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Education New Zealand. What we will cover How Education New Zealand was formed What guides us The start of our purpose and strategy development.

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Presentation on theme: "Education New Zealand. What we will cover How Education New Zealand was formed What guides us The start of our purpose and strategy development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education New Zealand

2 What we will cover How Education New Zealand was formed What guides us The start of our purpose and strategy development

3 Overview of Export Education Industry Key contributor to NZ economy 5th largest export industry to NZ Contributes NZ$2.3bn annually to NZ economy Every sector benefits - Primary school to Higher Education International students contribute to social, economic and cultural growth of NZ NZ education system is highly regarded in many countries NZ qualifications are recognised by 50 countries through the Lisbon convention

4 How Education New Zealand was formed

5 Education New Zealand Trust Ministry of Education liaison/offshore education diplomacy On 1 September 2011 we combined… NZTE education-related work offshore

6 Education New Zealand A Crown Agent, operating under the Crown Entities Act (2004) A Board and Board Chair accountable to the Minister responsible for International Education Staff based in Wellington and overseas To support growth in the value of international education.

7 Marketing We are integrating our activities Diplomacy Research Internationalising New Zealand Education

8 We have a Board and advisors to the Board Education New Zealand Board Stakeholder Advisory Group Secretary for Education CE of Department of Labour Board Chair: Charles Finny Board Members: Jenny Alford, Dr Neil Barns, Jill Tattersall, Elizabeth Valintine

9 We have staff in Wellington and offshore Wellington National Office Education New Zealand National Office Wellington 12 locations offshore Belgium Brazil Chile China Germany India Malaysia Saudi Arabia South Korea Taiwan Thailand Vietnam

10 What’s happened so far ENZ created 1 Sep 2011 Minister launches Leadership Statement Sep 2011 Interim CE and general set-up of the new ENZ Sep 2011 to Feb 2012 Board, advisors to the Board and permanent CE appointed Feb 2012 Develop purpose and plans Mar to Jul 2012

11 We are developing how we operate to… be clear where we add value leverage being a Crown Agency link with agencies, industry, NZ Inc partners, international markets, education agents and governments offshore.

12 What guides us

13 The Four Priorities of Government Responsibly manage the Government’s finances Continue building a more competitive and productive economy Deliver better public services to New Zealanders within tight financial constraints Rebuild Christchurch, our second-largest city.

14 The Government’s International Education Leadership Statement To double the economic value of international education to $5 billion over the next 15 years

15 Minister’s announcement 2011 We are a small country operating in a very large international market. We need to have all our limited resources grouped together and focussed on supporting our educational institutions in their quest to build relationships and increase international student numbers. The government is excited by the possibilities stemming from growth in this area - that's why continued and sustainable growth of the sector is an important part of our economic growth strategy. Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Steven Joyce

16 1 1 2 2 3 3 New Zealand’s education services delivered in New Zealand are highly sought after by international students New Zealand’s education services in other countries are highly sought after by students, education providers, businesses and Governments overseas New Zealand makes the best possible use of its international education expertise to build skills in our workforce, to grow research capability and to foster wider economic connections between New Zealand and overseas firms The Three Goals

17 The Objectives Develop and sustain mutually beneficial education relationships with key partner countries as a leading part of NZ Inc strategies in Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas Increase annual revenues from providing education services offshore to at least $0.5 billion Increase the number of international students enrolled in New Zealand providers offshore from 3,000 to 10,000

18 Double the number of international postgraduate students (particularly in programmes in addition to those at PhD level) from 10,000 to 20,000 Increase the transition rate from study to residence for international university students Increase New Zealanders’ skills and knowledge to operate effectively across cultures. The Objectives

19 Our legislative functions Deliver strategies, programmes, and activities for promoting, together with providers and other government agencies, New Zealand education overseas Promote New Zealand as an educational destination for international students Promote the provision of New Zealand education and training services overseas Manage, in collaboration with other government agencies, activities undertaken by representatives appointed to act on behalf of the New Zealand Government in relation to international education Carry out research on international education markets and marketing strategies

20 Our legislative functions Administer any international programmes or activities that are consistent with the Government's policy on international education Provide information, advice, and assistance, to providers on strategies to promote industry co-ordination and professional development Provide information to international students about living and studying in New Zealand Work with other agencies to ensure that international students are adequately supported while living and studying in New Zealand Foster collaborative networks with former international students..

21 The start of our purpose and strategy development

22 We are developing our purpose Taking New Zealand education experiences to the world for enduring economic, social and cultural benefits

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