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Published byReanna Mundy Modified over 10 years ago
2 Index Government Initiated Bills:Slides 4 – 17 Bills initiated by Committees: slide 19 Private Members’ Legislative Proposals : Slides 20 – 23 Other matters before Committees: slide 24 International Agreements: slide 25 Ad Hoc Committees: Slide 26 Other matters requiring approval by Parliament: Slides 27 – 29
3 Summary 25 - Bills before Committees: 10 met the deadline of the 29 February 2008. Two have been finalised by NA & before NCOP. Ten still before NA. 1- Bill initiated by Committee 11 - Legislative Proposals 2 - International Agreements 6 - Other matters before Portfolio Committees requiring approval by Parliament
4 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND TOURISM TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMIS SION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY ASSEMBLY National Environmental Management A/B [B 36-2007] (s76(1) 30/08/2007YesBriefed on 10 October 2007. Hearings held 6 November 2007. Briefed further 13 February 2008. Deliberated 18 March. Joint Meeting with PC on Minerals and Energy 13 May 2008. Deliberated 14 May 2008. Further deliberations and finalization 21 May 2008. Finalised 21 May 2008
5 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON DEFENCE: 3 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/ TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Defence Amendment Bill [B6-2008](National Assembly - sec 75) 06/03/2008YesBriefed 4 March 2008. Consideration of submissions 20 May 2008. Public hearings 28 May 2008. Deliberations 29 & 30 May 2008. 30 May 2008 Prohibition or Restriction of Certain Conventional Weapons Bill [B 7B-07 (s75)] 26/03/08YesConsidered proposed amendments from NCOP 6 May 2008. Deliberations and finalisation 20,21 May 2008- Meeting postponed to 27 May 2008 27 May 2008 Castle Management Act Repeal Bill [B9-2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 07/03/2008YesBriefed 4 March 2008. Joint briefing by the Departments of Defence and Arts and Culture 07 May 2008. Public hearings 14 May 2008. Deliberations 21 May 2008.- Further deliberations.
6 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: 2 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSI ON TAGGIN G CURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Taxation Laws Amendment Bill [B 14 – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 77) 19 March 2008YesCommittee finalised deliberations. Finalised 22 March 2008 22 May 2008 Taxation Laws Second Amendment Bill [B 1 3 – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 19 March 2008YesCommittee finalised deliberations. Finalised 22 March 2008 22 May 2008 Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill [B 18 – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 29 April 2008YesBriefed 6 May Public Hearings 07 May 2008. Deliberations 13,14 May 2008. Finalized 14 May 2008 22 May 2008 Financial Services Laws General Amendment Bill [B 21 – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 13 May 2008Yes Briefed 14 May 2008. Hearings 16 May. Deliberations and Finalisation 27, 28 May 2008. 28 May 2008
7 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Tobacco Products Amendment Bill [B7-2008] (National Assembly – sec 76) 07 /03/2008YesBriefed 11,18 March 2008. Public hearings 6,7 May. Further briefing by the Department 13 May 2008. Meeting of the 14 May 2008 was postponed. Deliberated 20 May 2008. Suspended deliberations for a week to deal with Budget Vote.
8 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Refugees Amendment Bill [B11-2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 26 /03/2008YesBriefed 11 March. Workshop 18 March. Public hearings 25,26 March. Deliberated 29 & 30 April 2008. Deliberated 21 May 2008. Further deliberations 27 May 2008 27 May 2008
9 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOUSING: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMI SSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Amendment Bill [B8-2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 07/03/2008YesBriefed 6 May 2008. The committee requested more time for consultation and advise on issues of concern with Bill.
10 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE & CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: 6 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Child Justice Bill [B49-2002] (s75) 15/06/2004YesPublic Hearings 5,6, 12 February 2008. Deliberations 11,12,14,19,26,27 March 2008 and 23, 24 April 2008. Committee to intends to finalise in mid June and vote on the Bill in last week of June Superior Courts Bill [B52-2003] (s75) 15 June 2006YesBriefed on 16 and 18 January 2006. The Bill no longer exist. Committee took a resolution in November 2007 for the Minister to withdraw the Bill.
11 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE & CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Jurisdiction of Regional Courts Amendment Bill [B 48 – 2007] (National Assembly – sec 75) 7 November 2007YesHearings 6 February 2008. Deliberated 13,22,27 February 2008; 04,05,11 March 2008. Deliberations and finalisation 15 May 2008. Finalised 15 May 2008 22 May 2008 Traditional Courts Bill [B 15-08] (National Assembly prop 76) 9 April 2008 Bill referred to National House of Traditional Leaders on 8 May 2008 Committee is introducing a Bill to extend the life of Traditional Courts to allow sufficient time for consideration of the Traditional Courts Bill. NoPublic Hearings 13,14 May 2008. Public Hearings 20 May 2008 Deliberated 20, 21 May 2008. Further deliberations 28 May 2008.
