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The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students Stephen Hughes Lawand Qadir.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students Stephen Hughes Lawand Qadir."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students Stephen Hughes Lawand Qadir

2 Background...  2011 collaboration: Iraqi MoH + HWB to support redevelopment of health services infrastructure in Iraq  CPD nursing and radiotherapy - 5.0 IELTS (not PG Dip / UG / PG)  4.0 IELTS - Develop English language skills + spoken + written communication in the healthcare specialty  C1 2012 + C2 2013 + C3 July 2013 The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

3 Concerns... UG/PG - 6.0+ / Appropriate EL skills / previous Acad. culture: transferable academic skills? especially non 5 / 10 week PS Evidence... (1) SELTs: preparation for UKHE demands? WBS: " Their English ability is just not sufficient. I find it very difficult to understand their arguments when marking their assignments" (Yen and Kuzma, 2009, p2 ) QAA: "A review of the efficacy and appropriateness of established schemes for testing the English language skills of international students in determining English language competence and support needs before acceptance on to higher education programmes and while studying in the UK" (Quality Assurance Agency, 2009, p3). The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

4 Evidence... SHU staff: "for the MA I lead... I think the entrance level of 6.5 is too low for what is a purely theoretical course" (Hughes, 2010). "... I wonder if our notion of 6 is really worth it, and whether we shouldn't actually be asking for 7 or more for a Masters course" (Hughes, 2010). "It's incredibly difficult within the three months, four months that we give them, for them to write a Masters level dissertation, and yet we expect it" (Hughes, 2010). (2) Retention of Academic standards SHU: " wants everyone to value the quality and standards of its awards" (Sheffield Hallam University, 2008, p1). Professor Alderman (former head of quality assurance at Middlesex University): "lamented standards of English literacy at universities, particularly among international students.... lecturers were under pressure to "mark positively" to compensate" (Gill, 2008). The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

5  Culture shock:  climate / food  / language / dress  social roles /  rules of behaviour  health emotional concentration The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

6 The CA role... Academic support:  support throughout the academic course: pre-arrival / induction (translation) / speaking support classes / facilitating engagement in CPD sessions - explaining + clarifying ideas / administration: room bookings, preparing hand-outs / liaison with LIS + SSO Pastoral support:  extra-curricula support (student experience) - social bonding: football / trips / cultural awareness  other support - point of contact for problems / issues: accommodation / health appointments The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

7 C1/C2 End of course student feedback... Academic support: "they explained many grammar problems by comparing it with Arabic grammar which is so helpful" "they explain mysterious things in our lessons" Pastoral support: "friendly, polite, and cooperative" "the classroom assistants are very important for me... which the meat is halal... they are very beneficial during the discussion in side of classroom" "we feel there is some one from our nationality with us... we feel with them like we are with our family" The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

8 Staff comments... Academic support: "Invaluable for Interpreting Core knowledge (both aspects; from lecturer to group, and from the group to lecturer)" "They ensure that students understand the expectations of the role of a student; their appreciation of the course structure and assessment process" Pastoral support: "They also are central to the individual support of students assisting with cultural adjustment and dealing with issues that may disrupt the student from engaging with the course" The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

9 Potentially vulnerable students supported by SHU to and keep running... The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

10  References  GILL, John. (2008). Standards lowered for rankings, says Alderman [online]. Last accessed 21 September 2009 at  HUGHES, Stephen (2010) An Investigation into Plagiarism and International Non-Native Speakers of English at one Post 1992 University in the UK. MA TESOL, Sheffield Hallam University.  QAA (2009). Thematic enquiries into concerns about academic quality and standards in higher education in England Final report - April 2009. [online]. Last accessed 7 October at:  SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY (2008). Assessment Regulations and Procedures Handbook 2008/09: Cheating Regulations for Undergraduate and taught Postgraduate Courses. Internal policy document.  YEN, Dorothy and KUZMA, Joanne (2009) Higher IELTS Score, Higher Academic Performance? The Validity of IELTS in Predicting the Academic Performance of Chinese Students. Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching (3). pp. 1-7. The role of Classroom Assistants in supporting overseas students

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