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Loyalist someone loyal to the King of England (God Save the King) God save the no-ble King Loy-alists are true-- to him No matter what They’ll fol-low.

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Presentation on theme: "Loyalist someone loyal to the King of England (God Save the King) God save the no-ble King Loy-alists are true-- to him No matter what They’ll fol-low."— Presentation transcript:



3 Loyalist someone loyal to the King of England (God Save the King) God save the no-ble King Loy-alists are true-- to him No matter what They’ll fol-low e-very rule They love his crown and jewel They ne-ver think him cruel Loyalists obey

4 Patriot Opposed to British rule Willing to fight to defend and protect his own country (This is a chant) Patriots Opposed to British rule Sam Adams Pat-rick Hen-ry Paul Re-vere Thom-as Jeff-er-son Patriots Love for their country is their tool Doc Warren Ben Franklin Mercy Otis George Wash-ing-ton Patriots

5 Militia Volunteer army without organized training or battle experience (God Bless America) Join the mil-i-tia Our vol-un-teer ar-my To pro-tect us And de-fend us From the King And his royal tyr-anny

6 Tariff A tax placed on imported goods (I’m a little teapot) I’m a little tariff A tax, you see You’ll pay extra money Because of me I only charge for imports Com-ing in You’ll pay the tariff Again and again

7 Boycott To refuse to buy a good or use a service Used to force change (Oh My Darlin’ Clementine) It’s a boycott If we refu--se to buy their goods If we boycott They will listen Because no-body Buys their goods

8 Repeal To cancel, to stop (Pop Goes the Weasel) The Stamp Act was a tax on paper The col-onists protested The King –he didn’t know what to do Oh! He repealed it. Repeal is when you cancel a law It’s like you can undo it The law is taken off the books Oh! He repealed it.

9 Parliament England’s law- making body (Oh Suzanna) Oh, Parliament-a Won’t you make a law for me I live down in Alabama With no representateee Oh, Parliament-a You sit in England far away You may write laws for the Colonists But we re-bel today

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