12 PORFOLIO COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE & CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Renaming of High Courts Bill [B5 – 2008](National Assembly s75) 4 March 2008YesPublic Hearings 20 May 2008. Deliberated 21 May 2008. Further deliberations 28 May 2008. Chairperson proposes that debate be scheduled for 3 or 4 June 2008. Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Bill [B10 – 2008](National Assembly – s76) 7 March 2008 Bill referred to NHTL on 8 April 2008 The 30 days lapsed on 8 May and the NHTL requested extension of time for another 30 days. Legal opinion sought on the matter. Notwithstanding this the committee is open to receive submission till 17 June 2008. YesPublic Hearings 17 June 2008. Aim to finalise to Bill mid August.
13 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON MINERALS AND ENERGY: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Minerals & Petroleum Resources Development A/B [B10B-2007] (s75) 20 September 2007YesReferred back to Committee for consideration. Further deliberations 13 May 2008 (Joint Meeting with PC Environmental Affairs and Tourism). Deliberations and finalisation 28 May 2008. 28 May 2008
14 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Expropriation Bill [B16-2008] (National Assembly s75) 15 April 2008YesBriefed 26 March 2008. Public Hearings in all Provinces 19,22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 May & 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 June 2008. Public Hearings in Parliament on 17,18 June 2008. Deliberations 23, 24, 25, 27 June 2008. 27 June 2008
15 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT: 1 BILL TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Local Government Laws Amendment Bill [B 28B-07 (s75)] 26 March 2008YesConsidered proposed amendments 6,13,20 May 2008. Further consideration 04 June 2008. 04 June 2008
16 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISSION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY South African National Space Agency Bill [B 20 – 2008] (National Assembly – sec 75) 5 May 2008YesBriefed 6 May 2008. Public Hearings 3&4 June 2008. Deliberations 10, 17 June 2008. 17 June 2008 Human Science Research Council Bill [B16B-07] (National Assembly – sec 75) 09 May 2008 Bill referred back to Committee to consider President’s reservations on Constitutionality. YesDeliberations 17 June 2008. 17 June 2008
17 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: 2 BILLS TITLE OF BILLDATE OF INTRO/ REVIVAL/TRANSMISS ION TAGGINGCURRENT STATUSAIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY THE ASSEMBLY Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Bill [B12-2008] (s76) 14 March 2008YesBriefed 6,7 May. Public hearings 13,14,16 May. Hearings with different stakeholders 20, 21 Deliberations 23,27,28 May & 3,4,6,10,11,13 June 2008. 13 June 2008 19 June 2008 (p)
18 DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSION OF LEGISLATION FOR INTRODUCTION IN 2008 29 February for bills to be passed by 27 June 2 June for bills to be passed by 24 November INTERNAL ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN NA & NCOP s75 Bills to be passed by 27 June must reach NCOP by 23 May s76 Bills to be passed by 27 June must reach NCOP by 9 May
19 BILLS TO BE INITIATED BY COMMITTEES NAME OF COMMITTEE BILLRESOLUTIONCURRENT STATUS FinanceFinancial Management of Parliament Bill (Financial Administration of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Bill). 18/06/2004Committee briefed by Parliament Law Advisers on 18 March 2008. Joint meeting with SC on Finance on 28 & 30 May 2008.
20 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRAL CURRENT STATUS Legislative Proposal to amend the Labour Relations Act (Mr C M Lowe) 16/08/2006Deliberations 30 May 2008. Aim to finalise 06 June2008. Legislative Proposal to amend the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act (No 20 of 1998) (Mrs S A Seaton) 01/10/2007Deliberations 20 & 21 May 2008. Aim to finalise 30 May 2008. Legislative proposal regarding Expunction of Criminal Records from Apartheid Laws (Mr J Selfe) 22/10/2007Deliberations 13 & 20 June 2008. Aim to finalise 20 June 2008
21 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRALCURRENT STATUS Legislative proposal to amend the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (Mr H J Bekker) 08/11/2007Deliberations 15, 22, June 2008. Aim to finalise 29 June 2008. Legislative proposal to amend the Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 (A Dreyer) 25/01/2008Deliberations 27 June & 1 August June 2008. Aim to finalise 8 August 2008. Legislative Proposal to amend the Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 (Mr WD Spies) 14/02/2008Deliberations 27 June 2008 & 01 August 2008. Aim to finish 8 August 2008 Legislative Proposal to repeal the Saint Andrew’s College, Grahamstown,(Private ) Act, No 15 of 1932 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Deliberations 5, 12, 19 September 2008. Aim to finalise 19 September 2008.
