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LEGISLATIVE UPDATE April 17, 2013. Enacted Legislation SL 2013-5 (S 4): No Medicaid Expansion or NC HBE NC will not implement Medicaid expansion under.

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2 Enacted Legislation SL 2013-5 (S 4): No Medicaid Expansion or NC HBE NC will not implement Medicaid expansion under the ACA No state involvement with implementation of health benefit exchange DHHS to ensure that NC FAST may be used to provide Medicaid eligibility determinations SL 2013-23 (S 20): Good Samaritan/Naloxone Immunity for HCPs who prescribe and individuals who administer opioid antagonist to person experiencing/at risk of overdose Immunity from prosecution for some drug offenses and for underage alcohol offenses, if evidence discovered as result of seeking emergency medical care

3 Bills & Process Bill filing deadlines have passed for most bills – 724 Senate Bills – 942 House Bills Cross-over deadline: Thursday, May 16

4 PH Organization/Governance Study unified public health system S 347 Establish state public health authority S 417

5 Obesity No local regulation of soft drink portion sizes; no food industry liability for obesity or weight gain. H 683

6 Minors S 675/H 693: Repeal minor’s consent, require notarized parental consent for sexual health and mental health services Minors’ consent H 149: Caylee’s law – includes making failure to report child abuse/neglect a misdemeanor Reporting abuse and neglect H 18: Youth tanning ban* Skin cancer prevention

7 Immunizations & Communicable Disease S 500/H 832: Pharmacists’ immunizing authority S 486: Pertussis education & awareness Immunizations H 481: Reduce needlestick injuries H 850: Limited immunity for telling LEO about needle possesion H 933: Informed consent for HIV testing Communicable disease

8 Environmental Health S 254: Funds to restore private well program (appropriations) H 396: Private well water education (crossed over) Wells S 482: Certified food protection managers H 792: Allow human consumption of raw milk Other

9 School Health S 132: Preterm birth in health curriculum H 694: Written parental permission for reproductive health education H 758: Education and screening for eating disorders School health education S 665: Exertional heat Illness in student athletes S 700/H 824: Epi-pens in schools H 803: Healthy schools (nutrition, PE, environment, wellness) Other

10 Smoking/Tobacco S 23: Tobacco-free community colleges H 805: Ban smoking in foster care settings for infants S 530/H 864: No e-cigarette sales to minors New statewide regulation SB 703: Limit local regulation of outdoor smoking Local regulation preemption

11 Others Controlled Substances Reporting System S 206, S 222, S 286, H 173 Diabetes care coordination S 336, H 571 Ag Right of Entry/Bedding Program S 388 (has crossed over) Eugenics compensation H 7, S 464 Methamphetamine/Other manufactured drugs of abuse S 657, S 724/H 685, H 813 Release of medical records H 798 Miscellaneous 130A changes H 398 Regulatory Reform S 612, H 74, H 165

12 Where to get bills & information NC General Assembly website: SOG Legislative Reporting Service*: * Subscription required (free for NC state/local government employees).

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