without col. middlemen (cheaper tea) Parliament expected the cols. to eagerly choose the cheaper tea.

33 Boston Tea Party (December 1773)
Sons of Liberty boarded ships and dumped tea into the harbor

34 The Coercive or Intolerable Acts (1774)
1. Port Bill – closed Boston harbor until reparations made 2. Government Act – King took direct control over MA 3. New Quartering Act – to provide for troops in MA

35 The Quebec Act (1774) Intended to give more freedom to Canadians
Colonists saw it as a threat

36 D. First Continental Congress

37 Philadelphia (1774) 55 delegates from 12 colonies
Agenda  How to respond to the Coercive Acts & the Quebec Act? Articles of Association – agreement to boycott & stop exporting goods


39 E. Lexington & Concord

40 The British Are Coming April 1775 General Gage ordered to arrest leaders of “rebellion” Wanted to gain control of gunpowder & weapons Paul Revere & William Dawes make a midnight ride to warn the Minutemen of marching British soldiers.

41 The Shot Heard ’Round the World!
Lexington & Concord – April 19,1775 73 British & 95 Americans killed Revolution has begun

42 F. Second Continental Congress

43 Philadelphia (May 1775) All 13 colonies present
Elect G. Washington head of the army Wrote Olive Branch Petition Shift towards independence: Hessians Burning of Am. Towns Br. promised freedom to slaves Olive Branch Petition

44 Thomas Paine: Common Sense

45 Declaration of Independence (1776)

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