22 PROPOSALS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TITLEDATE OF REFERRAL CURRENT STATUS Legislative Proposal to repeal the Saint Andrew’s College, Grahamstown,(Private) Amendment Act, No 82 of 1985 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Deliberations 5, 12, 19 September 2008. Aim to finalise 19 September 2008. Legislative Proposal to repeal Diocesan College, Rondebosch, (Private) Act, No 7 of 1942 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Deliberations 5, 12, 19 September 2008. Aim to finalise 19 September 2008. Legislative Proposal to repeal the Natal Ecclesiastical Properties and Trust Amendment (Private ) Act, No 60 of 1975 (Mr PA Gerber) 14/02/2008Deliberations 5, 12, 19 September 2008. Aim to finalise 19 September 2008. Legislative Proposal to amend the Competition Act, No 89 of 1998 (Mrs P de Lille) 06/05/2008Committee to schedule meetings
23 LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS (MEMBER GIVEN PERMISSION TO PROCEED) TITLEDATE ON WHICH PERMISSION WAS GIVEN CURRENT STATUS Legislative proposal to repeal the Methodist Church of South Africa Act, No 111 of 1978 (Mr PA Gerber) 28/02/2008Member to prepare draft Bill. Legislative proposal to repeal the Bible Society of South Africa Act, No 15 of 1970 (Mr PA Gerber) 28/02/2008Member to prepare draft Bill. Legislative proposal to repeal the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Act, No 24 of 1961 (Mr PA Gerber) 28/02/2008Member to prepare draft Bill. Proposal to repeal the Dutch Reformed Church Union Act, No 23 of 1911 (Mr PA Gerber) 28/02/2008Member to prepare draft Bill. Legislative proposal to repeal the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Amendment Act, No 4 of 1970 (Mr PA Gerber) 28/02/2008Member to prepare draft Bill.
24 MATTERS BEFORE CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMITTEE TITLECURRENT STATUS Document dealing with provisions of interim Constitution that are still in operation referred by Joint Rules Committee. Met on 10 June 2005. Document forwarded to Dept of Justice for comment. Department’s report submitted by Minister to Cabinet. Task Team consisting of affected Departments to be established. Task Team would prepare the necessary amending legislation. Adverts were published inviting submissions from the public on annual review of the Constitution. 2007 submissions on review of the Constitution have not been considered by the Committee. The House Chairperson on Committee will follow up on this.
25 SECTION 231 (2) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS BEFORE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TITLE OF AGREEMENT NAME OF COMMITTEES TABLEDREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATIO N BY ASSEMBLY Additional Protocol on the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of South Africa and the European Community and it’s Member States PC on Trade and Industry 25 March 2008 30 April 2008 Deliberated and finalised 14 May 2008. Finalized 14 May 2008 27 May 2008 Agreement establishing the Africa Institute for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous and Other Wastes Environmental Affairs and Tourism 22 November 2007 5 March 2008 To consider on 27 May and 3 June 2008. 3 June 2008
26 AD HOC COMMITTEE TITLEDATE ESTABLISHEDSTATUS Ad Hoc Committee on Matters Relating to the Ex- Mineworkers Union Deadline: Extended to 31 March 2008 20 September 2007Elected Chairperson on 23 October 2007. Briefed 2 November 2007. Deliberated 7, 13, 14 November 2007. Further deliberations 15,29 February and 10,18 March 2008. Finalised 25 March 2008. The Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee has been advised of the procedural concerns and the he is considering the advise of the House Chairperson.
27 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT: 6 MATTERS NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Justice and Constitutional Development Report in terms of Section 13(4A)(b) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993): Withholding of remuneration of Magistrate M K Chauke, an additional Magistrate at Pretoria. Tabled 25 January 2008 28 February 2008 Considered 18 March 2008 Committee to schedule further meetings Report on the suspension of a magistrate: Mr S P Zwelibanzi, an additional magistrate at Ngqamakwe in terms of section 13(4)(a)(i) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993) 7 April 2008Considered 18 March 2008 Committee to schedule further meetings Report on the confirmation of provisional suspension of a magistrate: Mr X R I Masimini, an additional magistrate at Queenstown in terms of section 13(4)(a) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993). Tabled 24 April 2008 Not yet referred
28 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERREDCURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) Report on the provisional suspension of a magistrate: Ms A Bacharam, an additional magistrate at Scottburgh in terms of section 13(3)(a) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993). Tabled 24 April 2008 Not yet referred Justice and Constitutional Development Draft Rules made in terms of section 7(3) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No 3 of 2000) 19 October 2007Deliberated 27 February 2008. To schedule further meetings.
29 OTHER MATTERS BEFORE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES REQUIRING APPROVAL BY PARLIAMENT NAME OF COMMITTEE TITLE OF PAPERREFERRE D CURRENT STATUS AIM TO FINISH CONSIDERATION BY HOUSE (NA) CommunicationsRequest to the National Assembly, dated 20 February 2008, from the Minister of Communications to submit a shortlist of candidates for appointment to the Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa). 2 April 2008 Closing date for nominations was 25 April. Short listed 20 May 2008. Interviews 3 June 2008.
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