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Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Flies in South and Southeast Asian Countries Expectations of the TaiwanICDF: Ongoing and Future Support from.

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Presentation on theme: "Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Flies in South and Southeast Asian Countries Expectations of the TaiwanICDF: Ongoing and Future Support from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Flies in South and Southeast Asian Countries Expectations of the TaiwanICDF: Ongoing and Future Support from the Project Sponsor Dr. Lee Pai-po, Deputy Secretary General

2 Overview (1)Introduction to the TaiwanICDF (2)Our Expectations for the Project (3)Future Support and Expectations

3 Introduction to the TaiwanICDF The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) is the dedicated international development organization representing the government of Taiwan Established in 1996 Core operations… Technical cooperation Humanitarian assistance Lending and investment International education and training Agricultural development is a very high priority

4 Agricultural Development and the TaiwanICDF Technical missions and overseas projects Food security Agricultural information systems and GIS/ RS technologies Production and marketing for agricultural enterprises and agribusiness Accessing export markets, including sanitary and phytosanitary measures Higher education scholarships Tropical agriculture Agricultural policy development and management Small Farmholders’ Financing Schemes Two-tier system: microcredit in combination with agricultural training International workshops and seminars

5 Our Expectations for the Project Above: Distribution and range of Bactrocera dorsalis Source: Creative Commons/ Remih (1)Problem

6 Our Expectations for the Project “Assist smallholder farmers in Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam to manage the fruit fly effectively, profitably and in an environmentally friendly manner.” Left: Bactrocera dorsalis Source: USDA/ Scott Bauer (2)Objective

7 Our Expectations for the Project (3)Expectations Increase GIS mapping of fruit fly distribution throughout the Mekong region Develop effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies Train seed trainers to disseminate knowledge of IPM Establish and develop farmers’ field schools (FFS) to disseminate knowledge of IPM Support academic research and utilize this research “in the field” Support regional workshops and consolidate region-wide channels for communication Right: Bactrocera cucurbitae Source: USDA/ Scott Bauer

8 Our Expectations for the Project Left: Asian Highway Network Right: Trans-Asian Railway Source: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Transport Division (4)Regional Integration Firstly … As the region becomes physically better integrated, we should ensure that other sectors also develop and integrate, regionally. Nowadays, agriculture needs to think “ regionally, ” too. Secondly … Regional integration offers many opportunities, but also a few challenges. And, some compelling reasons to increase our vigilance.

9 Future Support and Expectations In agriculture, one of the keys to long-term success is… …turning out produce that is of consistently high quality. Fruit fly management is part of a wider range of sanitary and phytosanitary measures that must be addressed in order to exploit the widest possible markets. Local  national  regional  international/ export markets


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