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School Speaker Training Youth Officer: Bart Storan 0876840651.

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Presentation on theme: "School Speaker Training Youth Officer: Bart Storan 0876840651."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Speaker Training Youth Officer: Bart Storan 0876840651

2 School Speakers

3 The School Speaker Programme PRIMARY AIM  To establish and support school groups that will be active in Amnesty International’s campaigns SECONDARY AIM  To bring information about human rights to a broader group of people

4 Initial request for a speaker  Teacher fills in request form School Talk  See page 7 for sample talk  Ensure that an action is taken as part of the talk Immediate follow up communication  School Speakers responsibility  Email teacher School group meeting  Set the date at the initial talk  Take another action Ongoing support  Follow up to make sure that the group are receiving info etc.

5 The Talk – Part 1

6 About Human Rights

7 About Amnesty International


9 The talk – part 2

10 Engaging young people

11 Types of Learners

12 The nature of the school system

13 Size of the group

14 Gender

15 Age

16 Active school groups

17 Sexual and Reproductive Rights Ensure the provision of full information on sexual and reproductive health to women and men. Provide legal, safe and accessible abortion in cases of rape, sexual assault, incest and risk to a woman's life, or grave risk to her health. Repeal laws that permit the imprisonment or imposition of other criminal sanctions on women who have had or sought to have an abortion and repeal laws that seek to criminalize medical practitioners who provide information or abortion services and operate within reasonable medical limitations. Provide access to quality medical services for the management of complications arising from abortion.

18 Child Protection

19 Questions?

20 Evaluation  Bored?!

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