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Sight Words-9 by Hatice Oncel vilify To speak evil of; to make abusive statements about. Most students praise him, but a few vilify him.-verb.

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Presentation on theme: "Sight Words-9 by Hatice Oncel vilify To speak evil of; to make abusive statements about. Most students praise him, but a few vilify him.-verb."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sight Words-9 by Hatice Oncel

3 vilify To speak evil of; to make abusive statements about. Most students praise him, but a few vilify him.-verb

4 untenable Unable to be defended; insupportable If three people in four no longer support the government, isn't this an untenable situation

5 clamor A loud outcry; hubbub; loud noise.verb-noun The children were all clamouring for attention. the clamour of the city

6 uniform Unvarying; all or always the same. Noun-adj As in so many offices that you see, the walls and furniture are a uniform grey

7 contract To become smaller; become compressed In spoken English, 'do not' often contracts to 'don't'. As it cooled, the metal contracted.

8 duplicity Deceit- noun They were accused of duplicity in their dealings with both sides.

9 equivocal Vague; open to more than one interpretation and often intended to mislead-adj His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them

10 irresolute Unable to decide; undecided-adj an irresolute reply

11 rescind To cancel; take back; to repeal -verb The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.

12 stagnant Motionless; not fresh-adj Stagnant pond; a stagnant economy

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