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International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) − Ideas for the Next Phase − Win Aung Chair, NSF/ENG IREE Working Group Division of Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) − Ideas for the Next Phase − Win Aung Chair, NSF/ENG IREE Working Group Division of Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) − Ideas for the Next Phase − Win Aung Chair, NSF/ENG IREE Working Group Division of Engineering Education and Centers National Science Foundation Arlington, VA NSF Engineering Awardees Conference Reston, Virginia January 31 – February 2, 2010

2 Directorate for Engineering2 IREE Objectives  Enhance international perspective for U.S. early-career faculty and students  Leverage international partnerships to enhance education and research innovations in U.S.

3 Directorate for Engineering3 Future Needs  Monitor students activities while overseas;  Incorporate special effort to encourage participation by women and underrepresented minorities; and  Engage students in research after their return from their foreign assignments.

4 Directorate for Engineering4 Pre-Trip Orientation Program  On-campus pre-trip orientation program that will: 1. Use a curriculum with emphasis on culture; history and languages; 3. Introduce research and education systems, technology innovation emphases, etc., in the destination country; 4. Acquaint students with life in the destination countries; and 5. Enhance students’ familiarity with the hosts and their laboratory facilities.

5 Directorate for Engineering5 Monitoring of Future IREE  Research Accomplishments Program of research carried out during international research experience How the work on-site is related to the work of the current NSF award General interaction between researcher and host laboratory Research accomplishments during the trip Relevant schedule, if applicable Graphical highlights

6 Directorate for Engineering6 Future IREE  National program of recruitment of students through selected partner universities  On-campus program coupled with a research abroad experience to prepare cohorts of students for assignment abroad  Use of curriculum that includes focus on culture, history and languages, research and education systems, and technology innovation emphases, as may be applicable  Concern with ethics in engineering, women and underrepresented minorities, students from academic institutions where research programs are limited

7 Directorate for Engineering7 Partner Universities  Recruit students  Design high quality pre-trip on-site program  Conduct pre-trip on-site program for students  Monitor student progress and carry out supervisory visit to foreign laboratory  Obtain written progress reports from students  Supervise progress of students and monitor them for the duration of their stay abroad  Schedule debriefing seminar by students  Coordinate preparation of final trip reports by students and submit to NSF  Submit annual and final reports to NSF

8 Directorate for Engineering8 U.S. Program  PI with experience in international cooperation who has ongoing engagement with foreign counterparts in related research areas  PI with high quality program in research and education with international cooperation as an integral component  Well-thought out plan to recruit students  Inclusion of women and underrepresented minorities  Inclusion of mentorship and training to prepare students for assignment abroad  Judiciously pre-designed program of trans-national activities with participation by multiple institutions

9 Directorate for Engineering9

10 10 Foreign Program  Featuring laboratory with high quality ongoing research and education activities  Has Strong support from foreign PI(s) and his/her university administration  Is part of an agreed upon, judiciously pre- designed program of ongoing collaboration  Research activities complements the U.S. program

11 Directorate for Engineering11 Pre-Trip Program  Why globalize engineering education; the Global Engineer  Research abroad in the context of globalization of engineering education  Research abroad vs. study abroad: recent trends  Best practices from the NSF IREE pilot program  Orientation on culture, history, language of destination country or region  Work ethics and professional practices with respect to cultural practices  Health, medical care and emergency, safety and insurance; how to guard against crime  Logistics during travel in destination country and region  Housing, foreign laws you should know about; keeping in touch with home institution and family  Opportunities for exploration, cultural and personal enrichment in and around the foreign institution  Networking and social activities

12 Directorate for Engineering12 Phase II IREE: IREE - 2010  Follows on: Phase I IREE: IREE-2006 and IREE-2007 IREE conferences of 2007 and 2008 2008 National Summit Meeting on the Globalization of Engineering Education 2008 Evaluation Study of IREE by STPI  Seeks to test some ideas and potential approaches that will be useful for a Phase III IREE program at NSF

13 Directorate for Engineering13 IREE - 2010  Involves: Recruitment, placement and orientation for about 50 students for an engineering research experience in Shanghai region of China Three types of orientations:  U.S.-based  China-based  cyber-based Pre- and post-surveys to assess the economic and professional impact of each

14 Directorate for Engineering14 IREE - 2010  Also involves research experience in the Shanghai region under three placement models: IREE grantees placement facilitated by Purdue U. IREE grantees who conduct research at a group location; and Other NSF (non-IREE) grantees whose international placement is facilitated by Purdue U.  Upon grantees’ return, Purdue will host a re-entry conference for participants to gain feedback about their international experience.

15 Directorate for Engineering15 IREE - 2010  Seeks to answer the questions: Are face-to-face orientations better than online orientations? If so, are face-to-face orientations most effective when offered in the U.S. or in the host country? How can NSF strike a balance between affordably increasing the scale of its international education/research programs while retaining the quality of each grantee’s research/education experience?

16 Directorate for Engineering16

17 Directorate for Engineering17 IREE - 2010  Orientation: Purdue US-based: May 10-21, 2010 Shanghai China-based: May 10-21, 2010 On-line Orientation will occur during March-May 2010.  Research placement: May 24 - Aug 7 (20 students from Purdue Orientation) May 31 - Aug 14 (20 students from Shanghai Orientation) Window of May 10 - Aug 14 (10 students from On-line Orientation)

18 Directorate for Engineering18 Please Send Comments to: Win Aung 703-292-5341 Thank You!

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